The 67s hand at ~35:00, shouldn't we be betting large on the river with our range (probably overbetting) since he doesn't have any 6x really and he's capped at Jx?
I think OTT our betting range is something like Qx+ for value and all of the straightdraws and flushdraws. So betting large with our range definately makes sense.
Since we didnt have any history and i thought that he will fold most if not all of his range vs a large bet i chose the exploitive betsizing and would have bet larger if i had a bluff.
31 min : I think you are better off calling the BB check/raise one the flop because his range dominates your 55 and you block most of his two pairs (that he wouldn't necessarily check/raise that said). Only hand you are happy to see is this one but most of the time you ll get it in crushed.
HU i would maybe prefer calling. Playing 3-way, when half of the deck really hurts my equity vs their continuing range, i like protecting my equity with the dead money in the pot.
If we give him all sets, all straights, some nutflushdraws and combodraws we have:
Which i guess is a reasonable estimation of somebodys range. I we add some backdoorflushdraws+ gutshot or smth like that our EV is even higher for 3betting the flop.
I was thinking that he may defend all the 87o, closing the action and getting a good price in the BB.
EluSiVeMark10 years, 8 months agoThen we have around 45% vs his get it in range. Which is still more than enough. If i had to guess i believe 3betting is even then still better than flatting his x/r.
17:00 how do you play JJ or QQ in the same spot but 100bb deep? And would you play AA KK the same as QQ JJ?
EluSiVeMark10 years, 8 months ago100 bb deep i mix it up between betting and x/calling. At this stackdepth vs this guy i x/r all my overpairs. 100 bb deep i do not x/r any of them.
Just want to congratz you for the video. I think a lot clean than the HUD videos and I found you did a great job explain your thought process. I do want you to how you handle your son "bothering" you and how you react to the T6s in the end of the video. Definetely a lot to be learned from you mindset in all of those situations.
Great job and I would prefer to see videos without HUD :)
Ohh, sorry, my english is not very good. No, I´m not asking about your mindset because I think that needs to be earned by the person itself, Just wanted to congratulate you!
First of all, sorry for my late reaction. For some reason I completely missed your questions.
AQo, I don't think calling here is profitable. Calling means we will be out of position multiway and also in the worst relative position. 4-betting is fine because it's the top of our folding range. It was in the beginning of the session where I usually am a bit nittier with close spots.
I would probably continue with TT+ and AQs.
AJo is a it similar with handstrength as the AQo because of the positions. Same story as above. I think 4betting is fine and folding is a bit nitty but fine aswell. For my overall range I think 4betting is better.
When you would bet like 7$, yo uwould be comitted btw vs a sove, but I like you size better - would have also underbettet here and would follow up as a bluff OTR on any spade w our Ts-spadeblocker and on an Ace (checkingback obviously Q, T and giving up on all other cards) - what you think bout this?
How shallow the spr has to be here that you would prefer to shove oTT?
7$? I guess you mean 70? If there was a different SPR I would chose my turn sizing differently obv. I would have shoved the turn if the SPR was less than 1 (but then I could change my flopsizing to make the spr such that I think I have a bigger advantage vs a weaker player)
As far as the river. It looked to me that he was weak all the way so I probably bet most if not any river. But I would use a different exploitive sizing for different rivers I think.
Good question. I would delay x/r some combo's of my AA so I have some better hands to bet for value OTR. This means that I probably don't have to bet my AKs here. Also I don't expect to get called by worse. Betting does prevent me from getting bluffed.
I am still unsure whether is should have called the river or not.
Question about this spot on 27:00 w KJs CO-BB vs 2.5x open, flop x/c. If we would have faced a bet the plan was to x/r turn to rep 89 right ? Then would we bluff on most rivers when called or what rivers are bad to fire on, what about a Ace rvr or 4/8 rivers ?
Also do you think we are more perceived to xc or xr flop w 89 ? I guess we also try to rep 66,77 and would play them the same way ?
My x/r for value on this turn is probably only 89. 66-77 might be too thin.
I do think my opponent perceives me to x/r at least some combos of my 89 on the flop. So my perceived turn x/r range for value is quite thin and for that reason I cannot include lots of bluffs.
So looking at this spot and my range I don't think I want to have a x/raising range on this turn and protect my callingrange with having the nuts in there as well.
A lot of my range now has a pair + gutshot or pair+ oesd. Not really hands i want to start leading and bloat the pot. I want to balance those hands and my other floats with a check from my stronger hands.
u mean with the 55? 67 is a lot weaker than 55 on this board. When behind we 4 outs tops and with a set of fives we are sometimes ahead and have decent equity vs their get it in range.
A7dd always has reasonable equity and great playability. So i prefer calling a x/r with A7dd. We also block draws with that hand.
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Nice video, really like it when ppl are playing without HUD. Would even go as far as it's silly that it's legal to use...
I think i play without HUD 25% of the time i am grinding. If it would be prohibited to play with HUD's i would be fine with it.
I like his hud :P
The 67s hand at ~35:00, shouldn't we be betting large on the river with our range (probably overbetting) since he doesn't have any 6x really and he's capped at Jx?
I think OTT our betting range is something like Qx+ for value and all of the straightdraws and flushdraws.
So betting large with our range definately makes sense.
Since we didnt have any history and i thought that he will fold most if not all of his range vs a large bet i chose the exploitive betsizing and would have bet larger if i had a bluff.
31 min : I think you are better off calling the BB check/raise one the flop because his range dominates your 55 and you block most of his two pairs (that he wouldn't necessarily check/raise that said). Only hand you are happy to see is this one but most of the time you ll get it in crushed.
HU i would maybe prefer calling. Playing 3-way, when half of the deck really hurts my equity vs their continuing range, i like protecting my equity with the dead money in the pot.
