Hi Lautie, great video!
@ 13:10 on table 2, what do you think of cbetting flop blocking top two/backdoor flush draw with a very disguised o/e. I say that because we get a lot of credit cbetting such boards esp as the pre flop opener and can profitably cbet a lot of non heart turns and take it down. Also, if, say, the bb calls he will rep a lot of turns which favour our current holding.
Is it something you would consider if you were deeper with the bb?
Yea a c-bet is deffinitly good as well. On these A high flops you dont get too many bluff C/R being the preflop raiser from relative early position. In the scenario that the sb folds and bb calls our c-bet he could be leading straight bringing turns with some fd's indeed. When playing deep a bet is definitly more appealing since your implied odds are so much bigger it makes for a situation that you can draw to fewer nut outs in position when getting c/r. That being said I still like a bet in this spot as well since we just wont get c/r that much and we make equity/better hands fold.
It is important to think about some T8 hands that you do wanna check back, my hand in this situation is an ok candidate, perhaps the ideal example is an ATT8 or something. Just make sure you give yourself some combo's, it plays nicer for your overall range.
If he was making a bluff out of this hand it would be an ill pick as well. seeing he had pretty good showdown vaue vs my line. Furthermore he would be repping a 24 or 47 straight, and those combo's of cards shouldnt be that often in an HJ's range. So now if he would be bluffing he wants to make me fold a better 2p repping something thats pretty unlikely (straights i mean, he could be definitly betting strong 2p's) in his range and seeing all the draws that have missed I think his only value size should be pot.
To conclude, I believe he was v-betting and if he was bluffing that would be worse imo seeing the hand he has.
Hi Solid,
sorry for late response, had been on holiday for a week.
About the 3b hand selection; In the example of this vid, the K866 might be just a bit too weak, however the main reasons why I did choose to pick this spot were; 1) position, (btn) vs a weaker opening range (CO). 2) Stacksize, in this example it is not deep enough, but to 3b these types of hands its nice to know that a 4b isnt super likely, because of wider opening range and also the hand selection your opponent will 4b with is tighter than when playing more shallow. 3) This type of hand does not play exceptionally well multiway, but tend to realise a ton of equity when ip and HU.
When having 3b and playing a bigger stack, realising this potential equity, plus being in control of the pot by playing in position these ds hands, whether they are K887 ds or 567Jds or alike, mix up your overall 3b range nicely and make you pretty hard to play against the deeper it gets. Please be carefull of smaller stacks in the blinds that might pick up on your light 3bets and can very easy counter with light 4 bets.
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@28.30, don't you think he was bluffing there with blockers to both straights? Good video anyway!
great video thank you
Hi Lautie, great video!
@ 13:10 on table 2, what do you think of cbetting flop blocking top two/backdoor flush draw with a very disguised o/e. I say that because we get a lot of credit cbetting such boards esp as the pre flop opener and can profitably cbet a lot of non heart turns and take it down. Also, if, say, the bb calls he will rep a lot of turns which favour our current holding.
Is it something you would consider if you were deeper with the bb?
Hi dhruv,
Yea a c-bet is deffinitly good as well. On these A high flops you dont get too many bluff C/R being the preflop raiser from relative early position. In the scenario that the sb folds and bb calls our c-bet he could be leading straight bringing turns with some fd's indeed. When playing deep a bet is definitly more appealing since your implied odds are so much bigger it makes for a situation that you can draw to fewer nut outs in position when getting c/r. That being said I still like a bet in this spot as well since we just wont get c/r that much and we make equity/better hands fold.
It is important to think about some T8 hands that you do wanna check back, my hand in this situation is an ok candidate, perhaps the ideal example is an ATT8 or something. Just make sure you give yourself some combo's, it plays nicer for your overall range.
@ Hooven
If he was making a bluff out of this hand it would be an ill pick as well. seeing he had pretty good showdown vaue vs my line. Furthermore he would be repping a 24 or 47 straight, and those combo's of cards shouldnt be that often in an HJ's range. So now if he would be bluffing he wants to make me fold a better 2p repping something thats pretty unlikely (straights i mean, he could be definitly betting strong 2p's) in his range and seeing all the draws that have missed I think his only value size should be pot.
To conclude, I believe he was v-betting and if he was bluffing that would be worse imo seeing the hand he has.
Hi Lautie thanks for the video
@34:00 What considerations you take in account to 3b a hand like k6c86s playing deeper?
If you take suggestion for videos:
1- Sb defend deep vs 100bb
2- 3b deep vs 100bb
I always mess these two spots and i would like to see your aproach :)
nice vid. I like the summarizing of main points you do after discussions.
Hi Solid,
sorry for late response, had been on holiday for a week.
About the 3b hand selection; In the example of this vid, the K866 might be just a bit too weak, however the main reasons why I did choose to pick this spot were; 1) position, (btn) vs a weaker opening range (CO). 2) Stacksize, in this example it is not deep enough, but to 3b these types of hands its nice to know that a 4b isnt super likely, because of wider opening range and also the hand selection your opponent will 4b with is tighter than when playing more shallow. 3) This type of hand does not play exceptionally well multiway, but tend to realise a ton of equity when ip and HU.
When having 3b and playing a bigger stack, realising this potential equity, plus being in control of the pot by playing in position these ds hands, whether they are K887 ds or 567Jds or alike, mix up your overall 3b range nicely and make you pretty hard to play against the deeper it gets. Please be carefull of smaller stacks in the blinds that might pick up on your light 3bets and can very easy counter with light 4 bets.
Don't worry man enjoy the holidays.
Thanks that answer was pretty clear! Excited to see your next vid
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