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TQ BB defend MP open
after MP check flop, you bet on a 4c7hAc As turn,what is your plan?
because i think we dont have many FE at turn.
you will double barrel bluff your TQ?
of course. normally i would check KK back. my strategy in this spot depends a little on the player. if hes really passive in general im more likely to bet, if hes more aggressive i check more (with my entire range of course). in this example i think he was a fish thats why i like to bet.
What would you think of checking a river instead of betting, or maybe about betting like 1/4 pot and try to induce, I think that if he raises a flop with an overpair he is obligated to the turn bet ( same for 7x hands ) so basiclly most likely he had some sort of draw/spew hand and have no hands he can call us with
I would also want to ask you about your hud, did you created it at your own, any chances that maybe you can sale it??:)
i dont like checking the river. the only intention to check would be to go for a checkraise, but i think that is a little overplayed with JJ. so because there are so many draws busted he will almost always call us with any pair he might have. betting small to induce is not a good option, because he will probably just call with most of his hands. this is also not a spot where you can induce much i think.
about the hud i did it all by myself, i would sell it for 50$.
hey era7er, at 18'45 top right, why do you just call the top set on 87xb ? It's because he have a range avantage ? Do you think that it's good to raise the other sets here ?
@25'40 : I don't like calling the flop too, but what do you think about bluff raising, i find that we have some fold equity on his Ad x hands/his bluffs, we have a little equity if he calls us, and we need to find bluffs combos to balance with our flopped flushs no ? Thx !
first of all i dont think it matters what kind of set u have since blocking a toppair is in this case not so important because he has a fairly tight range and not that many 8x anyway, only a few. the second question you have to ask yourself is, is it more likely our opponent either barrels off as a bluff (on either good board runouts or bad ones) or hits a hand that he gets stacked with (like with AK an A/K) vs the turncards where he doesnt stack off any more with his valuerange (QQ+). if i would like to raise a board then it would probably be this one in a 3bet pot. but i also really like to call with sets, since were better balanced and also i think its a little bit better for the before mentioned reasons.
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TQ BB defend MP open
after MP check flop, you bet on a 4c7hAc As turn,what is your plan?
because i think we dont have many FE at turn.
you will double barrel bluff your TQ?
i will probably bluff any 5,6,8 and flushcards and check on Q and T.
but its also ok to check QT and just give up. i think its close
6:56 KK
Ever have a value check back range here?
of course. normally i would check KK back. my strategy in this spot depends a little on the player. if hes really passive in general im more likely to bet, if hes more aggressive i check more (with my entire range of course). in this example i think he was a fish thats why i like to bet.
7:30 JJ hand
What would you think of checking a river instead of betting, or maybe about betting like 1/4 pot and try to induce, I think that if he raises a flop with an overpair he is obligated to the turn bet ( same for 7x hands ) so basiclly most likely he had some sort of draw/spew hand and have no hands he can call us with
I would also want to ask you about your hud, did you created it at your own, any chances that maybe you can sale it??:)
i dont like checking the river. the only intention to check would be to go for a checkraise, but i think that is a little overplayed with JJ. so because there are so many draws busted he will almost always call us with any pair he might have. betting small to induce is not a good option, because he will probably just call with most of his hands. this is also not a spot where you can induce much i think.
about the hud i did it all by myself, i would sell it for 50$.
hey era7er, at 18'45 top right, why do you just call the top set on 87xb ? It's because he have a range avantage ? Do you think that it's good to raise the other sets here ?
@25'40 : I don't like calling the flop too, but what do you think about bluff raising, i find that we have some fold equity on his Ad x hands/his bluffs, we have a little equity if he calls us, and we need to find bluffs combos to balance with our flopped flushs no ? Thx !
first of all i dont think it matters what kind of set u have since blocking a toppair is in this case not so important because he has a fairly tight range and not that many 8x anyway, only a few. the second question you have to ask yourself is, is it more likely our opponent either barrels off as a bluff (on either good board runouts or bad ones) or hits a hand that he gets stacked with (like with AK an A/K) vs the turncards where he doesnt stack off any more with his valuerange (QQ+). if i would like to raise a board then it would probably be this one in a 3bet pot. but i also really like to call with sets, since were better balanced and also i think its a little bit better for the before mentioned reasons.
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