12:07 table 1 with KTo would you still use a pot sized x/r with your range here if he had used a bigger sizing on the flop?
16:57 table 2 are you cbetting 100% here with this sizing? I'm surprised you would cbet
such a weak hand here
39:23 table one with QTs can you explain why you would have a leading range here?
You don´t need to be betting all your range, but i think it´s ok to bet at least a portion of your air on spots where you have a big range advantage
There are some boards where the SB hit so many strong hands that leading becomes a fine option, but this kind of strategies are very sensitive to board changes and preflop ranges.
Ciao Juan.
7.13 - so why u did choose the Fold option instead of calling? The 3bet was small, the stack size are deeper then normal. Seems like good spot to call..
15:00 with the Q4dd, I understand most of the fundamentals you are explaining to ch/r turn. My question is what should our play be when facing a turn jam vs our ch/r? fold? call? do we have the equity needed here vs 2p+? Thank you. Basic math question I suppose but I struggle in these situations.
Hey, seems like i lost my focus on that hand while commenting on the other one. Definitely an always bluff on the river with this hand, you could even develop some overbetting frecquency with this combo.
12:15 on table 1, you mentioned you have better hands to bluff with on the turn? Which specific hands you meant?
34:55 Why T9o will be a decent hand to bluff on the river after turn goes check-check, just due to blocking KT, K9 or any other reason?
Table 2 at 4:45, in spots like this vs small blind ranges how do you think we should go about balancing our checking ranges? With 77 i'm torn between adding some of these hands to our checking ranges because if we cbet every pocket pair then our checking ranges seem exploitable. It doesnt look like a spot we can just cbet all our air? I'm also not sure how often we want to check big hands like AA KK just for the sake of balance if they might just make way more money betting the flop. Any thoughts on this? Cheers
I think we can cbet a lot on a board like this, since 44/33/A3s are not beeing played with a 100% frecquency for some players here. Not sure if we can go with all of our range, but probably very close to (~80%+ ?).
I dont think we need to check TT+ hands here since ev bet>ev check as you said.
hi , good video. at 19min i was wondering with the 62cc hand do you have much of a leading range here on the flop, and also on the turn what you think to a high frequency blocking bet, seems like if he starts raising a bunch of kx we can 3b turn quite often, thanks
I think its not the best flop to develop a leading range since most of the 2pair combos on the flop are suited, so even if this is an ok flop for the bb, ip its not extremely capped of 2p+ relative to my range.
I do like the idea of develop a leading range on the turn. But id like to have hands with a little bit more equity like 87/75/68/65/54.
21:58- j8o hand you consider call and fold on the river , do you think a jam is ever viable, is this a line we could take with jjj/ kq, both our cars work very well at reducing his number of nut combos and he cant have any one pair with Kx/Qx to hero our river shove with so we dont need to card share with our value range? thanks
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12:07 table 1 with KTo would you still use a pot sized x/r with your range here if he had used a bigger sizing on the flop?
16:57 table 2 are you cbetting 100% here with this sizing? I'm surprised you would cbet
such a weak hand here
39:23 table one with QTs can you explain why you would have a leading range here?
Hey Taiga,
You don´t need to be betting all your range, but i think it´s ok to bet at least a portion of your air on spots where you have a big range advantage
There are some boards where the SB hit so many strong hands that leading becomes a fine option, but this kind of strategies are very sensitive to board changes and preflop ranges.
Ciao Juan.
7.13 - so why u did choose the Fold option instead of calling? The 3bet was small, the stack size are deeper then normal. Seems like good spot to call..
Seems like very close between 3 options, could be an always call against certain opponents that allows you to realize more equity than normal.
15:00 with the Q4dd, I understand most of the fundamentals you are explaining to ch/r turn. My question is what should our play be when facing a turn jam vs our ch/r? fold? call? do we have the equity needed here vs 2p+? Thank you. Basic math question I suppose but I struggle in these situations.
32:35: ATo seems like a decent hand to x/r or bet OTR with Ac no?
Hey, seems like i lost my focus on that hand while commenting on the other one. Definitely an always bluff on the river with this hand, you could even develop some overbetting frecquency with this combo.
12:15 on table 1, you mentioned you have better hands to bluff with on the turn? Which specific hands you meant?
34:55 Why T9o will be a decent hand to bluff on the river after turn goes check-check, just due to blocking KT, K9 or any other reason?
Hey uros,
Table 2 at 4:45, in spots like this vs small blind ranges how do you think we should go about balancing our checking ranges? With 77 i'm torn between adding some of these hands to our checking ranges because if we cbet every pocket pair then our checking ranges seem exploitable. It doesnt look like a spot we can just cbet all our air? I'm also not sure how often we want to check big hands like AA KK just for the sake of balance if they might just make way more money betting the flop. Any thoughts on this? Cheers
Hey E_B,
I think we can cbet a lot on a board like this, since 44/33/A3s are not beeing played with a 100% frecquency for some players here. Not sure if we can go with all of our range, but probably very close to (~80%+ ?).
I dont think we need to check TT+ hands here since ev bet>ev check as you said.
hi , good video. at 19min i was wondering with the 62cc hand do you have much of a leading range here on the flop, and also on the turn what you think to a high frequency blocking bet, seems like if he starts raising a bunch of kx we can 3b turn quite often, thanks
I think its not the best flop to develop a leading range since most of the 2pair combos on the flop are suited, so even if this is an ok flop for the bb, ip its not extremely capped of 2p+ relative to my range.
I do like the idea of develop a leading range on the turn. But id like to have hands with a little bit more equity like 87/75/68/65/54.
21:58- j8o hand you consider call and fold on the river , do you think a jam is ever viable, is this a line we could take with jjj/ kq, both our cars work very well at reducing his number of nut combos and he cant have any one pair with Kx/Qx to hero our river shove with so we dont need to card share with our value range? thanks
Hey, nice observation. I think it could be an option. Probably we need to mix between these 3 options to get a right equilibrium.
Hey Juan,
What software do you use to get the randomizer on every table like this ?
Hey, i dont really understand what you mean.
I think it's the display of bet size as a % of the size of the pot.
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