Hey Mark. Have you explained your hud in any of the videos? Could you please tell me what the stats mean in the line where you have cf first? I don't get what the Fi bi bo etc mean. Thanks
cf = check fold as the IR. Fi = checked back as the PFR and then folded vs a bet ott. Bi= bet when IR checked. Bo: bet turn when IR checked back the flop in position.
On average i open around 55% sb vs the bb, I dont expect a lot of bb's to 3bet weaker Ax just because they can profitable defend them with a call. For that reason i prefer flatting A2-A5s in stead of A9-A6s. This bb did fold enough to make my 4bet around 0ev just for the fold equity alone, so i am fine with my 4bet.
Flatting is an ok option aswell vs opponents that 3bet wide enough.
28:40 Table 1: AJo, you call a 4b. And then want to fold on A64tt and then a blank turn (in the situation a J comes, but you talk about it in general.
You shove AK pre (and maybe AQs?), that leaves us with AQ and AJ as top of our range, as we dont 3b small pockets. I cant see why we can ever fold on a shove ott with AJ. Then we are almost folding our entire range? Theory wise I think we have to call all Ax.
EluSiVeMark10 years, 7 months agoIf we fold AJ and ATS,call AQ and our occasional AA then we probably still fold too often. But i think our opponents range probably doesnt have a lot of bluffs in his range.
His 4bet bluffing range probably contains a lot of Ax and those arent shoving unless they have 2 pair. So i think folding AJ here isnt a mistake in practise.
I agree with you that theory wise i am making a mistake folding AJo. In practise i haven't seen enough bluffs in spots like this at 500zoom to make this a fistpump call.
I think my range looks something like AA(half of my preflop combos) JJ-22 9Ts+ and all Ax suited, AQ+ We probably fold 77-99, our weaker suited connectors and some suited broadways. Which leaves us with 22-66 TT,JJ,AA, all the AQ and AK, and the suited aces to continue.
I am on holidays now so i dont have the time/ tools to look at the precise combos but i do not think we are overfolding when we fold QJs here. And if we do, its very close.
Memo99910 years, 7 months agoWith that range, I think its very close, but if we fold 77-99, I think we have to call the broadways with bd fl draws instead.
Thanks for all the answers, I dont agree with them, but I enjoy your videos and you got some really good points in the video.
I like that you ask me some critical questions. It definitely makes me question my own ranges/ plays and thus improve my overall game. And it creates a interesting discussion.
Table 1 9min. You 3bet JJ BBvsCO planning on folding to a 4bet due to his low 4bet stat. Do you use the 4bet range or 4bet percentage stat in that spot and could you go into a little more detail on how you use them to make a decision. As in what range of stats do you consider very tight where you can fold JJ and against what range of stats would you get it in or call a 4bet with JJ.
EluSiVeMark10 years, 7 months agoI use 4bet precentage. For example: CO opens 30% of hands and when he is faced a 3bet he 4bets 10% of the time.
This means he is 3betting a range of: 30%*10%= 3%.
This all depends on position ofcourse.
When shoving JJ we rely a lot on fold equity and when certain players hardly have a bluffing range we are losing money jamming JJ.
I think everything below 10% is quite low, between 11-14% around average and above 14-15 is quite aggro.
On 42.42 A5s co-btn vs 3bet, Just wondering what you think about 4betting it ? I would think its a good candidate for it, or am i missing something ? Cant really see how much this guy 3bets tho.
The later would imply that she is in fact a shemale, and her brother is using her account. But you think she might be a shemale because the account user is aggressive.
So, that leaves two options:
1. She's a beautiful Russian chick, (never seen a passive Russian player) 2. You are a shemale
On drawheavy boards ott where both me and my opponent have lots of draws and medium strength hands i like to overbet hands that are strong enough to use this sizing for value and decent draws which have at least 8 outs. The overbet is because we have more semibluffs than on a dry board and gives us both more value and foldequity with our value and semibluffs.
one question, table 2 min. 42.00 w Kc5c.. On the river obv you decide to check back, but if the river was a Q/J or other cards (non clubs/K), what is your plan? Do you think bluff its an option here?
EluSiVeMark10 years, 7 months agoVillains plays his hand like he has AK/AQ fairly often. Depending on the rivercard i would choose a sizing which i think will make him fold those hands.
I think betting any river is good with the exception of the A, the K(might be a check back), the Q and boardpairs.
+1 for the comment about brazil, you are welcome also
21:15 AhK you said that does not like much x/c on Q85hh. May you talk a bit more ? On those Qxx two tone boards I don't usually see AK making people fold a lot of their ranges and would like to hear something from you. without Ah or Kh you are also betting ?
30:27 what about mysters_y turn shove ? do you think she can get called by worse very often ? she does so many things that I dont understand, like 4b AA oop and shove 3x pot on 976r.
Good video. When you are on the BTN and SB what stat and stat% are your threshold for wanting to raise with any two cards? IE: Specifically, how tight does villain has to be in order for you to want to raise with ATC?
When i am on the BTN, I usually only look at the BB. Most regs have reasonable similar sb defend stats. Everything above 60% fold u could open any two.
SB vs BB. Above 62% u can open any two and check fold every flop when called and still be profitable.
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Hey Mark. Have you explained your hud in any of the videos? Could you please tell me what the stats mean in the line where you have cf first? I don't get what the Fi bi bo etc mean. Thanks
huds were explained in his 1st video i think.. or maybe 2nd. look at comments
cf = check fold as the IR. Fi = checked back as the PFR and then folded vs a bet ott.
Bi= bet when IR checked. Bo: bet turn when IR checked back the flop in position.
