@ 16:40 with 68hh you said you prefer betting the turn with this hand but aren't we checking back most of our range on this turn since the board paired the 9 which villain has more of? I feel like if we bet this turn with 68hh we have to bet this turn with Kx too which I wouldn't be doing very often. Thoughts on this?
Against a normal player I would check back some Kx hands on the turn. But this opponent is flat calling too many hands on SB, so I can bet many Kx hands on the turn, and if I get raised, which will only ever happen when he has 9x, i can fold. But I will very often be called with something weaker as well since his range is too wide, he will probably call flush draws too.
However, against a normal player, I think I would rather check back the flop than check back the turn. I feel like if I x the flop, and then call turn I show more strength than the other way around.
Hi Ben! My HUD is still "under construction". I have to remove a few lines, which I do not use at all. But here are the stuff I look at:
line 1 - red numbers are vpip/pfr
line 2 - light purple numbers are how much the opponents open at each position (1st to sb)
line 3 -green numbers 4bet and fold to 4bet
line 3 and 4 - yellow numbers in line 3 are 3 bet stats and in line 4 they are fold to 3bet in stats for each position
line 5 - red numbers ignore this, it should be removed soon
the rest i find not specific enough for me to actually use they way I want to, so I will probably delete the bottom half of my hud soon, so that should give it a more cleaner look :)
34.35 TT cbet 3w on A9xr
So we bet 80% pot to be sure that their calling range will only be better hands ? seems super bad, i'd bet 1/3 with range or bet big Ax+ and bluffs and have checking range.
36min QQ on J8xhh xd Xo
Looks like an easy valueshove ? Two flushdraws missed, KK+ dont play like this, Jx with no heart will be a good bluffcatcher from his pov, you have bluffs in this spot, vilain gets there with only J9s and 99 (assumed 99 would fold flop/turn given they block T9 - his turn call with ThTx is actually pretty terrible).
Hi Ben!
TT - its actually a 67% bet, i think the hand is too weak to check and its also not a good hand to triple barrel with. So I pretty much have only one chance to bet so I do not want to get called with something weaker and then get bluffed on later streets, so that is why i bet a little stronger.
QQ - yup, as you can see I snap checked, i spoke about this in an earlier video, I should be taking more time when making decisions. Im not sure what he was thinking with TT, but either way at that point only J-9 beat me, and well, maybe 89hearts but thats something he would probably raise with on the flop. So with 2 missed draws I can definitely get a call from KJ or JT. I think he would be AJ on the flop.
Could you take more in detaills this spots pl. Thxs for the good work.
0:43 AsAc there looks a good spot for run many bluffs like the villains always have 9J-QJ-KQ... so in the river with the blocker we loose some value and we can made some 1/3 1/2 PB and take more from the hand and good blocker also combined some times with nuts FD for induce.
2:29 KK trips I see some part of the villain range made this blocking bet TT-QT-K9-Q9 if hero only call with Jx + this 1/3 is fold a big part of the range we only be sure if you have accurately notes from the villain IMO and like you say "His line is only value" with this size two pairs plus is value again hero mid range.
5:50 AJc CB in Q73m this CB looks trivial but comparing ranges interaction our hand maybe win more from his folding range son Jx runnouts and small FD, also Ax in the next street and hero can value then taqking more value.
10:33 QJh 3bPot river Jx we loose value there I dont see many goods hands XC turn more 89-67-55-33... so here A8s+ looks easy value with 40%+ size bet
Hi Thomca!
AA - im not sure exactly what you mean, but AA i do not think I can bet the river and get called with weaker hands often enough. And you can check with AA on the turn, but, i prefer not to do it because I know that the opponents do not raise enough in these spots on the turn, instead they call hands like JT J9 QJ and so on. So im betting the turn again to have a free check on the river.
