These videos you made are amazing and help out great. Every ZOOM video I keep hearing the Pro always say they don't know the player due to always being switched around. How come you never made a regular PLO50 video where you sit and play with your opponents. I would love to hear how you make your reads and plays on people you actually see and play against for an hour or so. That would be great and so helpful!! Thanks and keep up the great work!!!
Thanks alot man! Problem with reg tables and live session is that its gonna be alot of waiting for hands and just alot of rambling on my part, but what i could do is maybe play 2 reg tables and 2 zoom?
Hey! ofc should have done this a long time ago but keep on forgetting sorry about that. I never use it myself because i like to peel cards with my hands and especially flushes are fun to peel so thats why i dont use it to be honest but could switch it to the next vid :)
Hey man! Yes ill se what I can do, will prob continue with these ones for a while since it seems like ppl like them but will def do some strategy vids in the future!
In the 13 min mark.. Left table utg opens 3x.. Btn calls.. U folded in sb with A99J suited to A.
Why not call? Getting such good price and have a decent holdings.
Also 19 min 30 sec mark on left table.. U have 710JQ ss in BB.. Utg limp co raises Btn calls.. I would always call there to a single raise since it's a pretty good hand to go multi way with. Maybe a leak since we are oop and sometimes dominated by better rundown?
I love this live format, because as you said, you get the thoughtproces in real time, which is key and very efficient way to learn how to think in real time. So keep 6max live PLO coming plz..
Nice video Robin. Why didn't you showed us hand 3-w at 10:50 ( you could sit out next hand and fold) and then see what happens next in the hand and after that do some math upon ranges of opponents due to their action? By that we could justify our play and maybe see which opponent is better/weaker, label them later, etc... Just suggestion... Regards
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These videos you made are amazing and help out great. Every ZOOM video I keep hearing the Pro always say they don't know the player due to always being switched around. How come you never made a regular PLO50 video where you sit and play with your opponents. I would love to hear how you make your reads and plays on people you actually see and play against for an hour or so. That would be great and so helpful!! Thanks and keep up the great work!!!
Thanks alot man! Problem with reg tables and live session is that its gonna be alot of waiting for hands and just alot of rambling on my part, but what i could do is maybe play 2 reg tables and 2 zoom?
Thanks for the videos, are you able to do some theory based videos? Thanks
thanks man! my play isnt that theory based to be honest, but Ill try to get some theory concepts in.
Nice vid,I enjoy these type's of vids as you tend to get in a lot of hands because it's zoom.I like the real time analysis too,keep up the good work!
thank you appreciate it! :)
Hi, can u switch to 4 color deck? :D
Hey! ofc should have done this a long time ago but keep on forgetting sorry about that. I never use it myself because i like to peel cards with my hands and especially flushes are fun to peel so thats why i dont use it to be honest but could switch it to the next vid :)
Hello Robin , i would highly appreciate if you could make some strategy talk videos :) Topic is up to you
Hey man! Yes ill se what I can do, will prob continue with these ones for a while since it seems like ppl like them but will def do some strategy vids in the future!
In the 13 min mark.. Left table utg opens 3x.. Btn calls.. U folded in sb with A99J suited to A.
Why not call? Getting such good price and have a decent holdings.
Also 19 min 30 sec mark on left table.. U have 710JQ ss in BB.. Utg limp co raises Btn calls.. I would always call there to a single raise since it's a pretty good hand to go multi way with. Maybe a leak since we are oop and sometimes dominated by better rundown?
Why are betting turn when checked to?
Oh you explain later. Great video and great format thx, why have you not a HUD?
I love this live format, because as you said, you get the thoughtproces in real time, which is key and very efficient way to learn how to think in real time. So keep 6max live PLO coming plz..
Thx in adv.
Nice video Robin. Why didn't you showed us hand 3-w at 10:50 ( you could sit out next hand and fold) and then see what happens next in the hand and after that do some math upon ranges of opponents due to their action? By that we could justify our play and maybe see which opponent is better/weaker, label them later, etc... Just suggestion... Regards
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