In the KK hand at 31 min... Wouldn't it make sense to under bet the river something like $65.. If you don't expect Qx to call a bigger bet, and could induce a raise/shove on the premise that seeming like a blocker bet..
i dont think that idea makes a lot of sense in this spot, because Qx normally i would expect to call one normal sized bet and we loose value by just betting smaller. also if are bluffing here we dont want to make it too small otherwise we just get called too wide probably. also consider he is a weaker player were playing against
A3hh on J54 K, is this standard flop check and turn c/c for you? Why is c/c better than delay cbet OTT?
J9ss call-3bet hand: Why do you consider turning this into a bluff? What hands are you trying to fold and what does your range look like OTR? Do you think you have enough hands like JThh and KTcc where J9s isn't low enough to bluff?
11:22 A2cc 4bet hand - do you always 4bet 3x OOP? Why did you choose this sizing and does your decision differ when you're IP?
without any backdoor draw i can barrel on yes, also this is not a spot where i want to cbet all to often. but in this spot were playing against a weaker player anyway and then for sure i want to checkcall that hand.
i think its a really close spot, didnt do the math on that. but since we actually have a lot of backdoor draws probably that are busted we can check that combo also. but its definitly an option, and about the question what im trying to fold: basically all one pair type of hands like overpairs and Qx. were having 3 JTs, and a few backdoor draws like KT and some Axs with backdoorflushdraw and were actually having alot of flushes and 2pair plus which were most likely always jamming for value so i think we can add some 9x as bluffs, but just an estimation. especially bc the Q is not in the flushcolour we actually have a lot of Qx flushes as well.
about the 4bets: i have been experimenting a lot with sizes lately. right now im choosing something like 2,5-3x when oop and around 2,5x ip, but the sizing should also be related to the sizing hes using. the smaller he 3bets the larger we have to make a 4bet to deny too good pot odds.
some hands like 67s, like most of the low suited busted draws, although they dont have good blockers but we have to pick some and probably its still slightly better to pick those than some Axs, but it should be very marginal i think
Hey Era7er
1:10 with A5 why would you want to bet here? We have a weak backdoor straight draw, it's blind on blind and we have Ace high so wouldn't it be better to usually check back?
12:10 K6s what hands would you be continuing with ott that called his x/r otf?
42:10 J9 if you aren't betting this combo otr are you only betting your flushes then?
51:40 AJ can't we value bet since he checks turn and river? Isn't he very capped here?
Thanks :)
Also it would be cool to see you do a session review in the future
1:10: yes thats why i checked :) or do u mean a different A5s hand?
12:10: any sort of combodraw, nutlufhsdraws, any madehand that i was betting for value on the flop (which should be only strong Qx and 2pair+), i guess we can fold Kx high flushdraws but peeling is also fine, i just think in general they are a bit stronger with their flop checkraising range in this spot thats why i foldet, and the implied odds are not good.
42:10: no, im definitly still valuebetting 2pair plus, i dont think we should be too scared of him having flushes, since he should probably valuebet most of them, since there are also some busted draws out.
51:40: i think its really close, i dont think we should ever valuebet against a regular, but since he is a weaker player we can think about it, really depends on how bad he actually is and since i dont have any reads on that i just checked back because its also quite likely hes checking some hands like Kx or QQ and in general this should never be a valuebet against a reg.
So then why did you check with J9 at 42:10? Any 1 pair hand you had before now has 2 pair right? Was it just a mistake?
The A5 hand at 1:10 I was just asking cause you said you could definitly bet that spot but i don't see a good reason too bet it.
Thanks for the response :)
to the A5 hand, for example if i have an opponent who is just overfolding for example on the flop or even on a later street then betting might be better, but since thats not the case i decided to just check as for the reasons you gave already.
about the J9s as i was playing in game i thought its pretty close and i think its definitly dependent on how wide we float and since he only bet 1/3 potsize we probably float some more backdoor draws Axs and that means we have a bit more busted draws (also because we float every single combo of JTs at least) and so i decided its probably a bit too much to turn 9x into a bluff, but i didnt do the math and it can definitly be possible to turn some 9x into bluffs because otherwise we might not have enough. but as i said can only estimate bc i didnt calculate it. just if i have to guess, i think turning some % of 9x into a bluff would be probably best.