KK - the problem is that in theory maybe he can have some blocking bets with 2pair or set, but in game he will never do it. At these odds, i need to win this hand 20% for my call to be profitable, and I do not think I have 20%, I think the best case scenario is for me to have a 10% chance of winning, so 1 out of 10 times i feel like he will have a worse hand which isnt enough. If he has QT or TT he will x the river, his range is also full of Jx hands, and I will most of the time only bet with Jx, so I have very little bluffs, maybe I actually have no bluffs, so hes fine with just checking back.
AJ - its very close on the flop, you can x back, and play the hand differently, so I think that approach is also fine as well, but when I see a new player in the field i usually chose a more aggressive option :)
QJ - yes, even tough some players at NL500z will take this line with QQ or KK, i think that i could have shoved river for value. Like you said, he has a lot of mid pairs with good blockers that he will probably bluff catch with. I didnt really think this hand through when I was playing, but its a missed value bet.
Nice calldown vs the rec with 56 @ 24 mins :) At 38:50 you play a 3bet pot vs him again where he ends up snapfolding flop. Do you think that we somehow can modify our line here given the info from the 56 hand/should we expect a rec to drastically lower his bluffing percentage after getting caught bluffing recently or should we just proceed as usual until proven otherwise?
About what you said @ 25:44: "when u see a check it doesnt always mean weakness". That is soooo very true 2016, in fact I feel like flop cbets are getting less and less strong/more bluffheavy since many regs now remove valuehands (esp from flop IP cbet range) and put it in the delay-cb/turn bluffcatching range, but without decreasing their flop cb % accordingly. Am I hallucinating here or would you agree on that point?
Thanks GuestSwe! Yeah given how loose he is pf I think cbetting is okay, he will have junk like 86o all Kx gutshots suited and off, and with the Ace out there, I do not expect him to bluff, I think he will rather x-c than make a donk bet when there is an ace on the board. And sure, hes probably under the impression where he just got caught bluffing so even if I check back im not sure he will be excited to attack.
Yes, there is more and more coaching material out there, there are lots of software available, players are improving and they are thinking a step ahead more than they were before. It all depends on what player you are up against, but today they tend to x back better hands and call you down or just make a daleyed cbet. Especially if its a board where their x looks weak and you are likely to attack, so you have to be careful.
Let me know if there's anything else i can do for you :)
19:28 QJo facing big overbet. im not sure i understand the logic here as to why you think a overbet in this spot is almost always value. you assume your opponent knows u are weak and thus if he overbets it must be for value? that sounds backwards to me unless im just leveling myself here. i would assume the overbet is him tryin to push u off weak hands.
hey samthefish! haha this is actually quite frustrating and annoying for me, even though I've shown weakness and it makes more sense for him to make a normal bet size, the opposite is true. He's pretty much overbetting to make his hand look like a bluff, because when you think about it, lets say I do not have QJ in my checking range, so the best I can have are some AQ combos, and now i have AQ and im facing an overbet, when I think about my range, if I fold AQ then im folding 100% of the time on the river and I am exploitable, so in an effort not to be exploitable he is forcing me to call with AQ. However, in any case, I would fold AQ for sure, players simply arent bluffing enough when it comes to overbets.
6'40 : what d you think about check raising your hand compare to just bet it big as i don't put vlain on a lot of 9x after checking back the flop and he doesn't have that many 8x in his opening range preflop (just the suited ones). Maybe it's good to mix up our strategy a bit on the turn and c/r - bet with our value combos, i dunno how i will exactly do that. I find that if we want to have a check raising on the turn (to put pressure on his As x...) it will be one of our best value combos to do that.
Yes, whenever i bet no matter who it is, I will bet big in this spot. When your unsure what to do here against certain players, just try to think about what their image of you is. I am sure that every reg has a certain opinion of you based on your hand history vs him, so you should try and use that to your advantage.
Hey Kaizen, I though about what you said, and in the end, I think you can x-r flush on the turn instead of bet big, but it mostly depends on what you and your opponent think about each other. So I know wazawski will x back a lot of Ax on the turn, and even when I do raise, Im very unlikely to get called on the river. Whereas if I bet big twice, I'm very likely to get called with any Ax since hes seen me bluff before. So because of that, I would rather x-r and bet big river with KJ or KQ provided that the K is of diamonds than chose that line with a value bet.
