@6:45 A7ss MP vs. BTN, I don't think many villains raise TP there. You block 77, no realistic 2 pair combos exist. JJ/22 might sometimes flat rather than raise flop. So I think when you get raised on this flop it's a flush draw frequently or a hand like 66 or AhQs just raising flop to apply pressure. What are your thoughts on 3-betting small to $150?
I hate 3bet folding, a hand as good as A7 on the flop, especially when he will shove all his draws over me, I think its perfectly reasonable, and probably the best play to call flop, and call again if I hit a spade a 7 or an A.
I feel this is a flop fold since a lot of his raising hands here beat middle pair. We have 32% vs. a range of sets,Ax,AJ/KJ/QJ/JTs,89s,9Ts. The biggest advantage to calling would be dominating all of his Ax hands (outside of AJ) on an A turn. On the flipside we get stacked on A turns when he holds a set or AJ.
@10:20 can you explain the open shove with 55 vs. the 25BB player SBvBB? Is that standard? Would it be more profitable to raise/call that way we get him to jam his junk hands like A5o/QTo etc. ?
I don't want to let him flat in position with hands like 98 j8 etc, its possible that raise call is better but 55 seems too weak to induce so I'd rather maximize my fold equity pf and not let him take flops in position.
At minute 8 you make a sb steal with KTo and say you will have to fold if BB raises, and that sometimes you will be getting blown off the best hand but its irrelevant. Can you explain why exactly it is irrelevant?
Yes, definitely good if not the best value for any essential membership. You and Mr.Rampone are a bargain here and would be foolish for RIO to change that. Also doesn't hurt of course that you are the two guys closest to my own playing style, although for different reasons ;)
Personally I stuck to that essential plan and during couple months a year switch to Elite and really spend some time watching those vids etc. during my holidays.
So great job on these zoom videos Lucas! I think they are by far the best material you produced here at RIO. Wouldn't change a thing with them and hope you keep them coming in the future!
There are always difference in opinions, but I think your overall range construction and situational awareness is pretty much spot on. I mean, it's never easy, now is it :)
And also, here at RIO there are already surprisingly good tournament guys in both plans actually.
Would still be nice to see your take on it in some vids. There was a random glimpse of your tourny play recording on one of your zoom vids, but wouldn't hurt to see more.
I know your established on that field too. Maybe not pushing any crazy edges and passing some ultra thin marginal spots with your playing style, but would be supercool to see you adjusting to different tournament dynamics and try to exploit some player tendencies. Well, just a thought :)
2.44 Q4s How do you come to 60% bvb open if bb plays 100%?
3:35 AKo You said he van call your small 4b. I would love if PPL call my 4b
OOP. Don't think anyone can call a 4b +EV OOP.
4:19 66 Like your small cb. I think I like cb all my air around 50% of the pot, you agree?
I think with 66 we never go to showdown with the best hand. As you said his call range is Ax/higher pp/some BW. he will stab river with Ax/BW and I think we have to fold river always.
but if we ch 66 we have to balance with some good hands. Do you ever ch back Ax? I mean if we alwasy cb Ax. Our ch range is always medium.
7.20: Do you think this flop hits his range? I think I will ch/f like 50% of my range, I like to have a xc range and A7s looks verry nice to add to that range. What is you plan when cb. ch/call turn?
as played I don't like folding, a lot of PPL don't raise AJ here.
24:44 89s What is your flattingrange in this spot pre? Think vs a 2.5x and vs a 50bb and being OOP and being in the sb with BB last to act it is not a +ev flat.
2:44: I think what i was saying was that even if he played 100% from the BB q4s is a good enough hand that I wouldn't fold it.
3:35: He can call some hands profitably, particularly if I have 4bet bluffs in my range, I think giving your opponent great immediate pot odds pf, is just not really a good strategy. Villain should fold all his hands that do poorly against my value range, but he can def call medium/high suited connectors, and pairs. Overall I just don't think its a good strat to 4bet super small.
