The visual video format of both the webcam + 6 tables doesnt work for me, Im watching this on a high res macbook pro screen but I cant see the tables this way. Theyre too small. I think in combination with the webcam it should be max 4 tables.. I dont know if this is just me though.
26 mins or so--SBvBU 3bp w 99 on 976dcc4x5x... you say his turn float w/ AdTh vs 1/2p is horrible, however, I'd agree its fine since if he's not floating a hand like that OTT, which fwiw is mostly ahead of all your semi-bluffs, OTR 5x he only ends up being able to bluff pairs or FDs which seems quite inefficient. (The flopped FD prob end up being worse bluffs OTR than the AT anyways in terms of removal.) So to me, it seems like his play is fine even though it's going to be a pretty breakeven call OTT. I'd imagine he's likely getting overfolds from your JJ-KK, 9x, A7 portion of your range on this specific river since you'll perceive him to be under-bluffing, which will help the EV on his turn call (you're not putting those ATo, JT combos in his range.)
Hi Patrick. I am always looking forward to your videos. As I usually like to watch it on a iPad, this format is too difficult to see any stats, bet sizing, etc...
Then I guess that I ll be looking for the next one.... hand review with Pio? I d love that. Cheers.
Scrap this format. Can't see bet sizes or stacks. No idea what table you are talking about half the time - if you at least called out table 1 etc. would be better. But really just do 2 tables when you are making a live play video imo.
I'm a little confused why you delay cbet 3/4 pot on K82r3 at 9 mins with 44, mp v sb, I'm not sure if this was a bluff or a value bet? If it's a value bet don't you need to size down a bunch to get calls from A-highs?
It doesnt necessarily have to be either, quite a bit of equity denial to be had here, but this is not a great play for the sizing choice and I think xb will be the best play here. I'm with you that 1/3p seems the best size if we were to delay cb here
Apologies guys that the general consensus is that the tables are too small - I will make sure that for future liveplays I either drop the webcam or the table count to prevent this happening again
Seems a fine hand played by me, but we xb QJ a decent amount on the turn as well as block betting. River as played is basically around 0ev call/fold but Pio mostly folding
I found myself constantly scanning all six tables to make sure I was looking at the right one. Perhaps preceding your comments with 'on table two ...' or 'with the queens on table five ...' etc.
I got into this video through the Russian filter. And this video is not in Russian, how many errors there are on this site, and no one corrects anything, nobody cares (
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The visual video format of both the webcam + 6 tables doesnt work for me, Im watching this on a high res macbook pro screen but I cant see the tables this way. Theyre too small. I think in combination with the webcam it should be max 4 tables.. I dont know if this is just me though.
Good content, but agree that the format is a little cluttered and difficult to follow at times. Might just be my old brain though.
can't even see the bet sizes
26 mins or so--SBvBU 3bp w 99 on 976dcc4x5x... you say his turn float w/ AdTh vs 1/2p is horrible, however, I'd agree its fine since if he's not floating a hand like that OTT, which fwiw is mostly ahead of all your semi-bluffs, OTR 5x he only ends up being able to bluff pairs or FDs which seems quite inefficient. (The flopped FD prob end up being worse bluffs OTR than the AT anyways in terms of removal.) So to me, it seems like his play is fine even though it's going to be a pretty breakeven call OTT. I'd imagine he's likely getting overfolds from your JJ-KK, 9x, A7 portion of your range on this specific river since you'll perceive him to be under-bluffing, which will help the EV on his turn call (you're not putting those ATo, JT combos in his range.)
Yeah, honestly I didn't realise that he had a gutter at the time, I think his float is fairly standard-ish in retro :)
really enjoyed the pace and packed action but unfortunately pretty hard to see the numbers
Hi Patrick. I am always looking forward to your videos. As I usually like to watch it on a iPad, this format is too difficult to see any stats, bet sizing, etc...
Then I guess that I ll be looking for the next one.... hand review with Pio? I d love that. Cheers.
Scrap this format. Can't see bet sizes or stacks. No idea what table you are talking about half the time - if you at least called out table 1 etc. would be better. But really just do 2 tables when you are making a live play video imo.
I'm a little confused why you delay cbet 3/4 pot on K82r3 at 9 mins with 44, mp v sb, I'm not sure if this was a bluff or a value bet? If it's a value bet don't you need to size down a bunch to get calls from A-highs?
It doesnt necessarily have to be either, quite a bit of equity denial to be had here, but this is not a great play for the sizing choice and I think xb will be the best play here. I'm with you that 1/3p seems the best size if we were to delay cb here
Agree with the previous posters. Vid is unwatchable in this format.
Apologies guys that the general consensus is that the tables are too small - I will make sure that for future liveplays I either drop the webcam or the table count to prevent this happening again
waiting for that hand QJdd on qt2t3, turn and river decisions? did you run the pio? I don't know how to use it yet, thanks!
Yes, I did run it.
Seems a fine hand played by me, but we xb QJ a decent amount on the turn as well as block betting. River as played is basically around 0ev call/fold but Pio mostly folding
I found myself constantly scanning all six tables to make sure I was looking at the right one. Perhaps preceding your comments with 'on table two ...' or 'with the queens on table five ...' etc.
Hi, Patrrick,waiting for that hand QJdd on qt2t3, turn and river decisions? did you run the pio? I don't know how to use it, thanks!
I got into this video through the Russian filter. And this video is not in Russian, how many errors there are on this site, and no one corrects anything, nobody cares (
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