Ok ty but you would also bet big against RedBaron with your range. I find that this particular spot happens quite often and i'm never sure what's the best play on the turn against good regs (without any specific read/tendencie) between bet big and c/r, it might be too close.
6:30 KJs, you say that you can flat, because opponent only minraised. My thinking process would be quite the opposite.
-The bad thing about flatting is that we are giving the BB great odds to call and we are gonna be OOP 3way if that happens. Larger open size means BB calls less often, making our flat better.
-Also opponent who minraises should have wider range than opponent who raises to 3x, so we can 3bet the minraise more often.
-Maybe there's some argument about rake/cap too (playing small pots is bad), but I guess that depends on what limit you are playing and I don't want to get too much into that.
You are right, there are arguments to 3bet KJ when facing a minraise, however, the difference between the two approaches is minimal in my opinion, because postflop is what actually really matters. That is where you will make your money, not on preflop. There are regs who play 28 20 with 11 3bet and win a lot, and regs who play 24 18 with 3bet 7 and win a lot. So it all comes down to postflop in the end.
great new coach ive been a RIO user on and off for years and i really like your vids and you are now one of my new favorites. Keep it up!
But about the video folding 89ss around 0:40 vs EP 12$ is standard? (Maybe a stupid question? Im playing higer stakes live but that fold really surprised me)
And situation like this happens quite frequently live where not so deep stacked 100shBB nit opens ep for 3/4x but i would never think about folding SCs.
Also arund 24 minute you folded 78o 200bb effective from BB vs 4x SB, why?
And i would like to see you make some theory videos too, would be a good change for you and the viewers (Deep stack/pot hh review, C-Betting theory general guidelines+thoughts, Barreling vs weaker opponents with marginal/bluff holdings etc ? )
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@ 16:40 with 68hh you said you prefer betting the turn with this hand but aren't we checking back most of our range on this turn since the board paired the 9 which villain has more of? I feel like if we bet this turn with 68hh we have to bet this turn with Kx too which I wouldn't be doing very often. Thoughts on this?
Against a normal player I would check back some Kx hands on the turn. But this opponent is flat calling too many hands on SB, so I can bet many Kx hands on the turn, and if I get raised, which will only ever happen when he has 9x, i can fold. But I will very often be called with something weaker as well since his range is too wide, he will probably call flush draws too.
However, against a normal player, I think I would rather check back the flop than check back the turn. I feel like if I x the flop, and then call turn I show more strength than the other way around.
Hey zeljko
Could you explain your hud ?
Thanks !
I posted the same question without even realizing you already asked it. Would be very useful.
Hi Ben! My HUD is still "under construction". I have to remove a few lines, which I do not use at all. But here are the stuff I look at:
line 1 - red numbers are vpip/pfr
line 2 - light purple numbers are how much the opponents open at each position (1st to sb)
line 3 -green numbers 4bet and fold to 4bet
line 3 and 4 - yellow numbers in line 3 are 3 bet stats and in line 4 they are fold to 3bet in stats for each position
line 5 - red numbers ignore this, it should be removed soon
the rest i find not specific enough for me to actually use they way I want to, so I will probably delete the bottom half of my hud soon, so that should give it a more cleaner look :)
34.35 TT cbet 3w on A9xr
So we bet 80% pot to be sure that their calling range will only be better hands ? seems super bad, i'd bet 1/3 with range or bet big Ax+ and bluffs and have checking range.
36min QQ on J8xhh xd Xo
Looks like an easy valueshove ? Two flushdraws missed, KK+ dont play like this, Jx with no heart will be a good bluffcatcher from his pov, you have bluffs in this spot, vilain gets there with only J9s and 99 (assumed 99 would fold flop/turn given they block T9 - his turn call with ThTx is actually pretty terrible).
Hi Ben!
TT - its actually a 67% bet, i think the hand is too weak to check and its also not a good hand to triple barrel with. So I pretty much have only one chance to bet so I do not want to get called with something weaker and then get bluffed on later streets, so that is why i bet a little stronger.
