Watching Tyler is like moving through thousands of hours of PIO and database work and getting the cherry-picked advice presented in an entertaining way. Just so good :)
Is there any merit to turning the first hand into a bluff on the river?
At 30:30 can our set ever fall into a smaller river sizing besides the overbet? Perhaps a bet closer to pot or perhaps a 70%psb to help balance our more thinner value bet hands? Is a block ever a thing here?
Great idea on the first hand, I actually like this play quite a bit exploitatively here. I'm not likely good, but he is generally weak and not that likely to call.
So it turns out players are very bad at discriminating between betsizes in this spot. So he's going to call 70% at roughly the same frequency he calls 110%, which means I make more money when I bet bigger. In pio land, all the betsizes would be reasonable, because PIO would raise the small bets and change his calling frequencies based on the betsize.
Tyler Forrester - Excellent replayer video! I especially appreciate the focus on the 3-bet pots. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I really enjoy your replayer videos. . . something about the depth you can cover and not being rushed, etc. =)
If I can borrow—and subsequently mutilate (or better, at least for us poker folk, transmute)—a sentiment from one of the most incredible and sophisticated writers to ever live, I would simply replace the word "read" with something like "watch, enjoy, learn from, etc." It really is nice to know that you have something good to view before bed, and this is the video that will be substituted for a good "read" today.
“Knowing you have something good to read before bed is among the most pleasurable of sensations.”
― Vladimir Nabokov
With ATss on J8335sss, after the turn has check through, it turns out that people also overfold to medium-sized bets and overfold to medium-sized bets is farther away from minimum defense than their fold to big bets.
31:00, I'd think I'd be inclined to jam here with 666, because the A is of the suit which should cutdown his flushes substantially. This is a good spot to develop a checkraising bluffing range too.
33:00, Really good point, this hand is a strong candidate hand to raise on the turn, but I generally don't have a raising range here, because I think I gain more value from my value hands by calling. I think JTs might lose some money because of the lack of raising range.
33.00 with JTs on Q935, I agree there's no need for having a raising range ott, although wouldn't mind jamming strong hands that need some protection like AQ, mixing some high equity bluffs like combo-draws and nut flush-draws. I like your play with JThh, think it could be a little bit too weak to jam (low equity when called).
Hello Tyler , great video man did appreciate it.
I have a request , could you a do vid of flatting 4bet IP like you did one few months ago but for OOP ?
Thanks mate!
Thanks Tyler. Nice to see an instructor have the humility to post hands with errors but the wisdom to break them down and provide the audience with A+ information.
I just watched this one after taking a break from cash games. I need to do a lot more work counting combos like you did on that KJs on min 18 858TQ hand. Merry Christmas!
great video.
at 24min, i see solvers only fold like 15% versus a small bet as u say on t83hh sb v btn but why does the solver pick the size then if its that easy to find continues? is it that if low cards come then overs struggle to defend and if big cards come then low pairs struggle to defend, therefore its setting up future profitable opportunities despite the lack of immediate fold equity?
You're exactly right, the solver will actually choose a larger size with higher check frequency here. But in my opinion the simplification of using one simple strategy on the flop (auto c-bet small) outweighs the (very) slight improvement in EV. It's basically less than 5bb/100 better here to go bigger, if I play perfectly.
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Watching Tyler is like moving through thousands of hours of PIO and database work and getting the cherry-picked advice presented in an entertaining way. Just so good :)
Thanks for the amazing compliment, that's exactly what a video should be!
Merry Christmas Tyler!
And a merry Christmas to you!
Great video Tyler.
Is there any merit to turning the first hand into a bluff on the river?
At 30:30 can our set ever fall into a smaller river sizing besides the overbet? Perhaps a bet closer to pot or perhaps a 70%psb to help balance our more thinner value bet hands? Is a block ever a thing here?
Thank you.
Hi Soundspeed!
Great idea on the first hand, I actually like this play quite a bit exploitatively here. I'm not likely good, but he is generally weak and not that likely to call.
So it turns out players are very bad at discriminating between betsizes in this spot. So he's going to call 70% at roughly the same frequency he calls 110%, which means I make more money when I bet bigger. In pio land, all the betsizes would be reasonable, because PIO would raise the small bets and change his calling frequencies based on the betsize.
KJhh on 858rTQ is100% give up. u played it right A6 spades with bdfd bluffs 100% riv if bet turn however KJdd bluffs riv like 60%
Thanks Vanilla for the sim! I'll do that next time.
Tyler Forrester - Excellent replayer video! I especially appreciate the focus on the 3-bet pots. As I've mentioned elsewhere, I really enjoy your replayer videos. . . something about the depth you can cover and not being rushed, etc. =)
If I can borrow—and subsequently mutilate (or better, at least for us poker folk, transmute)—a sentiment from one of the most incredible and sophisticated writers to ever live, I would simply replace the word "read" with something like "watch, enjoy, learn from, etc." It really is nice to know that you have something good to view before bed, and this is the video that will be substituted for a good "read" today.
“Knowing you have something good to read before bed is among the most pleasurable of sensations.”
― Vladimir Nabokov
Thanks for the great compliment, OMGIsildurman!
21.40 --- Do you see any merits in explotatively using a medium size with value hands, because people would overfold vs big bets on this runout?
31.00 --- After you checked, what would you have done if you had faced a 75% PSB on the river?
33.00 --- Would you play any raises vs 2nd barrel on this turn?
Great video, thanks!
With ATss on J8335sss, after the turn has check through, it turns out that people also overfold to medium-sized bets and overfold to medium-sized bets is farther away from minimum defense than their fold to big bets.
31:00, I'd think I'd be inclined to jam here with 666, because the A is of the suit which should cutdown his flushes substantially. This is a good spot to develop a checkraising bluffing range too.
33:00, Really good point, this hand is a strong candidate hand to raise on the turn, but I generally don't have a raising range here, because I think I gain more value from my value hands by calling. I think JTs might lose some money because of the lack of raising range.
Make sense, thank you for the quick response.
33.00 with JTs on Q935, I agree there's no need for having a raising range ott, although wouldn't mind jamming strong hands that need some protection like AQ, mixing some high equity bluffs like combo-draws and nut flush-draws. I like your play with JThh, think it could be a little bit too weak to jam (low equity when called).
Hello Tyler , great video man did appreciate it.
I have a request , could you a do vid of flatting 4bet IP like you did one few months ago but for OOP ?
Thanks mate!
Thanks Yuri for the recommedation! I'll see what I can do :)
I have request as well. Turn play after flop x/r, well you should have many hands there(being on agressive side)
That's a really good spot to look at. I think I've just got my next two videos!
Thanks Tyler. Nice to see an instructor have the humility to post hands with errors but the wisdom to break them down and provide the audience with A+ information.
Thanks sippin criss!
Very nice Christmas present! Just wat I was looking for, thanks Tyler!
Thanks Bingo!
I just watched this one after taking a break from cash games. I need to do a lot more work counting combos like you did on that KJs on min 18 858TQ hand. Merry Christmas!
great video.
at 24min, i see solvers only fold like 15% versus a small bet as u say on t83hh sb v btn but why does the solver pick the size then if its that easy to find continues? is it that if low cards come then overs struggle to defend and if big cards come then low pairs struggle to defend, therefore its setting up future profitable opportunities despite the lack of immediate fold equity?
You're exactly right, the solver will actually choose a larger size with higher check frequency here. But in my opinion the simplification of using one simple strategy on the flop (auto c-bet small) outweighs the (very) slight improvement in EV. It's basically less than 5bb/100 better here to go bigger, if I play perfectly.
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