Thanks phil. Would like more vids pls. With wsop coming up and players going into vegas, vids on this site will make a great series for this summer.
Nice to see you figured out the WSOP 4 deck colors. One of these days I'll catch you while your on and get some of that sweet RIO money. Hope the charity stream went well.
Always great to hear your thought process as you play through hands at any stakes, love the live videos.
Ye agreed, this time I was struggling too on which table Phil is commenting. Usually he was saying "top right or bottom left", but on this video session was more "here and there" and no highlighting (or mouse pointer, plus red table and card colors, btw I would prefer 2 tables, but no biggy:P:)) Overall, it was a bit harder to follow, but as usually content is good and enjoyable to watch, so thx Phil!:)
Hey Phil great video as always! It's very enlightening to be able to hear you think through a hand in a live setting..! At 16:53 when we have AAQQ on the KT79 board and our opponent leads the turn for half pot, would it be a better play to utilize our blockers and raise pot representing the nut straight given that our opponent's range is very two pair heavy with KX? I assume that most players would bet the flop with top or even middle set so we are primarily concerned with our opponent having 68 or 8J. Against a set of nines or sevens our hand doesn't have enough raw equity to continue as we are drawing to potentially 8 outs, against the second or third nut straight I believe we can get a fold from our opponent at a decent frequency if we commit to two barrels. With the second barrel only being fired if the river doesn't pair the board or bring in the flush. I'm curious to know your thoughts on this spot.
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Thanks phil. Would like more vids pls. With wsop coming up and players going into vegas, vids on this site will make a great series for this summer.
Nice to see you figured out the WSOP 4 deck colors. One of these days I'll catch you while your on and get some of that sweet RIO money. Hope the charity stream went well.
Always great to hear your thought process as you play through hands at any stakes, love the live videos.
Thanks for making this an Essential video! Great to hear your thoughts well playing.
The action was a little bit hard to follow at times but still good video.
Ye agreed, this time I was struggling too on which table Phil is commenting. Usually he was saying "top right or bottom left", but on this video session was more "here and there" and no highlighting (or mouse pointer, plus red table and card colors, btw I would prefer 2 tables, but no biggy:P:)) Overall, it was a bit harder to follow, but as usually content is good and enjoyable to watch, so thx Phil!:)
Hey Phil great video as always! It's very enlightening to be able to hear you think through a hand in a live setting..! At 16:53 when we have AAQQ on the KT79 board and our opponent leads the turn for half pot, would it be a better play to utilize our blockers and raise pot representing the nut straight given that our opponent's range is very two pair heavy with KX? I assume that most players would bet the flop with top or even middle set so we are primarily concerned with our opponent having 68 or 8J. Against a set of nines or sevens our hand doesn't have enough raw equity to continue as we are drawing to potentially 8 outs, against the second or third nut straight I believe we can get a fold from our opponent at a decent frequency if we commit to two barrels. With the second barrel only being fired if the river doesn't pair the board or bring in the flush. I'm curious to know your thoughts on this spot.
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