Thanks for the video. I'd like to ask you about your SB vs BTN 3-bet range. @16:36 I see you folded A7cc vs. a 2.5 btn open. Can you give a brief explanation for your fold or how you build your range here?
I normally 3bet or call this hand vs a button open. So this was a mistake on my part
Vs anything bigger than 2,5x open i don't have a calling range and i would 3bet 14-18% out of the SB (depending on btn's strategy.) Vs smaller sizings i like to include some calls.
Hey Mark
8:00 KT what would your calling range look like here? KT and Ax plus?
11:00 89 do you think 1/2 pot or 1/3 pot is better ott here when you protection bet?
13:30 98s if we bet like 2/3 pot ott how thin would you be willing to vbet river here? A9+?
23:40 AQ otf whats the advantage/disadvantage of using 50% versus 70% sizing here?
thanks :)
8:00 Some Tx that don't block the potential broadway bluffs and Ax.
11:00 I don't think the EV matters a ton but normally smaller would be better for protection betting when our main purpose is protection.
13:30 After a 2/3 bet i'd probably bet TT+ for value. With this sizing probably any 9x plus.
AQ: My standard would be to bet 60-70% on this kind of flop. Reasoning is that i bet more polarized and have a decent equity and nutadvantage on this texture.
vs some opponents we can exploitably use a different sizing. This guy was an unknown so i'd bet my (semi)bluffs a bit smaller expecting that an unknown probably doesn't exploit me.
It depends on what portion of our range we are cbetting and how well villain can defend vs the sizing we use.
Vs a 1/3 pot cbet villain needs to defend much wider than vs a 2/3 pot cbet. On some boards defending vs a 2/3 pot cbet is going to be much easier than defending very wide vs a 1/3 pot cbet.
Say we got K72. Here it is easier to defend close to 1-a vs a bigger cbet than a smaller cbet.
There are a lot of variables for us to determine our cbet sizes, and it can and probably should vary vs the different types of opponents we face.
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Hi Mark,
Thanks for the video. I'd like to ask you about your SB vs BTN 3-bet range. @16:36 I see you folded A7cc vs. a 2.5 btn open. Can you give a brief explanation for your fold or how you build your range here?
I normally 3bet or call this hand vs a button open. So this was a mistake on my part
Vs anything bigger than 2,5x open i don't have a calling range and i would 3bet 14-18% out of the SB (depending on btn's strategy.) Vs smaller sizings i like to include some calls.
Hey Mark
8:00 KT what would your calling range look like here? KT and Ax plus?
11:00 89 do you think 1/2 pot or 1/3 pot is better ott here when you protection bet?
13:30 98s if we bet like 2/3 pot ott how thin would you be willing to vbet river here? A9+?
23:40 AQ otf whats the advantage/disadvantage of using 50% versus 70% sizing here?
thanks :)
8:00 Some Tx that don't block the potential broadway bluffs and Ax.
11:00 I don't think the EV matters a ton but normally smaller would be better for protection betting when our main purpose is protection.
13:30 After a 2/3 bet i'd probably bet TT+ for value. With this sizing probably any 9x plus.
AQ: My standard would be to bet 60-70% on this kind of flop. Reasoning is that i bet more polarized and have a decent equity and nutadvantage on this texture.
vs some opponents we can exploitably use a different sizing. This guy was an unknown so i'd bet my (semi)bluffs a bit smaller expecting that an unknown probably doesn't exploit me.
So if you didn't have a decenty equity/nutadvantage on a flop then our standard sizing should be like half pot?
It depends on what portion of our range we are cbetting and how well villain can defend vs the sizing we use.
Vs a 1/3 pot cbet villain needs to defend much wider than vs a 2/3 pot cbet. On some boards defending vs a 2/3 pot cbet is going to be much easier than defending very wide vs a 1/3 pot cbet.
Say we got K72. Here it is easier to defend close to 1-a vs a bigger cbet than a smaller cbet.
There are a lot of variables for us to determine our cbet sizes, and it can and probably should vary vs the different types of opponents we face.
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