Overall a good video but calling fun players fishes/initiating a language like that towards people who pay ur bills etc isnt good for overall poker economy so huge thumbs down for not being able to leave the ego out of the video.
that has nothing to do with ego, its just a word that everbody who is playing poker uses frequently, but i should still say probably better weaker players or fun players, i will try to implement that in the future
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In the KK hand at 31 min... Wouldn't it make sense to under bet the river something like $65.. If you don't expect Qx to call a bigger bet, and could induce a raise/shove on the premise that seeming like a blocker bet..
i dont think that idea makes a lot of sense in this spot, because Qx normally i would expect to call one normal sized bet and we loose value by just betting smaller. also if are bluffing here we dont want to make it too small otherwise we just get called too wide probably. also consider he is a weaker player were playing against
8:00 two hands:
A3hh on J54 K, is this standard flop check and turn c/c for you? Why is c/c better than delay cbet OTT?
J9ss call-3bet hand: Why do you consider turning this into a bluff? What hands are you trying to fold and what does your range look like OTR? Do you think you have enough hands like JThh and KTcc where J9s isn't low enough to bluff?
11:22 A2cc 4bet hand - do you always 4bet 3x OOP? Why did you choose this sizing and does your decision differ when you're IP?
without any backdoor draw i can barrel on yes, also this is not a spot where i want to cbet all to often. but in this spot were playing against a weaker player anyway and then for sure i want to checkcall that hand.
i think its a really close spot, didnt do the math on that. but since we actually have a lot of backdoor draws probably that are busted we can check that combo also. but its definitly an option, and about the question what im trying to fold: basically all one pair type of hands like overpairs and Qx. were having 3 JTs, and a few backdoor draws like KT and some Axs with backdoorflushdraw and were actually having alot of flushes and 2pair plus which were most likely always jamming for value so i think we can add some 9x as bluffs, but just an estimation. especially bc the Q is not in the flushcolour we actually have a lot of Qx flushes as well.
about the 4bets: i have been experimenting a lot with sizes lately. right now im choosing something like 2,5-3x when oop and around 2,5x ip, but the sizing should also be related to the sizing hes using. the smaller he 3bets the larger we have to make a 4bet to deny too good pot odds.
31:10 table 1 what hands you are using to bluff with in this spot on the river? Since also QT and Q9 got there...
some hands like 67s, like most of the low suited busted draws, although they dont have good blockers but we have to pick some and probably its still slightly better to pick those than some Axs, but it should be very marginal i think
Hey Era7er
1:10 with A5 why would you want to bet here? We have a weak backdoor straight draw, it's blind on blind and we have Ace high so wouldn't it be better to usually check back?
12:10 K6s what hands would you be continuing with ott that called his x/r otf?
42:10 J9 if you aren't betting this combo otr are you only betting your flushes then?
51:40 AJ can't we value bet since he checks turn and river? Isn't he very capped here?
Thanks :)
Also it would be cool to see you do a session review in the future
1:10: yes thats why i checked :) or do u mean a different A5s hand?
12:10: any sort of combodraw, nutlufhsdraws, any madehand that i was betting for value on the flop (which should be only strong Qx and 2pair+), i guess we can fold Kx high flushdraws but peeling is also fine, i just think in general they are a bit stronger with their flop checkraising range in this spot thats why i foldet, and the implied odds are not good.
42:10: no, im definitly still valuebetting 2pair plus, i dont think we should be too scared of him having flushes, since he should probably valuebet most of them, since there are also some busted draws out.
51:40: i think its really close, i dont think we should ever valuebet against a regular, but since he is a weaker player we can think about it, really depends on how bad he actually is and since i dont have any reads on that i just checked back because its also quite likely hes checking some hands like Kx or QQ and in general this should never be a valuebet against a reg.
So then why did you check with J9 at 42:10? Any 1 pair hand you had before now has 2 pair right? Was it just a mistake?
The A5 hand at 1:10 I was just asking cause you said you could definitly bet that spot but i don't see a good reason too bet it.
Thanks for the response :)
to the A5 hand, for example if i have an opponent who is just overfolding for example on the flop or even on a later street then betting might be better, but since thats not the case i decided to just check as for the reasons you gave already.
about the J9s as i was playing in game i thought its pretty close and i think its definitly dependent on how wide we float and since he only bet 1/3 potsize we probably float some more backdoor draws Axs and that means we have a bit more busted draws (also because we float every single combo of JTs at least) and so i decided its probably a bit too much to turn 9x into a bluff, but i didnt do the math and it can definitly be possible to turn some 9x into bluffs because otherwise we might not have enough. but as i said can only estimate bc i didnt calculate it. just if i have to guess, i think turning some % of 9x into a bluff would be probably best.
Overall a good video but calling fun players fishes/initiating a language like that towards people who pay ur bills etc isnt good for overall poker economy so huge thumbs down for not being able to leave the ego out of the video.
lol this whole website is not good for the overall poker economy but you dont care about that obviously
that has nothing to do with ego, its just a word that everbody who is playing poker uses frequently, but i should still say probably better weaker players or fun players, i will try to implement that in the future
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