Do you not check the J8s on the turn because your range is so weak? My intuition is that you'll have a lot of broadway + gut shot hands/ weak a-x, and your value is like occasional QJs, J8s, AJo. If you bet all these hands it feels like you can easily be exploited by him betting the turn. Also, your hand would play well as a check-shove coz so many hands have equity vs it.
I am not betting all my two pair, but given that he should have 2p+ pretty rarely I think it makes sense to bet my most vulnerable two pair. It gives me potential bluffs on TQAK rivers it's an okay outcome if he folds the turn with some worse hands that have pretty good equity vs. me OTT.
Okay makes sense. thingin about overall stack sizes on final table and your imago on that spot so maybe sometimes fine spot to 3bet. Thanks for quick answer!
Great video Sam! A few points for discussion:
1) 37:10 you flat K3o in BB vs BU 2.5x open with 30bb eff; it's ofc standard vs BU open
However, I 3-bet those combos of K3o or similar hands for few reasons:
- a) we put pressure on BU for his tourney life with 2 shorter stacks he doesn't really want to bust before
- b) the hand flops too poorly to play post-flop OOP and rarely gets to SD vs strong opponent
- c) we have a blocker to hands he'd 4-bet shove
- d) What do you think of this line and do you still prefer to flat here all your combos of offsuit low Kx, Qx?
2) What do you think of people's strategy of using so small bet sizing at a FT? does ICM dictate it post.flop? i understand it's congruent with a high c-bet % and thinking opponents over-fold to small c-bet but it doesn't seem to be the case and doesn't seem to be the correct play. Any thoughts?
1) I'd rather 3b hands that have better equity vs. his call3b range.
2) I think ICM should decrease c-bet frequencies. Playing big pots it bad if you are covered and betting less often, especially IP will make it less likely you play for stacks. As you bet less often you are betting a little more polar, so you should size up a little. I think the small cbet sizing from some opponents at this FT is just their standard bet size. They bet too small in earlier and midstages of tourneys as well.
If you are a big stack, cbetting a lot can work out because short stacks need to play tight vs. you, but your preflop range is wider than usual and your opponent's range is tighter than usual. So while cbetting a lot is attractive because you want to put ICM pressure on people. You will be often be betting into a stronger range, which won't work out for you.
Hey sam, what's the plan for the next videos?
I got two questions for the hands here, starting from the first hand.
Hypothetically, if you got raised on the turn vs this villain do you plan on calling the raise and blank turns? I know that ingame i would either just fold the turn raise or call it and fold river. The first seems weak and the latter just spew in a way.
Then on 5th minute when opening K6o from btn, you say you open min cause you will be tighter in the bubble. I thought that this should mean that your size would be bigger. So it's the other way around? You are going bigger with wider ranges to stop people from defending too wide but you don't need that "protection" with tight ranges, is that right? Also in the specific hand aren't you supposed to be wide actually since there is bigger ICM pressure on sb and bb that have smaller stacks?
Btw im the guy that asked you about note-taking some time ago and i was very very happy to see you commented in some videos about it, it was exactly the kind of tips i was looking for :)
Maybe in the future gives us some tips on studying exercises, if they are half as good as the note taking tips you gave, we will be on a money-printing mode!
It's a tough spot if i get raised on the turn, but i expect it to happen pretty rarely. I'd usually call and re-evaluate on the river and call blank rivers some percent of the time. it's a tough spot if we get raised on the turn I expect it to happen less than 10% of the time when we have a king in our hand. I have a tight turn betting range and if my opponent starts bluffing a lot he will be doing it with a lot of hands that have sub 20% equity vs. me.
I misspoke. I minned the button because I am opening wider.
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Do you not check the J8s on the turn because your range is so weak? My intuition is that you'll have a lot of broadway + gut shot hands/ weak a-x, and your value is like occasional QJs, J8s, AJo. If you bet all these hands it feels like you can easily be exploited by him betting the turn. Also, your hand would play well as a check-shove coz so many hands have equity vs it.
I am not betting all my two pair, but given that he should have 2p+ pretty rarely I think it makes sense to bet my most vulnerable two pair. It gives me potential bluffs on TQAK rivers it's an okay outcome if he folds the turn with some worse hands that have pretty good equity vs. me OTT.
On 49.54 Q7s, is that would be great spot to pressure threebet Q7suited versus gotunagi?
It's close. I'd 3B Q8s, but the gap between Q8s and Q7s is pretty large since Q8s can make straights.
Okay makes sense. thingin about overall stack sizes on final table and your imago on that spot so maybe sometimes fine spot to 3bet. Thanks for quick answer!
Great video Sam! A few points for discussion:
1) 37:10 you flat K3o in BB vs BU 2.5x open with 30bb eff; it's ofc standard vs BU open
However, I 3-bet those combos of K3o or similar hands for few reasons:
- a) we put pressure on BU for his tourney life with 2 shorter stacks he doesn't really want to bust before
- b) the hand flops too poorly to play post-flop OOP and rarely gets to SD vs strong opponent
- c) we have a blocker to hands he'd 4-bet shove
- d) What do you think of this line and do you still prefer to flat here all your combos of offsuit low Kx, Qx?
2) What do you think of people's strategy of using so small bet sizing at a FT? does ICM dictate it post.flop? i understand it's congruent with a high c-bet % and thinking opponents over-fold to small c-bet but it doesn't seem to be the case and doesn't seem to be the correct play. Any thoughts?
Thank You
1) I'd rather 3b hands that have better equity vs. his call3b range.
2) I think ICM should decrease c-bet frequencies. Playing big pots it bad if you are covered and betting less often, especially IP will make it less likely you play for stacks. As you bet less often you are betting a little more polar, so you should size up a little. I think the small cbet sizing from some opponents at this FT is just their standard bet size. They bet too small in earlier and midstages of tourneys as well.
If you are a big stack, cbetting a lot can work out because short stacks need to play tight vs. you, but your preflop range is wider than usual and your opponent's range is tighter than usual. So while cbetting a lot is attractive because you want to put ICM pressure on people. You will be often be betting into a stronger range, which won't work out for you.
Hey sam, what's the plan for the next videos?
I got two questions for the hands here, starting from the first hand.
Hypothetically, if you got raised on the turn vs this villain do you plan on calling the raise and blank turns? I know that ingame i would either just fold the turn raise or call it and fold river. The first seems weak and the latter just spew in a way.
Then on 5th minute when opening K6o from btn, you say you open min cause you will be tighter in the bubble. I thought that this should mean that your size would be bigger. So it's the other way around? You are going bigger with wider ranges to stop people from defending too wide but you don't need that "protection" with tight ranges, is that right? Also in the specific hand aren't you supposed to be wide actually since there is bigger ICM pressure on sb and bb that have smaller stacks?
Btw im the guy that asked you about note-taking some time ago and i was very very happy to see you commented in some videos about it, it was exactly the kind of tips i was looking for :)
Maybe in the future gives us some tips on studying exercises, if they are half as good as the note taking tips you gave, we will be on a money-printing mode!
It's a tough spot if i get raised on the turn, but i expect it to happen pretty rarely. I'd usually call and re-evaluate on the river and call blank rivers some percent of the time. it's a tough spot if we get raised on the turn I expect it to happen less than 10% of the time when we have a king in our hand. I have a tight turn betting range and if my opponent starts bluffing a lot he will be doing it with a lot of hands that have sub 20% equity vs. me.
I misspoke. I minned the button because I am opening wider.
Would also be keen to hear what study you do away from the table Sam
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