QQ - yup, as you can see I snap checked, i spoke about this in an earlier video, I should be taking more time when making decisions. Im not sure what he was thinking with TT, but either way at that point only J-9 beat me, and well, maybe 89hearts but thats something he would probably raise with on the flop. So with 2 missed draws I can definitely get a call from KJ or JT. I think he would be AJ on the flop.
Could you take more in detaills this spots pl. Thxs for the good work.
0:43 AsAc there looks a good spot for run many bluffs like the villains always have 9J-QJ-KQ... so in the river with the blocker we loose some value and we can made some 1/3 1/2 PB and take more from the hand and good blocker also combined some times with nuts FD for induce.
2:29 KK trips I see some part of the villain range made this blocking bet TT-QT-K9-Q9 if hero only call with Jx + this 1/3 is fold a big part of the range we only be sure if you have accurately notes from the villain IMO and like you say "His line is only value" with this size two pairs plus is value again hero mid range.
5:50 AJc CB in Q73m this CB looks trivial but comparing ranges interaction our hand maybe win more from his folding range son Jx runnouts and small FD, also Ax in the next street and hero can value then taqking more value.
10:33 QJh 3bPot river Jx we loose value there I dont see many goods hands XC turn more 89-67-55-33... so here A8s+ looks easy value with 40%+ size bet
Hi Thomca!
AA - im not sure exactly what you mean, but AA i do not think I can bet the river and get called with weaker hands often enough. And you can check with AA on the turn, but, i prefer not to do it because I know that the opponents do not raise enough in these spots on the turn, instead they call hands like JT J9 QJ and so on. So im betting the turn again to have a free check on the river.
KK - the problem is that in theory maybe he can have some blocking bets with 2pair or set, but in game he will never do it. At these odds, i need to win this hand 20% for my call to be profitable, and I do not think I have 20%, I think the best case scenario is for me to have a 10% chance of winning, so 1 out of 10 times i feel like he will have a worse hand which isnt enough. If he has QT or TT he will x the river, his range is also full of Jx hands, and I will most of the time only bet with Jx, so I have very little bluffs, maybe I actually have no bluffs, so hes fine with just checking back.
AJ - its very close on the flop, you can x back, and play the hand differently, so I think that approach is also fine as well, but when I see a new player in the field i usually chose a more aggressive option :)
QJ - yes, even tough some players at NL500z will take this line with QQ or KK, i think that i could have shoved river for value. Like you said, he has a lot of mid pairs with good blockers that he will probably bluff catch with. I didnt really think this hand through when I was playing, but its a missed value bet.
Hope this helps!
Nice calldown vs the rec with 56 @ 24 mins :) At 38:50 you play a 3bet pot vs him again where he ends up snapfolding flop. Do you think that we somehow can modify our line here given the info from the 56 hand/should we expect a rec to drastically lower his bluffing percentage after getting caught bluffing recently or should we just proceed as usual until proven otherwise?
About what you said @ 25:44: "when u see a check it doesnt always mean weakness". That is soooo very true 2016, in fact I feel like flop cbets are getting less and less strong/more bluffheavy since many regs now remove valuehands (esp from flop IP cbet range) and put it in the delay-cb/turn bluffcatching range, but without decreasing their flop cb % accordingly. Am I hallucinating here or would you agree on that point?
Thanks GuestSwe! Yeah given how loose he is pf I think cbetting is okay, he will have junk like 86o all Kx gutshots suited and off, and with the Ace out there, I do not expect him to bluff, I think he will rather x-c than make a donk bet when there is an ace on the board. And sure, hes probably under the impression where he just got caught bluffing so even if I check back im not sure he will be excited to attack.
Yes, there is more and more coaching material out there, there are lots of software available, players are improving and they are thinking a step ahead more than they were before. It all depends on what player you are up against, but today they tend to x back better hands and call you down or just make a daleyed cbet. Especially if its a board where their x looks weak and you are likely to attack, so you have to be careful.
