at 16:00 you decide to c-bet multi way with Jh9h on AcQhTd board. Why do you pick a small sizing? I'm never sure how to approach these situations. I would think since we usually don't have larger than 50% equity overall we should be betting less frequently with a bigger sizing. Is my thinking flawed?
sry for the delay with answering.
we could definitly also bet this board big since we are really not betting too often. basically the small sizing allows us to bet this board with a wider range of hands which i normally like and people have to checkraise more hands on the flop which a lot of peopel are not doing. so in general i like these small bets in a lot of different spots
2min 4bet pot AA on A79 flop, you decide to C-bet and say you are cbetting full range here. what do you think about checking back full range here ? your range is like ( AA KK ( sometimes QQ ) and random Axs, and his range contains all the AK, AQs AJs and some 99, i guess we loose a bit some ev by cbetting full range here
it really depends how u construct your 4betting range. but if u put my range something on some Axs and KK+ for example this should be an easy cbet 100% spot. i dont really mind checking 100% either, bc he also has a lot of Ax like AJs+.
i was actually just checking in pio bc it also made me interested. and it really checks more than it bets, probably bc those strong Ax/AA are just way less likely than KK+/weak Ax. so i actually would prefer then check 100%. but its pretty small difference between bet and check as long as we dont split our range
we loose a bit of value against KJ and maybe AJ if he has that even, i dont think he has AK very often anyway. so in general i really like this slowplay on the turn with QQ bc we give him a good opportunity to catch up with something he would fold the turn, which actually is a lot of combinations (basically any pocketpair, 7x) + we are blocking his call down range anyway, so im pretty ok with this check on the turn. a bet is not really bad just a check i think is a bit better.
min 36 on table 3, u mentioned that c-betting on QJT BvB is player dependant.. can u explain this a bit more? also what are the most important factors in your opinion for betting very often BvB and what boards u are almost always check? it seems u are checking as SB more when BB has more off suit strong combos in his range than we (SB) have...
also at 44 min when u bet small as 3 bet caller on KQT with J9 what is reasoning behind betting small? why do u prefer smaller sizing over big sizing and checking back more often?
normally im playing the same strategy as i would be playing almost when i would play BU vs BB defend, just that we have to check a bit more stronger hands on board that hit his range better. for example like 356 where he has way more offsuited combos that hit this board well than we have. in that case, the AJT, i normally cbet this 100% vs regs, but against fish i play a more exploitive and unbalanced strategy and check this.
the reason why i bet small and often why u want to bet small, is that u can bet the flop wider for value as bluffs. so for example i could step even boards that dont hit my range that much wider for value and as bluffs and keep the bets more cheap.
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at 16:00 you decide to c-bet multi way with Jh9h on AcQhTd board. Why do you pick a small sizing? I'm never sure how to approach these situations. I would think since we usually don't have larger than 50% equity overall we should be betting less frequently with a bigger sizing. Is my thinking flawed?
Great video as always.
sry for the delay with answering.
we could definitly also bet this board big since we are really not betting too often. basically the small sizing allows us to bet this board with a wider range of hands which i normally like and people have to checkraise more hands on the flop which a lot of peopel are not doing. so in general i like these small bets in a lot of different spots
2min 4bet pot AA on A79 flop, you decide to C-bet and say you are cbetting full range here. what do you think about checking back full range here ? your range is like ( AA KK ( sometimes QQ ) and random Axs, and his range contains all the AK, AQs AJs and some 99, i guess we loose a bit some ev by cbetting full range here
it really depends how u construct your 4betting range. but if u put my range something on some Axs and KK+ for example this should be an easy cbet 100% spot. i dont really mind checking 100% either, bc he also has a lot of Ax like AJs+.
i was actually just checking in pio bc it also made me interested. and it really checks more than it bets, probably bc those strong Ax/AA are just way less likely than KK+/weak Ax. so i actually would prefer then check 100%. but its pretty small difference between bet and check as long as we dont split our range
With the top set QQ on 7Q210.
Is your check on the turn not giving good value to KJ, AK, AJ?
A turn bet could get value form these hands?
I like the play, it just seems very non-standard.
we loose a bit of value against KJ and maybe AJ if he has that even, i dont think he has AK very often anyway. so in general i really like this slowplay on the turn with QQ bc we give him a good opportunity to catch up with something he would fold the turn, which actually is a lot of combinations (basically any pocketpair, 7x) + we are blocking his call down range anyway, so im pretty ok with this check on the turn. a bet is not really bad just a check i think is a bit better.
min 36 on table 3, u mentioned that c-betting on QJT BvB is player dependant.. can u explain this a bit more? also what are the most important factors in your opinion for betting very often BvB and what boards u are almost always check? it seems u are checking as SB more when BB has more off suit strong combos in his range than we (SB) have...
also at 44 min when u bet small as 3 bet caller on KQT with J9 what is reasoning behind betting small? why do u prefer smaller sizing over big sizing and checking back more often?
normally im playing the same strategy as i would be playing almost when i would play BU vs BB defend, just that we have to check a bit more stronger hands on board that hit his range better. for example like 356 where he has way more offsuited combos that hit this board well than we have. in that case, the AJT, i normally cbet this 100% vs regs, but against fish i play a more exploitive and unbalanced strategy and check this.
the reason why i bet small and often why u want to bet small, is that u can bet the flop wider for value as bluffs. so for example i could step even boards that dont hit my range that much wider for value and as bluffs and keep the bets more cheap.
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