yes i think its more like this. and also in some few spots its ok to be unbalanced. as i said i only do this, because against the value range which he might have (like sets and A4+ maybe) im getting stacked anyway and i furthermore dont think he will be bluffing the river very often so in that case when i dont gain much by slowplaying i need to deny him his equity.
but yeah the normal is to just calldown.
At :45 with AsTs on QQ8jsss you say we should always just be check calling turn. Is our hand strong enough to check raise and call off on turn or jam any non double board pair river 100bb deep? Does he have enough bare Qx, straights, and lower flushes to warrant this? I play mostly heads up and I would usually take that line. Or is that over playing our hand in 6 max games, where ranges are tighter?
i think its a little overplayed, esp there is still a river to come, and also you have to think what bluffs u want to have. and see way more hands to call the turn and then bluff the river than to bluff already the turn. so i would be more inclined to raise the river on a good card. also callling is good because u still let him improve with some draws (KTo stuff like that).
good video!
KKd you cold 4bet at BB
then you check behind on 7dTc4d, if you dont have Kd
could you will cbet at this flop?
and if you have AK at this spot
could you will cbet at flop?
I was curious about the flop play also with KK when you cold 4bet in the bb aswell. This is a spot where i would bet about 25% pot with my whole range. Do you think this is a valid strategy? I hate giving free cards here when the pot gets so large pre.
i make it a little player dependant. but if i checkback KK i also checkback AK. if i bet AK i also bet KK. i would also be more inclined to bet if im oop, ip i think checking is better for our whole range, obv not better with KK i think.
its also totally ok to bet AK/KK 1/4 pot, the only thing i dont like is AK gets kinda hard to play if you get called. like are u gonna call now on a blank boardrunout or not? also if he shoves are u gonna call? if u can play it perfectly its better to bet AK obv, but the question is always if u can play it correctly then.
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nice video! thx Era7er .
25.30 dont you think its super exploitive by jaming A8 there? what else u gonna jam there in terms of bluffing hand??
or iguess its just a very rare spot that we dont have to worry that much!
yes i think its more like this. and also in some few spots its ok to be unbalanced. as i said i only do this, because against the value range which he might have (like sets and A4+ maybe) im getting stacked anyway and i furthermore dont think he will be bluffing the river very often so in that case when i dont gain much by slowplaying i need to deny him his equity.
but yeah the normal is to just calldown.
At :45 with AsTs on QQ8jsss you say we should always just be check calling turn. Is our hand strong enough to check raise and call off on turn or jam any non double board pair river 100bb deep? Does he have enough bare Qx, straights, and lower flushes to warrant this? I play mostly heads up and I would usually take that line. Or is that over playing our hand in 6 max games, where ranges are tighter?
i think its a little overplayed, esp there is still a river to come, and also you have to think what bluffs u want to have. and see way more hands to call the turn and then bluff the river than to bluff already the turn. so i would be more inclined to raise the river on a good card. also callling is good because u still let him improve with some draws (KTo stuff like that).
good video!
KKd you cold 4bet at BB
then you check behind on 7dTc4d, if you dont have Kd
could you will cbet at this flop?
and if you have AK at this spot
could you will cbet at flop?
I was curious about the flop play also with KK when you cold 4bet in the bb aswell. This is a spot where i would bet about 25% pot with my whole range. Do you think this is a valid strategy? I hate giving free cards here when the pot gets so large pre.
i make it a little player dependant. but if i checkback KK i also checkback AK. if i bet AK i also bet KK. i would also be more inclined to bet if im oop, ip i think checking is better for our whole range, obv not better with KK i think.
its also totally ok to bet AK/KK 1/4 pot, the only thing i dont like is AK gets kinda hard to play if you get called. like are u gonna call now on a blank boardrunout or not? also if he shoves are u gonna call? if u can play it perfectly its better to bet AK obv, but the question is always if u can play it correctly then.
I MEAN we should do a drinking game as everytime you say "I mean" we have to take a shot :D
i think this would probably be a funny one :D
Good format. Plenty of action!
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