Hi, Mark!
29:30 set on 39dTd: Don't we make both players folding Tx? Do we have to just call with some portion of sets? We will get to turn with uncapped range and opps will have mid hands in their range like AJ, JT, J7.
I think we need to raise for a couple of reasons:
- The SB is presumably a weaker player, who might get a lot of money in with a toppair or draw,
-The BB is representing a strong hand by raising the donkbet. So against his strong hands/ draws we want to get a lot of money in on the flop aswell.
- The board is quite dynamic. any 6 to K puts a possible straight on the board, and diamonds put a possible flush out there. So about half the deck gives us a weaker hand on the turn, which can either kill our action or give them a better hand.
I would call my overpairs aswell our strong draws mostly. And i think we can manouvre well enough with that range vs future aggression, and I lean towards mostly fastplaying sets.
I'd probably x/decide K and A rivers. Mostly x/fold because most villains arent turning strongish pairs into bluffs. Also the K and A improve his range by a ton.
I probably would have bluffed rivers except for the hearts.
It depends a bit on his turn barreling range. If this is quite high after a small sized bet we cannot profitable call flop cbets with our lower pairs. If it's lower than 55-60% i think we can call hands like 66-88.
I like this format better than the multi-tabling zoom videos most instructors are doing. The hand-by-hand explanation of each decision is really nice and your pace / level of detail is very good. Looking forward to the next parts.
It's a board where most turns he will keep valuebetting AQ+. I usually tend to fastplay a bit more where a lot of turns villain will be a bit more hesistant to valuebet those kind of hands. But i agree that a x/r is more than reasonable on this board.
Min 19 KTo SBvsBB: I like your analyse. I also think its tough and interesting spot.
Dont you think he might play KJ like that even we do block but still are 12 combos. Allthough he might cbet it sometimes and not hve to bluff it everytime otr since it has some SDV.
great vid.
at 23min with k9 on q95t, not sure about logic of betting 92 instead of K9 just bc we block floats with k9. k9 gets value from tons of offsuit 9x that 92 doesnt, which far outwieghs kj kt combos. further, 92 has more profitable turn call if check back flop cuz doesnt block these kj kt bluffs while k9 does.
On turn ten, what do you think of his 60% pot bet? seems wierd with 93s.
I really like this content.
These spots where we "flop nothing (or something)" are often underused in coaching videos, while they can be most important one's to our winrate.
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Hi, Mark!
29:30 set on 39dTd: Don't we make both players folding Tx? Do we have to just call with some portion of sets? We will get to turn with uncapped range and opps will have mid hands in their range like AJ, JT, J7.
Hey TG,
I think we need to raise for a couple of reasons:
- The SB is presumably a weaker player, who might get a lot of money in with a toppair or draw,
-The BB is representing a strong hand by raising the donkbet. So against his strong hands/ draws we want to get a lot of money in on the flop aswell.
- The board is quite dynamic. any 6 to K puts a possible straight on the board, and diamonds put a possible flush out there. So about half the deck gives us a weaker hand on the turn, which can either kill our action or give them a better hand.
I would call my overpairs aswell our strong draws mostly. And i think we can manouvre well enough with that range vs future aggression, and I lean towards mostly fastplaying sets.
37:30 what if he calls, and river is K or A... and do you continue bluff river on some cards?
I'd probably x/decide K and A rivers. Mostly x/fold because most villains arent turning strongish pairs into bluffs. Also the K and A improve his range by a ton.
I probably would have bluffed rivers except for the hearts.
@42:20 You say we're almost at the bottom of our range and only 87 is worse. Is it too loose to call smaller PPs OTF against his smallish size?
Nice vid as always! Although I prefer either the Marked HH review or the 3table live zoom vids.
It depends a bit on his turn barreling range. If this is quite high after a small sized bet we cannot profitable call flop cbets with our lower pairs. If it's lower than 55-60% i think we can call hands like 66-88.
i really liked the video. i am new here, do you have somewhere more info about your zoom hud or it explained ? i would really apreciate it :)
Welcome Arek,
Maybe in one of my first video. All though u can try to copy the stats from my videos :)
I like this format better than the multi-tabling zoom videos most instructors are doing. The hand-by-hand explanation of each decision is really nice and your pace / level of detail is very good. Looking forward to the next parts.
ty Koos
I concur. Really liking this format! Nice video Mark!
Great vid thx.
@11:15 Think we def want to check raise the 55 on 5cQh4c though. Totally fine for our check calling range to be capped at Qx at this SPR.
It's a board where most turns he will keep valuebetting AQ+. I usually tend to fastplay a bit more where a lot of turns villain will be a bit more hesistant to valuebet those kind of hands. But i agree that a x/r is more than reasonable on this board.
love the pace of this video! Great format, keep it going
Really like the format and you style of explanation, please go on with more content!
Thanks Mark, excellent video.This quality of content is why I subscribe to runitonce every month.
Hey Mark, great Vid.
Min 19 KTo SBvsBB: I like your analyse. I also think its tough and interesting spot.
Dont you think he might play KJ like that even we do block but still are 12 combos. Allthough he might cbet it sometimes and not hve to bluff it everytime otr since it has some SDV.
Ty jownz,
Even if he plays all the KJ combos like that and this is his only bluff we probably are at best BE vs his range.
great vid.
at 23min with k9 on q95t, not sure about logic of betting 92 instead of K9 just bc we block floats with k9. k9 gets value from tons of offsuit 9x that 92 doesnt, which far outwieghs kj kt combos. further, 92 has more profitable turn call if check back flop cuz doesnt block these kj kt bluffs while k9 does.
On turn ten, what do you think of his 60% pot bet? seems wierd with 93s.
I really like this content.
These spots where we "flop nothing (or something)" are often underused in coaching videos, while they can be most important one's to our winrate.
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