I think this hand is a standard fold. If I start 3-betting KJo then I'm probably 3-betting in excess of 13-14% of hands which I think is too much. You should favour suited hands in your 3-betting ranges.
Hey - What this means is that overall our range ( the group of hands we can have in this situation) is stronger than our opponents range from an equity perspective. In situations where you have an equity advantage with your range or "range advantage" you want to in general be putting more money into the pot whether that be by betting or raising
Another quickie - 34.25 You overbet Q9o on the river on 582cc7Q surmising that villains range is capped here and that an overbet is good - can you explain why this is preferable to a smaller value bet of around 1/3rd pot. Thanks.
In situations where our opponents range is capped, we can value bet and bluff more hands. Using a larger sizing allows us to get more value with our stronger hands and include more bluffs due to the pot odds. You might want to do some reading on pot odds and how bet sizing effects the ratio of value bets to bluffs in your range to get a better understanding but I hope this helps?
Great video as usual mate, a nice culmination of all the concepts you've done so far. The labelling as you go a big help for me!
KK 2:42*
When you cold 4bet you seemed to 4bet quite small considering you were out of position, I'm guessing this is because the 3bettor had a shorter stack and to give him the illusion of fold equity. What sizing would you be making it if he also had 100bb, I imagine it would be around 27-30bb?
A4o 11:45*
You say you're calling because the BTN is opening 47%, isn't this quite normal for a button opening range? Would you still call vs a 3x raise? You also call after the SB calls, I wouldn't think this hand is great multiway especially as the SB can be flatting a lot of stronger Ax given he's a weaker player. Is the fact that he's a weaker player the reason you make the overcall? BB defence is something I struggle with for sure.
AJ 28:00*
What stats would you have looked at if you had the time before deciding whether or not to shove or not? I think it would have been a pretty awesome spot given how unlikely it is that villain has QJ and you have a J blocker.
KK - I would normally make it around 25BB here. I just made it abit smaller because the rec was short stacked and want to ensure they definately called.
A4o - I would definately fold vs a 3X HU. The 2.5x sizing incentives significantly more calls, especially multiway. You will see I am getting 20% pot odds here so we really need to defend alot of hands. Having position on the rec massively increases the profitability of weaker multiway hands like this!
AJ - I would look at general postflop agg stats like River AF, WWSF, River bet-fold and River-bet to see how much this player is attacking boards postflop in general to see if they are capable of making a move like this
the AJ hand, what would you be repping with the jam here? qjs with backdoors that called the flop? seems you would probably have just 1 or 2 QJs combos assuming you 3bet them at least 33% of the time pre-flop
I can't speak for Iain but I've also used starshelper to convert to BB, the reason being, when moving up through the limits it is much easier to read opening bet sizes. For example, if you don't have stars helper on and you play 16nl, if a player squeezes to 1.32 you have to quickly analyse how many BBs this is. With stars helper on, the job is done for you. Then when you move up to 25nl, 50nl, you are not having to overthink easy spots. You know that it's 9x or 12x or 11x.
Hey - The term "being capped" refers to how many combinations each player has of very strong hands in their "range" ( The group of all hands a player can have in this situation or part of the hand). In poker when one player has more strong hands in their range than the other that player can apply alot of pressure by making big value bets and bluffs!
Hey just checked and current database I am 4bb/100 for the 50z games over 490k hands but nowadays playing all sorts of different games too on different sites/reg tables etc. I'm going to probably start blogging abit in future so you can follow along if you like!
Hey - If you mean the hand at 6min 30 I like betting full range on this board. The weaker player will have alot of A high hands that are not folding that we want value and protection from, as well as plenty of hands like lower PPs and hands with a Q in them. I dont see a high check raise happening often on this board so we can get away with betting alot
At ~15:04 9Ts hand you mention this is a board on which we would want to do a lot of check raising. Could you expand a bit on why this is? As it seems like there are very few hands we would want to x/r for value here. Thanks.
Hey - Combos wise there are few hands however 88 and JJ make up a solid amount of our range (as ranges are narrow) here and to deincentivise IP from cbetting everything its important to have a good XR% in 3BPs out of position.
Never used it, so might be wrong, but he says in the vid, that it is a feature of StarsHelper. StarsHelper (as the name says) is a program to be used with PokerStars only.
Hi Iain,
Great video! I actually liked all four of the series.
Quick question: on 33:00 right table you fold 45s from the BTN vs UTG 2.5x and MP call. You didn't said why, maybe because you were commenting on the other table.
Hey, basically these low suited connectors do poorly in multiway pots when the MP calls as MP specifically will have alot of hands that really dominate us like overpairs and suited broadways. We also risk getting squeezed very often by the blinds
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hey iain, 5:11 i see you fold kjo in sb vs co 2.1x open, is this standard? i normally always 3 bet in this position
Same here
I think this hand is a standard fold. If I start 3-betting KJo then I'm probably 3-betting in excess of 13-14% of hands which I think is too much. You should favour suited hands in your 3-betting ranges.
You are my favorite essential NLHE coach. Your videos are very clear and concise.
Hi Iain, great vids as always.
With the JJ hand at 6.36 you use the phrase "pushing a lot of equity" - can you explain this term for me? Thanks.
