$2.5/$5 Live Zoom Session

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$2.5/$5 Live Zoom Session

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Juan Copani

Elite Pro

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$2.5/$5 Live Zoom Session

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Juan Copani

POSTED Jun 02, 2015

In an attempt to give some real-time insight into his through process, Juan brings us a live session at $500 zoom.


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KidBunz 9 years, 9 months ago

Hi nice vid! Just a quick question: Why do you limp the sb with hands like Ax and K5s? Is it just a set range as it doesn't look like you are basing it on stars or anything? Could we just not open these to 3x and expect to win over the longrun?

Juan Copani 9 years, 9 months ago

Hey KidBunz,

There are lot of ways to maximize the individual ev of each of your holdings on the SB, as limping, raise 2.5x, raise 3x. Which one will maximize your ev against any specific opponent will depend on his specific tendencies. For example, there are players who react fairly explotable against one sizing, but not against other ones.

But in the meanwhile all i know is that hands like you mentioned have very similar EVs as limps or ORs if your opponent is playing a solid action versus both actions. So im able to either pick a only raise/fold strategy or a mixed one.

KidBunz 9 years, 9 months ago

Do you use your HUD at all or pop ups? It seemed like all your decisions were based on standard plays or hand strength.

Juan Pastor 9 years, 9 months ago

Hi Juan, nice vid.

  • Saw you open folding A3o on BU. Are you doing this just against tough blinds, or is a std fold to you?
  • Min 33, are you shoving the AK on blank rivers?
  • Min 36, are you always calling 22 SBvsBU to a 2.12bb open? Would you also call against 2.5x? Do you ever 3b in this spot with 22-66?
  • Same hand, you said 22/33 is a big part of your range, would you also c/r in a board without a 3 like K72fd?


Juan Copani 9 years, 9 months ago

Hey Juan,

  • Its a hand that falls into the top 40-50% hands, so it becomes a close open against good defenders.
  • I think you would be shoving too much if you just fire the river with any high card in your range, but its definetely a high river bet frecquency spot.
  • These are really close hands, so your pot odds and big blind player it matters a lot when trying to estimate how you can maximize the ev of this holdings. As general rule id say that as raises get biggers you should make more either 3bet or fold. And when raises are smallish you should call more and 3bet less.
ruditurbio 9 years, 9 months ago

Yeah is it standard for you to call 22-66 on the small blind with a reg on the bb? You also folded 86s on the same spot. How does your SB defending range against the button look like?


Juan Copani 9 years, 9 months ago


As i said in my previous response to Juan, its not standard to call those hands, but its not standard any other action neither. These are very close defends because of his bad equity realization, so any exploitable appearance at this spot could define what the best line is with this kinds of hands. A hand like 22 could be played as a call against very small sizings, and a fold against 3x+. Otherwise, stronger hands as 55 could be played as a call against a minraise, but as 3bets against bigger sizings.

All this things means that are very close ev lines, and very similar in terms of ev. And could be certainly be inclined to played in one way of another for various reasons. A slightly higher fold to 3bet in your opponent could start to make your hand a better 3bet than a call, a weak opponent on the BB could make your hand a call while otherwise you would be always 3betting.

And id like to know how Jersey gets to that kind of rule of thumb that im supposed to always 3bet 15-17% from the SB. As i tried to explain size matters at the time to construct your ranges, i would agree that you are kind of force to vpip 15%+ on most of SBvBTN spots, but this could be constructed on differents ways. And you could certainly could defend even a 23% and never include a hand as 86s in your defending range.

FatherOfBaltoy 9 years, 9 months ago

don't think you can fold KTs, opener looked like a weaker player as did big blind in the SB
also don't think you should fold ATo to a BTN 3x as BTN looked like a weaker player who had loose/agro stats and even against a solid reg this seems a little tight even if ATo doesn't play super amazing oop etc

Juan Copani 9 years, 9 months ago


What timeframe are you refering ? I did find a hand where i folded ATo on the BB, but it was against an UTG open, not the BTN.

leipos 9 years, 9 months ago

I like ur content alot, but you should consider taking this video down. Wouldn't be the first time, that public usage of mined hands results in getting banned on Stars.

