38.57- You didn't really say but I presume your trying to get him to fold all his medium pairs here, but you didn't have any stats on him and I always presume them to be weaker players in that case. So exploitatively I would of used a larger sizing to get him to fold those, however having the nut no pair I personally would of taken this to show down as I'm not sure he's folding any pair and he still has plenty of Ax in his range.
Really like your videos however sometimes could you explain more what parts of your opponents range your trying to get calls or folds with.
yeah im obv trying to get him to fold medium pairs, but i think even against a half pot sizing he should be folding those, bc just i have so many Ax here.bigger sizing is also fine for sure.
20 sec. aa on button vs bb. Flop 433ssc.
Arent you concerned bb has more 3x than you with more suited 3x and k3o combos. You ever check aa here? What frequency?
he for sure has more 3x than me, but i still have that strong range advantage with all the strong preflop hands, that i still think we should cbet100%here. also he has a lot of other hands that completely missed the board. so ye im cbetting 100% here
he can for sure call worse flushes, even 8x if he wants to. i just dont think we are beat here most of the times. only random 86 and J8 and thats it basically.
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38.57- You didn't really say but I presume your trying to get him to fold all his medium pairs here, but you didn't have any stats on him and I always presume them to be weaker players in that case. So exploitatively I would of used a larger sizing to get him to fold those, however having the nut no pair I personally would of taken this to show down as I'm not sure he's folding any pair and he still has plenty of Ax in his range.
Really like your videos however sometimes could you explain more what parts of your opponents range your trying to get calls or folds with.
yeah im obv trying to get him to fold medium pairs, but i think even against a half pot sizing he should be folding those, bc just i have so many Ax here.bigger sizing is also fine for sure.
20 sec. aa on button vs bb. Flop 433ssc.
Arent you concerned bb has more 3x than you with more suited 3x and k3o combos. You ever check aa here? What frequency?
he for sure has more 3x than me, but i still have that strong range advantage with all the strong preflop hands, that i still think we should cbet100%here. also he has a lot of other hands that completely missed the board. so ye im cbetting 100% here
~27:20 2nd table. You rivered nut flush and showed. What're your bluffs here? Do you think he had enough combos for bet-call with worse?
he can for sure call worse flushes, even 8x if he wants to. i just dont think we are beat here most of the times. only random 86 and J8 and thats it basically.
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