In the future, it would be a lot easier to follow the videos if you indicated which table you were discussing on each hand. Especially with 3 zoom tables going and a lot of hands happening, this video is hard to follow without these indications.
Always love it when you put out a new vid. I've modeled a lot of my play on your style.
I wonder in spots like around 23:20 where you have the 10s and you KNOW he is baiting you with a K all day with that small sizing, and you are telling yourself you should fold, if you should just fold. I have seen you make the call in spots like this in so many videos and I'm thinking that over the long-term listening to your gut in these kinds of spots will be a money maker, don't you think? Just exploitatively, regardless of what the math is telling you?
yeah u are absolutely right. just feels so exploitive to fold these hands, but im trying to make exploitive folds also when i see it happening too often. but yeah if we know 95% its this hand we can start folding even topranges. just have to really make sure this is one of those spots where we can really be 95% sure.
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In the future, it would be a lot easier to follow the videos if you indicated which table you were discussing on each hand. Especially with 3 zoom tables going and a lot of hands happening, this video is hard to follow without these indications.
yes i know, im always trying to do that, just sometimes i forget about it, but believe me i try to do it, some ppl said it before as well :)
Always love it when you put out a new vid. I've modeled a lot of my play on your style.
I wonder in spots like around 23:20 where you have the 10s and you KNOW he is baiting you with a K all day with that small sizing, and you are telling yourself you should fold, if you should just fold. I have seen you make the call in spots like this in so many videos and I'm thinking that over the long-term listening to your gut in these kinds of spots will be a money maker, don't you think? Just exploitatively, regardless of what the math is telling you?
yeah u are absolutely right. just feels so exploitive to fold these hands, but im trying to make exploitive folds also when i see it happening too often. but yeah if we know 95% its this hand we can start folding even topranges. just have to really make sure this is one of those spots where we can really be 95% sure.
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