Around 14 minutes you c/r turn with AJ69ds on Q75ccJ. I disagree with using this hand. It seems like we could be c/r here with better equity semi-bluff hands than one pair. A hand like T9Jx seems much better. The issue with using this hand feels like you'll be c/r turn quite often with any J, and when called, you are guessing quite a bit on rivers as what to do. Also your sizing is very large if you think that he's folding a decent amount.
The play seems OK exploitively against a player who only weak delay c-bets, but I think in tougher games, you can get punished quite bad c/ring this light on turn with only a 1 pair blocker?
Good thoughts. I know its iffy play and I wouldnt do it always in these spots, especially in 10/20 or higher vs tougher opponents. Just attacking versus our opponents weak range where we are blocking a key card of his valuerange is a good thing.
26:04 with KJT4cc you decide to xc turn xf river I see the point in xc the turn to protect our range but then if we xc most of our K and check fold on the river we happen to be very exploitable folding almost all of our range on the river. Do you have some thought on that spot ?
You are right, and thats something we dont really wanna be doing. Im not sure how we should be playing these kinda spots, against some opponents this is totally fine coz they gonna check it down but some guys are good enough to bet always when we take this like, therefore we should be considering xc river there aswell.
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this is barewire. i liked the video !
enjoyed it too, it might seem slow to you but we can watch it at 1.5x which makes it a decent pace video :)
min 28: isn't it bad to have 8 in you hand becouse you block more of his bluffs then his value hands?
Sure, and having a 9 also isnt too good. After looking the hand through, I dont really like my bluffcatch there.
"I don't know how to pronounce the name, but the guy with the snail..."
Ouch. Right in the feels. :(
Your SN is too Greek, man. Although Greece is not really at its apotheosis these days :/
a·poth·e·o·sis (pronounced as əˌpäTHēˈōsəs)
Around 14 minutes you c/r turn with AJ69ds on Q75ccJ. I disagree with using this hand. It seems like we could be c/r here with better equity semi-bluff hands than one pair. A hand like T9Jx seems much better. The issue with using this hand feels like you'll be c/r turn quite often with any J, and when called, you are guessing quite a bit on rivers as what to do. Also your sizing is very large if you think that he's folding a decent amount.
The play seems OK exploitively against a player who only weak delay c-bets, but I think in tougher games, you can get punished quite bad c/ring this light on turn with only a 1 pair blocker?
Good thoughts. I know its iffy play and I wouldnt do it always in these spots, especially in 10/20 or higher vs tougher opponents. Just attacking versus our opponents weak range where we are blocking a key card of his valuerange is a good thing.
26:04 with KJT4cc you decide to xc turn xf river I see the point in xc the turn to protect our range but then if we xc most of our K and check fold on the river we happen to be very exploitable folding almost all of our range on the river. Do you have some thought on that spot ?
You are right, and thats something we dont really wanna be doing. Im not sure how we should be playing these kinda spots, against some opponents this is totally fine coz they gonna check it down but some guys are good enough to bet always when we take this like, therefore we should be considering xc river there aswell.
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