4:19 Yes agree, I think we need to check back some strong hands, typically hands that we can't vbet 3 streets with and occasionally nut or near nut hands when we want to keep our opponents range wide and we anticipate he will fold flop often.
7:20: Yes, discussed this earlier, not thrilled with my line I think that c/c flop is a fine line for a bunch of reasons and probably what I should have done.
3:00 I think its worth pointing out that I need to adjust my range vs 3bets as a function of how often I am 3bet, If I open 60% and villain 3bets 10% I will be folding to 3bets correctly a large % of the time, I don't need to adjust until villain starts 3betting more.
4:24: I think his range is Ax, boats, medium pairs he didn't 3bet pf i.e. 99 and sometimes a hand like KQ that he floats.
5:30: I prefer bet folding here
7:00 A7s I've discussed earlier
10:11: Might not be std, but def +ev and fine, I don't really want to raise fold this spot.
26:43: Bet Bet Bet is def fine in this spot and probably best, I'm at the bottom of my range and I think I should mostly bet 0 times or 3 times with my hand in this spot.
32:52 Too weak IMO, villain won't autostack off overpairs and will bet bluffs some of the time, I'm behind his range and suspect my hand isn't good enough to call.
36:40 Call is fine, so his 4b/ fold, I tend not to 4b bluff this spot often enough so I'm glad I opted to 4bet.
AK hand @ 21:21 when you check back an AT5 Rainbow flop. Your capping your range her so how do you react vs an opponent who decided to CR you on the turn and then jam the river if you don't improve?
24:44 89h hand. I see people doing this all the time and I don't quite understand it. If we calculate a range that villain wants to get it in with vs us on the flop we have about 41% equity vs that range. (AA-JJ, 77, 44, QJ+ QJs+, KhTh, QhTh, KhQh and all Ax heart draws) I understand that we have fold equity and thats what makes this play +EV but when you compare the higher variance option of getting it all in as a dog vs check calling with very good equity and putting money in when we make our hand or taking it away on rivers when villain checks the turn behind, isn't the latter option better?
I also agree with the above poster that callign with 89s here in the sb vs a 50bb stack is kinda spewy/-EV play
@38:28 , when he bets the turn the pot is already 190 with only 130 behind, why not go all in there, specially I think any J, T or A or even a club can beat you if you are ahead, or if you are behind you will probably still lose at any river bet
at around 29:15 your 66 Hand i think you played really bad. why not bet the flop qjj for value? you dont think you have the best Hand in that Moment? why then fold when the 7 Comes up? youre afraid of what? A7?? 78?? would like to hear what your thoughts about that one were... or were you in a robo-mode... caus you didnt even really think about that decision/hesitate...
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@6:45 A7ss MP vs. BTN, I don't think many villains raise TP there. You block 77, no realistic 2 pair combos exist. JJ/22 might sometimes flat rather than raise flop. So I think when you get raised on this flop it's a flush draw frequently or a hand like 66 or AhQs just raising flop to apply pressure. What are your thoughts on 3-betting small to $150?
I hate 3bet folding, a hand as good as A7 on the flop, especially when he will shove all his draws over me, I think its perfectly reasonable, and probably the best play to call flop, and call again if I hit a spade a 7 or an A.
I feel this is a flop fold since a lot of his raising hands here beat middle pair. We have 32% vs. a range of sets,Ax,AJ/KJ/QJ/JTs,89s,9Ts. The biggest advantage to calling would be dominating all of his Ax hands (outside of AJ) on an A turn. On the flipside we get stacked on A turns when he holds a set or AJ.
@10:20 can you explain the open shove with 55 vs. the 25BB player SBvBB? Is that standard? Would it be more profitable to raise/call that way we get him to jam his junk hands like A5o/QTo etc. ?
I don't want to let him flat in position with hands like 98 j8 etc, its possible that raise call is better but 55 seems too weak to induce so I'd rather maximize my fold equity pf and not let him take flops in position.
