Hey Mark - nice vid. 41.20s you open QTs on table 1 and fold to a 3bet (hand not discussed) - what range are you defending here - firstly by calling, secondly by 4 betting. What hands are you 4bet bluffing here
I think QTs is a bit too weak to defend here being oop and 150+ bbs deep.
I would defend some sc's and stronger broadways, aswell as most pairs. I would 4bet KK+ mostly. AK,QQ is a mix between 4betting and calling.
Bluffs would be some blocker type hands and some sc's that play well post.
hey mark great stuff.... regarding 9:00 where we have QQ on JT597:
1.) These kind of spots come up so often and I'm always torn on what to do with my range. I understand in this particular spot call/fold is close with your strong value hands but it seems like to meet it's always close when there's is one card to a straight. Do you think the fact that I'm torn shows that it's one of those spots where call/fold doesn't really matter much playing a GTO opponent in most one card to a straight situations OOP? Obviously if he is non GTO then we can deduce what to do given his tendencies.
2.) I see that you use a smaller/same OR size? Did you always do this? If not, why did you change? Is your EP/MP OR% the same or did you widen it? How do you feel about limping the SB which seems like the new thing to do?
I think with the QQ hand i've made a little pio sim and it showed that we should mix between calling and folding with QQ given the ranges i gave for both him and me. If we have specific reads we obviously change our strategy. But in these spots we probably should check a large % of our range.
2) I change occasionally my preflop sizing but the results don't change that much. I go a tiny bit wider for every position when i usle smaller sizings.
The sb limp with the current rb% changes is less populair at the mid- lower stakes because more often you pay rake when limping the sb. So atm i don't do that at 600 or lower.
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Hey Mark - nice vid. 41.20s you open QTs on table 1 and fold to a 3bet (hand not discussed) - what range are you defending here - firstly by calling, secondly by 4 betting. What hands are you 4bet bluffing here
Hey thebeegan,
I think QTs is a bit too weak to defend here being oop and 150+ bbs deep.
I would defend some sc's and stronger broadways, aswell as most pairs. I would 4bet KK+ mostly. AK,QQ is a mix between 4betting and calling.
Bluffs would be some blocker type hands and some sc's that play well post.
hey mark great stuff.... regarding 9:00 where we have QQ on JT597:
1.) These kind of spots come up so often and I'm always torn on what to do with my range. I understand in this particular spot call/fold is close with your strong value hands but it seems like to meet it's always close when there's is one card to a straight. Do you think the fact that I'm torn shows that it's one of those spots where call/fold doesn't really matter much playing a GTO opponent in most one card to a straight situations OOP? Obviously if he is non GTO then we can deduce what to do given his tendencies.
2.) I see that you use a smaller/same OR size? Did you always do this? If not, why did you change? Is your EP/MP OR% the same or did you widen it? How do you feel about limping the SB which seems like the new thing to do?
Thanks so much
Good questions:
I think with the QQ hand i've made a little pio sim and it showed that we should mix between calling and folding with QQ given the ranges i gave for both him and me. If we have specific reads we obviously change our strategy. But in these spots we probably should check a large % of our range.
2) I change occasionally my preflop sizing but the results don't change that much. I go a tiny bit wider for every position when i usle smaller sizings.
The sb limp with the current rb% changes is less populair at the mid- lower stakes because more often you pay rake when limping the sb. So atm i don't do that at 600 or lower.
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