Let me know if there's anything else i can do for you :)
19:28 QJo facing big overbet. im not sure i understand the logic here as to why you think a overbet in this spot is almost always value. you assume your opponent knows u are weak and thus if he overbets it must be for value? that sounds backwards to me unless im just leveling myself here. i would assume the overbet is him tryin to push u off weak hands.
hey samthefish! haha this is actually quite frustrating and annoying for me, even though I've shown weakness and it makes more sense for him to make a normal bet size, the opposite is true. He's pretty much overbetting to make his hand look like a bluff, because when you think about it, lets say I do not have QJ in my checking range, so the best I can have are some AQ combos, and now i have AQ and im facing an overbet, when I think about my range, if I fold AQ then im folding 100% of the time on the river and I am exploitable, so in an effort not to be exploitable he is forcing me to call with AQ. However, in any case, I would fold AQ for sure, players simply arent bluffing enough when it comes to overbets.
Could you post a breakdown of which HUD stats you use or where you got your HUD from?
Hi NastyNatalia, Ive answered above about the HUD, hope it helps. And I built the HUD myself :)
6'40 : what d you think about check raising your hand compare to just bet it big as i don't put vlain on a lot of 9x after checking back the flop and he doesn't have that many 8x in his opening range preflop (just the suited ones). Maybe it's good to mix up our strategy a bit on the turn and c/r - bet with our value combos, i dunno how i will exactly do that. I find that if we want to have a check raising on the turn (to put pressure on his As x...) it will be one of our best value combos to do that.
Yes, whenever i bet no matter who it is, I will bet big in this spot. When your unsure what to do here against certain players, just try to think about what their image of you is. I am sure that every reg has a certain opinion of you based on your hand history vs him, so you should try and use that to your advantage.
Hey Kaizen, I though about what you said, and in the end, I think you can x-r flush on the turn instead of bet big, but it mostly depends on what you and your opponent think about each other. So I know wazawski will x back a lot of Ax on the turn, and even when I do raise, Im very unlikely to get called on the river. Whereas if I bet big twice, I'm very likely to get called with any Ax since hes seen me bluff before. So because of that, I would rather x-r and bet big river with KJ or KQ provided that the K is of diamonds than chose that line with a value bet.
Ok ty but you would also bet big against RedBaron with your range. I find that this particular spot happens quite often and i'm never sure what's the best play on the turn against good regs (without any specific read/tendencie) between bet big and c/r, it might be too close.
6:30 KJs, you say that you can flat, because opponent only minraised. My thinking process would be quite the opposite.
-The bad thing about flatting is that we are giving the BB great odds to call and we are gonna be OOP 3way if that happens. Larger open size means BB calls less often, making our flat better.
-Also opponent who minraises should have wider range than opponent who raises to 3x, so we can 3bet the minraise more often.
-Maybe there's some argument about rake/cap too (playing small pots is bad), but I guess that depends on what limit you are playing and I don't want to get too much into that.
You are right, there are arguments to 3bet KJ when facing a minraise, however, the difference between the two approaches is minimal in my opinion, because postflop is what actually really matters. That is where you will make your money, not on preflop. There are regs who play 28 20 with 11 3bet and win a lot, and regs who play 24 18 with 3bet 7 and win a lot. So it all comes down to postflop in the end.
Hello Zeljko,
great new coach ive been a RIO user on and off for years and i really like your vids and you are now one of my new favorites. Keep it up!
But about the video folding 89ss around 0:40 vs EP 12$ is standard? (Maybe a stupid question? Im playing higer stakes live but that fold really surprised me)
And situation like this happens quite frequently live where not so deep stacked 100shBB nit opens ep for 3/4x but i would never think about folding SCs.
Also arund 24 minute you folded 78o 200bb effective from BB vs 4x SB, why?
And i would like to see you make some theory videos too, would be a good change for you and the viewers (Deep stack/pot hh review, C-Betting theory general guidelines+thoughts, Barreling vs weaker opponents with marginal/bluff holdings etc ? )
Thank you
table 1... KK, KK, KK, KK, KK ez game. Good vid!!
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