Watched the first video but there was no explanation in it. Only color codings
Enjoyed the video, nice job
1:25 table 1: A9s sb vs bb, you chose to 4b. Isnt it a really std flat (as with all our suited aces, except the best)? How much do you open in SB?
On average i open around 55% sb vs the bb, I dont expect a lot of bb's to 3bet weaker Ax just because they can profitable defend them with a call.
For that reason i prefer flatting A2-A5s in stead of A9-A6s. This bb did fold enough to make my 4bet around 0ev just for the fold equity alone, so i am fine with my 4bet.
Flatting is an ok option aswell vs opponents that 3bet wide enough.
If you open around 55%, you have to flat all suited aces and chose to 4b somethings else, otherwise I think your defending way too less.
What is the reason behind flatting as2-as5 and 4bet a9-a6 ?
28:40 Table 1: AJo, you call a 4b. And then want to fold on A64tt and then a blank turn (in the situation a J comes, but you talk about it in general.
You shove AK pre (and maybe AQs?), that leaves us with AQ and AJ as top of our range, as we dont 3b small pockets. I cant see why we can ever fold on a shove ott with AJ. Then we are almost folding our entire range? Theory wise I think we have to call all Ax.
His 4bet bluffing range probably contains a lot of Ax and those arent shoving unless they have 2 pair.
So i think folding AJ here isnt a mistake in practise.
Its dangerous to asume a lot of things about our opponent, which opens us op to be exploited and give away money.
I would say a standard 4b-range btn vs sb contains way more Kxs than Ax, since we call our suited Ax and fold the offsuited Ax (except maybe a few).
All the suited kings would be played like this and now we are folding almost our entire range and making a big mistake.
I strongly disagree with you on this topic.
I agree with you that theory wise i am making a mistake folding AJo. In practise i haven't seen enough bluffs in spots like this at 500zoom to make this a fistpump call.
32:00 Table 1: You fold QJhh on A64tt with one h. Aren't we overfolding, with our bd flush and straight draw, if we start to fold the flop here?
I think my range looks something like AA(half of my preflop combos) JJ-22 9Ts+ and all Ax suited, AQ+
We probably fold 77-99, our weaker suited connectors and some suited broadways.
Which leaves us with 22-66 TT,JJ,AA, all the AQ and AK, and the suited aces to continue.
I am on holidays now so i dont have the time/ tools to look at the precise combos but i do not think we are overfolding when we fold QJs here. And if we do, its very close.
Thanks for all the answers, I dont agree with them, but I enjoy your videos and you got some really good points in the video.
I like that you ask me some critical questions. It definitely makes me question my own ranges/ plays and thus improve my overall game. And it creates a interesting discussion.
Table 1 9min. You 3bet JJ BBvsCO planning on folding to a 4bet due to his low 4bet stat. Do you use the 4bet range or 4bet percentage stat in that spot and could you go into a little more detail on how you use them to make a decision. As in what range of stats do you consider very tight where you can fold JJ and against what range of stats would you get it in or call a 4bet with JJ.
For example: CO opens 30% of hands and when he is faced a 3bet he 4bets 10% of the time.
This means he is 3betting a range of: 30%*10%= 3%.
This all depends on position ofcourse.
When shoving JJ we rely a lot on fold equity and when certain players hardly have a bluffing range we are losing money jamming JJ.
I think everything below 10% is quite low, between 11-14% around average and above 14-15 is quite aggro.
Nice vid Mark! keep them comming!
On 42.42 A5s co-btn vs 3bet, Just wondering what you think about 4betting it ?
I would think its a good candidate for it, or am i missing something ?
Cant really see how much this guy 3bets tho.
mysters_y is a girl
an aggressive girl aswell
Understatement of the year.
we just have to option:
2:his brother use his account
The later would imply that she is in fact a shemale, and her brother is using her account.
But you think she might be a shemale because the account user is aggressive.
So, that leaves two options:
1. She's a beautiful Russian chick, (never seen a passive Russian player)
2. You are a shemale
she was team pokerstars years ago
fighting boeree for the 1st place on the team
Can you explain more about your overbets with double Flush draws; and how you construct your range?
On drawheavy boards ott where both me and my opponent have lots of draws and medium strength hands i like to overbet hands that are strong enough to use this sizing for value and decent draws which have at least 8 outs. The overbet is because we have more semibluffs than on a dry board and gives us both more value and foldequity with our value and semibluffs.
Really good vid Mark, ty!
one question, table 2 min. 42.00 w Kc5c.. On the river obv you decide to check back, but if the river was a Q/J or other cards (non clubs/K), what is your plan? Do you think bluff its an option here?
I think betting any river is good with the exception of the A, the K(might be a check back), the Q and boardpairs.
+1 for the comment about brazil, you are welcome also
21:15 AhK you said that does not like much x/c on Q85hh. May you talk a bit more ? On those Qxx two tone boards I don't usually see AK making people fold a lot of their ranges and would like to hear something from you. without Ah or Kh you are also betting ?
30:27 what about mysters_y turn shove ? do you think she can get called by worse very often ? she does so many things that I dont understand, like 4b AA oop and shove 3x pot on 976r.
AK, with an heart we can at least barrel 10 more cards on the turn. Without the heart i am either x/folding or x/calling.
With the AK? Looks pretty standard. I don't have many better hands in my range and would definitely call AQ.
Good video. When you are on the BTN and SB what stat and stat% are your threshold for wanting to raise with any two cards? IE: Specifically, how tight does villain has to be in order for you to want to raise with ATC?
Forgot to push reply. So the answer is below.
Forgot to mention the sizings: btn minraise and sb 3x
When i am on the BTN, I usually only look at the BB. Most regs have reasonable similar sb defend stats. Everything above 60% fold u could open any two.
SB vs BB. Above 62% u can open any two and check fold every flop when called and still be profitable.
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