05:55 bottm left table: Do you think that's a good board for a small sizing? guess it pretty much favours the preflop caller here and we should check a lot/bet big if we bet?
26:05 Top right: Don't you want to bet 2pairs+sets yourself otr after he checks back the turn? Guess he mostly checks back otr and you won't get value with your strong hands.
28:15 topleft: Why are you betting small here? Is this a spot where you want to bluff the turn small (e.g. with QJs, spades, etc) and continue otr?
5.55: it depends a little bit on our 3bet strategies. but if we also 3bet hands like 77/88 sometimes we still have a pretty huge range advantage. if we dont do that obv not. but either way we should if we bet bet a small sizing here.
26:05: i think 2 pairs is a little bit weak to valuebet here, since he also probably doesnt have too many single pairs to call us with. i can see myself valuebetting really good 2pairs but mostly we should check those and valuebet sets straight and flushes there.
28:15: i think choosing a bigger sizing is also fine, but it gives us the opportunity to also valuebet sets and 2 pairs here like this and keeping our range wider in general.
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05:55 bottm left table: Do you think that's a good board for a small sizing? guess it pretty much favours the preflop caller here and we should check a lot/bet big if we bet?
26:05 Top right: Don't you want to bet 2pairs+sets yourself otr after he checks back the turn? Guess he mostly checks back otr and you won't get value with your strong hands.
28:15 topleft: Why are you betting small here? Is this a spot where you want to bluff the turn small (e.g. with QJs, spades, etc) and continue otr?
5.55: it depends a little bit on our 3bet strategies. but if we also 3bet hands like 77/88 sometimes we still have a pretty huge range advantage. if we dont do that obv not. but either way we should if we bet bet a small sizing here.
26:05: i think 2 pairs is a little bit weak to valuebet here, since he also probably doesnt have too many single pairs to call us with. i can see myself valuebetting really good 2pairs but mostly we should check those and valuebet sets straight and flushes there.
28:15: i think choosing a bigger sizing is also fine, but it gives us the opportunity to also valuebet sets and 2 pairs here like this and keeping our range wider in general.
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