First , when we are OOP in most spots (medium SPR) , its going to be difficult to capitalize our equity. So , overall, everytime we can get it in it is a good idea .(Well if we always do this our other ranges can get hurt but lets save that discussion for other time).
In this case our hand has good equity against most stabbing ranges, but its not that strong to play comfortable many turns. Also we lose value and visibility in some of them.
Another thing is lets assume villian stabs 9x all the time, that range against our hand has 35% equity roughly, so letting him decide to check turn (assuming we checkcall flop) and catch up 2pair or anything and capitalize his equity and play perfectly is not a good idea.
If you want to checkcall some hands i suggest the ones that are not very vulnerable like set+oesd , or hands that could gain equity as AA with backdoors , or hands that u want to pot control as AT86dd. ...
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(Min34) I don't understand very well how do you play QQ88 if you start with check and the villain bets. Why cr and not cc?
Hi Sh1ku.
why cr and not cc ?
First , when we are OOP in most spots (medium SPR) , its going to be difficult to capitalize our equity. So , overall, everytime we can get it in it is a good idea .(Well if we always do this our other ranges can get hurt but lets save that discussion for other time).
In this case our hand has good equity against most stabbing ranges, but its not that strong to play comfortable many turns. Also we lose value and visibility in some of them.
Another thing is lets assume villian stabs 9x all the time, that range against our hand has 35% equity roughly, so letting him decide to check turn (assuming we checkcall flop) and catch up 2pair or anything and capitalize his equity and play perfectly is not a good idea.
If you want to checkcall some hands i suggest the ones that are not very vulnerable like set+oesd , or hands that could gain equity as AA with backdoors , or hands that u want to pot control as AT86dd. ...
Let me know if its clear, gl at the tables !
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