Hey - What this means is that overall our range ( the group of hands we can have in this situation) is stronger than our opponents range from an equity perspective. In situations where you have an equity advantage with your range or "range advantage" you want to in general be putting more money into the pot whether that be by betting or raising
Another quickie - 34.25 You overbet Q9o on the river on 582cc7Q surmising that villains range is capped here and that an overbet is good - can you explain why this is preferable to a smaller value bet of around 1/3rd pot. Thanks.
In situations where our opponents range is capped, we can value bet and bluff more hands. Using a larger sizing allows us to get more value with our stronger hands and include more bluffs due to the pot odds. You might want to do some reading on pot odds and how bet sizing effects the ratio of value bets to bluffs in your range to get a better understanding but I hope this helps?
been a while since i watched a video, this one was awesome! i will check out video 1 & 2 also. thank you Iain =)
Thanks, let me know what you think of them!
Great video as usual mate, a nice culmination of all the concepts you've done so far. The labelling as you go a big help for me!
KK 2:42*
When you cold 4bet you seemed to 4bet quite small considering you were out of position, I'm guessing this is because the 3bettor had a shorter stack and to give him the illusion of fold equity. What sizing would you be making it if he also had 100bb, I imagine it would be around 27-30bb?
A4o 11:45*
You say you're calling because the BTN is opening 47%, isn't this quite normal for a button opening range? Would you still call vs a 3x raise? You also call after the SB calls, I wouldn't think this hand is great multiway especially as the SB can be flatting a lot of stronger Ax given he's a weaker player. Is the fact that he's a weaker player the reason you make the overcall? BB defence is something I struggle with for sure.
AJ 28:00*
What stats would you have looked at if you had the time before deciding whether or not to shove or not? I think it would have been a pretty awesome spot given how unlikely it is that villain has QJ and you have a J blocker.
KK - I would normally make it around 25BB here. I just made it abit smaller because the rec was short stacked and want to ensure they definately called.
A4o - I would definately fold vs a 3X HU. The 2.5x sizing incentives significantly more calls, especially multiway. You will see I am getting 20% pot odds here so we really need to defend alot of hands. Having position on the rec massively increases the profitability of weaker multiway hands like this!
AJ - I would look at general postflop agg stats like River AF, WWSF, River bet-fold and River-bet to see how much this player is attacking boards postflop in general to see if they are capable of making a move like this
the AJ hand, what would you be repping with the jam here? qjs with backdoors that called the flop? seems you would probably have just 1 or 2 QJs combos assuming you 3bet them at least 33% of the time pre-flop
Why do you play only displaying BB's as opposed to actual $ amounts?
Just curious. I use $ amounts when I play, so sometimes when watching your videos I have trouble making the translation to $ amounts easily.
I can't speak for Iain but I've also used starshelper to convert to BB, the reason being, when moving up through the limits it is much easier to read opening bet sizes. For example, if you don't have stars helper on and you play 16nl, if a player squeezes to 1.32 you have to quickly analyse how many BBs this is. With stars helper on, the job is done for you. Then when you move up to 25nl, 50nl, you are not having to overthink easy spots. You know that it's 9x or 12x or 11x.
Shadowfax nailed it!
At 35:00 when you say this is a spot where your opponent is very capped and you are very uncapped, what do you mean by that?
Hey - The term "being capped" refers to how many combinations each player has of very strong hands in their "range" ( The group of all hands a player can have in this situation or part of the hand). In poker when one player has more strong hands in their range than the other that player can apply alot of pressure by making big value bets and bluffs!
Hey nice video, how many bb/100 are you winning actually at NL50?
Hey just checked and current database I am 4bb/100 for the 50z games over 490k hands but nowadays playing all sorts of different games too on different sites/reg tables etc. I'm going to probably start blogging abit in future so you can follow along if you like!
Great set of videos for me and look forward to more.
8m30s table 2, JJ, do we ever check flop bet turn?
Could be better CO cc 3B range?
Hey - If you mean the hand at 6min 30 I like betting full range on this board. The weaker player will have alot of A high hands that are not folding that we want value and protection from, as well as plenty of hands like lower PPs and hands with a Q in them. I dont see a high check raise happening often on this board so we can get away with betting alot
Hey nice video!
At ~15:04 9Ts hand you mention this is a board on which we would want to do a lot of check raising. Could you expand a bit on why this is? As it seems like there are very few hands we would want to x/r for value here. Thanks.
Hey - Combos wise there are few hands however 88 and JJ make up a solid amount of our range (as ranges are narrow) here and to deincentivise IP from cbetting everything its important to have a good XR% in 3BPs out of position.
Great video and interesting feedback. Thanks for these.
Hi Iain, awesome video. At 23:10, on this particular turn if he checked would we continue betting, and if we would, why and for what sizing?
Yes I would continue betting with this draw and I would scale up sizing to around 75% pot.
Is that random number generator only available to pokerstars?
Never used it, so might be wrong, but he says in the vid, that it is a feature of StarsHelper. StarsHelper (as the name says) is a program to be used with PokerStars only.
It is a starshelper feature. Get in touch if you need help setting it up!
Hi Iain,
Great video! I actually liked all four of the series.
Quick question: on 33:00 right table you fold 45s from the BTN vs UTG 2.5x and MP call. You didn't said why, maybe because you were commenting on the other table.
Hey, basically these low suited connectors do poorly in multiway pots when the MP calls as MP specifically will have alot of hands that really dominate us like overpairs and suited broadways. We also risk getting squeezed very often by the blinds
30:28 9Ts
I was wondering what is the lowest part of our value range here to check/raise?
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