PAPASVEN 9 years, 9 months ago

at 5mins with the AJo 3b bluff. which hands are you bluffing postflop in this spot vs the btn? or are we bluffing at all?

pacmang 9 years, 9 months ago

Hi Juan, enjoy your videos as usual. Thanks

31:47 tbl 1. you fold J9dd in SB vs mp open and co and btn both flat 3x raise. is this not a good hand to call preflop since it plays well multiway?

36:13 tbl 1. the 22 hand. I understand everything you said in the previous posts above, however, BB is deanosupremo and just looking at his stats he seems like the exact type of villain that should sway us to be folding 22 and 33 here? Also, on the flop cr, your value range is only 22 33 and bluffing with flush draws i assume, since all your better Kx's like AK, QK are 3bet pre. maybe we don't want a check raising range here on this particular board?

Juan Copani 9 years, 9 months ago

Hey pacmang,

31.47 I think a lot of players overestimate how big his coldcall range it should be on this multiway spots. Coldcall ranges IP are pretty tight, so my hand looses a lot of equity realization when playing against 3 players, out of position and with two ranges of 5-10%. So my pf range it should be focused on avoid to call this kind of dominated hands and put more hands with more nut potential, hands that im not to going be affraid to play big pots when someone decides to cbet into a 4 players pot.

36.13 You could create some cardrunnersev models and try to probe how your 22 coldcall will perfomance against differents BB strategys. I did find that ranges are so wide, and my hand has so many equity, that is difficult to not do it better than -50bb/100 even with very active big blinds. But as i said, its a very close hand, even what stake are you playing and rake could also affect your decision when talking of a very close call (For example. it would be even closer at 200nl). And i agree that this is not necessarily a 100% frecquency xRaise, in fact, im not even sure that you should always check the flop since these SB coldcall ranges are much stronger symmetrically than IP ranges, but i did not worked in too much deep on these leading spots yet.

FIVEbetbLUFF 9 years, 9 months ago

great video.
at 2min, why are targeting KQ and AQ specifically to get him to fold? do you think he defends more properly to a normal sized bet relative to a over bet?
at 5min, with AJ, you decide to check down, and accept that you never win really on K8776. isn't best since he has a lot of combos of bluff catchers (99-QQ a lot, and AQ) relative to your range that still includes AA/KK/AK so isn't it best to bet large with some hands like this that never win at showdown and nutted hands like AK+, creating a nuts v bluff catcher scenario? I know you'd prefer higher equity hands but you do have a bunch of strong hands here.
at 7min, with QJ on T84cc turn T what do you do with the variety of draws you have without real SD value that sort of have to check that turn since its so good for his range? I dont think check raising on this turn makes sense since he will be fairly polarized on this turn and will follow thru a lot on rivers (and therefore give you incentive to c/c with full houses like T8 T4s and 88/44). so u wanna check/call with big hands but check/calling is not appealing w/o SD value for your draws, so its creates an interesting problem.
at 23min, do you think he shud be betting 66 on 8758 for value/protection on flop or turn?
at 24min, since you have a weak range, does it make sense to divide and lead? you have to lead some value hands too then, and that makes you get barreled even harder and makes it even harder to defend against.
at 33min, is that an exploitative bet with KJ to bet bigger to maximize fold equity of flop because its not a good hand to barrel with, or are you splitting range into different bet sizes on flop?
thanks !

Synapse 9 years, 9 months ago

Enjoyed the video and get a lot out of your thought process in the video and in the comments. You mention a lot about equity realization as a factor in determining preflop decisions, are there any tips you can give to estimate this? Maybe this could be the source for a future video... ; 0

MorronGun 9 years, 9 months ago

Hi Juan! Thx for sharing good material as always!

At min 4.10 & 32.20 you 3b AJo as a bluff, what else would you 3b as a bluff on that spot? KQo maybe, and there is some other type of hands like QTs, JTs? Isn't it too much bluffing with KJo? I mean how many bluffs per value combos will you have if you add AJo KQo KJo?

frankyeh 9 years, 5 months ago

AdKc you double barrel at 3d4c8h Qc
if villain call at turn
which card will let you want to bet at river?
and which card you will giveup?

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