1) i think TT with TT both options are fine. when he calls in the SB there, there are not that many draws he can have so that favours betting. on the other side his range is indeed really tight, but i prefer bet/fold there.
2) yeah i think because he makes it that small we should probably float this too, suited i float there always but against this sizing probably even offsuited should be a float.
JQcc defen BTN 3bet, why dont you barrel turn ?
i think if BTN check 268ss flop, his range is very cap
we can barrel very much hand at turn + river.
our range at here i think we has much Axs, suit connector, or any one pair.
if we bet turn , is it good here?
In addition to answer this, should't the original raiser be checking back some overpairs here? i think its quite complicated to use his AK/AQ highs to bluff here and he may use them as bluffcatchers instead, mixing checking backs with overpairs at least some percentage of the time. What do you think? By the way even if he checks only high cards, considering how frequently you will call pre flop, they are still decent bluffcatchers on this board.
yes that is true, but the player seemed really tight from 3betting thats why i didnt do it this time. and he is a weaker player that means he might just call us down with Ax and in general wider+ he might have other hands checked back where we think he would bet them on the flop.
minute 27 with Kj on KK9hh, you say you dont like his shove with KQ because its rare for him to get called by worse. I'd say its a standard shove as we gain tons from denying equity. Having this turn check through and a heart river appearing would be disastrous, although some flush draws from IP's will shove.
so if you shove KQ there, that means when u check you never have a hand basically. i think thats a little unbalanced from the turn on and when u have JJ/QQ/AA there might be hard to play. i ofc see the benefits of just shoving in but not sure if thats the best play for our range there.
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1) 07:05, TT, dont you think check back is better here 3 way? Mainly because SB flatting range is quite narrow here and hit this board very hard.
2) 12:50, KQo, may be we should call this flop vs such a small 1/3 pot cbet?
1) i think TT with TT both options are fine. when he calls in the SB there, there are not that many draws he can have so that favours betting. on the other side his range is indeed really tight, but i prefer bet/fold there.
2) yeah i think because he makes it that small we should probably float this too, suited i float there always but against this sizing probably even offsuited should be a float.
JQcc defen BTN 3bet, why dont you barrel turn ?
i think if BTN check 268ss flop, his range is very cap
we can barrel very much hand at turn + river.
our range at here i think we has much Axs, suit connector, or any one pair.
if we bet turn , is it good here?
In addition to answer this, should't the original raiser be checking back some overpairs here? i think its quite complicated to use his AK/AQ highs to bluff here and he may use them as bluffcatchers instead, mixing checking backs with overpairs at least some percentage of the time. What do you think? By the way even if he checks only high cards, considering how frequently you will call pre flop, they are still decent bluffcatchers on this board.
yes that is true, but the player seemed really tight from 3betting thats why i didnt do it this time. and he is a weaker player that means he might just call us down with Ax and in general wider+ he might have other hands checked back where we think he would bet them on the flop.
i dont think he 3bettor should checkback OPs here, i would bet this flop with a high frequency actually
minute 27 with Kj on KK9hh, you say you dont like his shove with KQ because its rare for him to get called by worse. I'd say its a standard shove as we gain tons from denying equity. Having this turn check through and a heart river appearing would be disastrous, although some flush draws from IP's will shove.
so if you shove KQ there, that means when u check you never have a hand basically. i think thats a little unbalanced from the turn on and when u have JJ/QQ/AA there might be hard to play. i ofc see the benefits of just shoving in but not sure if thats the best play for our range there.
how often are you mixing a check here on the turn with KJ? Interesting to see what percentage solvers would have KJ checking
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