If we give him all sets, all straights, some nutflushdraws and combodraws we have:
66, 44, 87s, Ad9d, Ad8d, Ad7d, 9d7d, Ad5d, 7d5d, Ad3d,
Which i guess is a reasonable estimation of somebodys range. I we add some backdoorflushdraws+ gutshot or smth like that our EV is even higher for 3betting the flop.
I was thinking that he may defend all the 87o, closing the action and getting a good price in the BB.
If i had to guess i believe 3betting is even then still better than flatting his x/r.
Can you compare nl400 rush to nl500 zoom? What do you think is more profitable to play?
Depends how often u play. The rakebacksystem is a lot better on stars for high volume players, but i think the opposition is slightly worse on FT.
17:00 how do you play JJ or QQ in the same spot but 100bb deep? And would you play AA KK the same as QQ JJ?
At this stackdepth vs this guy i x/r all my overpairs.
100 bb deep i do not x/r any of them.
Hi Mark,
Just want to congratz you for the video. I think a lot clean than the HUD videos and I found you did a great job explain your thought process. I do want you to how you handle your son "bothering" you and how you react to the T6s in the end of the video. Definetely a lot to be learned from you mindset in all of those situations.
Great job and I would prefer to see videos without HUD :)
Thanks Razios,
Is that a question you are asking me?
Ohh, sorry, my english is not very good. No, I´m not asking about your mindset because I think that needs to be earned by the person itself, Just wanted to congratulate you!
Appreciate it :)
At 9:30,
You choose not to 4bet AJo, saying that you would rather fill your combos with AQo. So you don't think calling AQo is profitable in that spot ?
I think because we are in the worst relative position and the fact that we have poor equity vs his valuerange AQo isn't a profitable call.
But I am not 100% sure.
Whats your nickname at PS??
[00:20] [Table 2] [AQo]
Why not call or 4bet?
With which hands would you continue?
How would your strategy change if the positions were different?
[00:54] [Table 1] [AJo]
Why not call or 4bet?
With which hands would you continue?
[44:50] [Table 1] [KK]
You cbet the flop and yadio1111 folds.
Pay attention to villain's stack.
I aspire to be able to execute this play.First of all, sorry for my late reaction. For some reason I completely missed your questions.
AQo, I don't think calling here is profitable. Calling means we will be out of position multiway and also in the worst relative position. 4-betting is fine because it's the top of our folding range. It was in the beginning of the session where I usually am a bit nittier with close spots.
I would probably continue with TT+ and AQs.
AJo is a it similar with handstrength as the AQo because of the positions. Same story as above. I think 4betting is fine and folding is a bit nitty but fine aswell. For my overall range I think 4betting is better.
KK: What do you mean?
Min 15.30 - QTo:
When you would bet like 7$, yo uwould be comitted btw vs a sove, but I like you size better - would have also underbettet here and would follow up as a bluff OTR on any spade w our Ts-spadeblocker and on an Ace (checkingback obviously Q, T and giving up on all other cards) - what you think bout this?
How shallow the spr has to be here that you would prefer to shove oTT?
7$? I guess you mean 70? If there was a different SPR I would chose my turn sizing differently obv. I would have shoved the turn if the SPR was less than 1 (but then I could change my flopsizing to make the spr such that I think I have a bigger advantage vs a weaker player)
As far as the river. It looked to me that he was weak all the way so I probably bet most if not any river. But I would use a different exploitive sizing for different rivers I think.
min 16.20 - aks:
No valuebet OTR?
imo pairs would bet ostly in his shoes before...
Good question. I would delay x/r some combo's of my AA so I have some better hands to bet for value OTR. This means that I probably don't have to bet my AKs here. Also I don't expect to get called by worse. Betting does prevent me from getting bluffed.
I am still unsure whether is should have called the river or not.
Liked the vid!
Question about this spot on 27:00 w KJs CO-BB vs 2.5x open, flop x/c.
If we would have faced a bet the plan was to x/r turn to rep 89 right ?
Then would we bluff on most rivers when called or what rivers are bad to fire on, what about a Ace rvr or 4/8 rivers ?
Also do you think we are more perceived to xc or xr flop w 89 ?
I guess we also try to rep 66,77 and would play them the same way ?
My x/r for value on this turn is probably only 89. 66-77 might be too thin.
I do think my opponent perceives me to x/r at least some combos of my 89 on the flop. So my perceived turn x/r range for value is quite thin and for that reason I cannot include lots of bluffs.
So looking at this spot and my range I don't think I want to have a x/raising range on this turn and protect my callingrange with having the nuts in there as well.
Min. 26.50 - KJs:
The turn is kinda decent for your flop_C/C-range - so what you think bout leading this turn with a somewhat balanced range?
A lot of my range now has a pair + gutshot or pair+ oesd. Not really hands i want to start leading and bloat the pot. I want to balance those hands and my other floats with a check from my stronger hands.
min 32 - 55:
But I wonder what we do here in his spot?
Is C/R/get it in rly the best paly?
what about if we would have in his spot 65s for instance or smething like ad7d?
u mean with the 55? 67 is a lot weaker than 55 on this board. When behind we 4 outs tops and with a set of fives we are sometimes ahead and have decent equity vs their get it in range.
A7dd always has reasonable equity and great playability. So i prefer calling a x/r with A7dd. We also block draws with that hand.
thx for answering - regards to the KJ-hand and your contra-leading argument - yyeah, makes solid sense to me.
Regards to the 55-hand - nah, I meant what he should do there (Villain in the BB) with his 44 or hands like 65s or ad7d?
Uhm 44 doesnt beat my get it in range so i probably prefer a call.
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