At minute 8 you make a sb steal with KTo and say you will have to fold if BB raises, and that sometimes you will be getting blown off the best hand but its irrelevant. Can you explain why exactly it is irrelevant?
Basically because my hand has such poor equity vs his value 3bet range and I don't think most ppl 3bet this spot often enough in the BB.
Another great video... Please don't put Lucas on the ELITE team.... Were Begging...
Yes, definitely good if not the best value for any essential membership. You and Mr.Rampone are a bargain here and would be foolish for RIO to change that. Also doesn't hurt of course that you are the two guys closest to my own playing style, although for different reasons ;)
Personally I stuck to that essential plan and during couple months a year switch to Elite and really spend some time watching those vids etc. during my holidays.
So great job on these zoom videos Lucas! I think they are by far the best material you produced here at RIO. Wouldn't change a thing with them and hope you keep them coming in the future!
There are always difference in opinions, but I think your overall range construction and situational awareness is pretty much spot on. I mean, it's never easy, now is it :)
And also, here at RIO there are already surprisingly good tournament guys in both plans actually.
Would still be nice to see your take on it in some vids. There was a random glimpse of your tourny play recording on one of your zoom vids, but wouldn't hurt to see more.
I know your established on that field too. Maybe not pushing any crazy edges and passing some ultra thin marginal spots with your playing style, but would be supercool to see you adjusting to different tournament dynamics and try to exploit some player tendencies. Well, just a thought :)
Anyways, may the luck be with you and thank you!
Nice vid!
2.44 Q4s How do you come to 60% bvb open if bb plays 100%?
3:35 AKo You said he van call your small 4b. I would love if PPL call my 4b
OOP. Don't think anyone can call a 4b +EV OOP.
4:19 66 Like your small cb. I think I like cb all my air around 50% of the pot, you agree?
I think with 66 we never go to showdown with the best hand. As you said his call range is Ax/higher pp/some BW. he will stab river with Ax/BW and I think we have to fold river always.
but if we ch 66 we have to balance with some good hands. Do you ever ch back Ax? I mean if we alwasy cb Ax. Our ch range is always medium.
7.20: Do you think this flop hits his range? I think I will ch/f like 50% of my range, I like to have a xc range and A7s looks verry nice to add to that range. What is you plan when cb. ch/call turn?
as played I don't like folding, a lot of PPL don't raise AJ here.
24:44 89s What is your flattingrange in this spot pre? Think vs a 2.5x and vs a 50bb and being OOP and being in the sb with BB last to act it is not a +ev flat.
2:44: I think what i was saying was that even if he played 100% from the BB q4s is a good enough hand that I wouldn't fold it.
3:35: He can call some hands profitably, particularly if I have 4bet bluffs in my range, I think giving your opponent great immediate pot odds pf, is just not really a good strategy. Villain should fold all his hands that do poorly against my value range, but he can def call medium/high suited connectors, and pairs. Overall I just don't think its a good strat to 4bet super small.
4:19 Yes agree, I think we need to check back some strong hands, typically hands that we can't vbet 3 streets with and occasionally nut or near nut hands when we want to keep our opponents range wide and we anticipate he will fold flop often.
7:20: Yes, discussed this earlier, not thrilled with my line I think that c/c flop is a fine line for a bunch of reasons and probably what I should have done.
24:44: Not a great flat, would def prefer 3B/F pf
Nice vid!
@3:00 wow you say you can open 3x 60% bvb ? are you sure you are not folding too much to 3bets then 60% seems a little wide to me when oop.
@4:24 66 what do you think SB's flatting range is and how much of it does he fold to the cbet ?
@5:30 A7o bvb on Q97, if you plan to c/f this, why dont you want this in your cbetting range as a semibluf w 5 outs ?
@7:00 A7s on J72, what do you think about c/c flop you can continue on spade turns, 7, and A obv
@10:11 55 you just shove 27bb, is that std ?
@26:43 QJo CO-BTN on KKx, why diddnt go for the barrel down option ? when we block KQ,KJ he cant have too many Kx right ?
@32:52 33 130bb deep vs 3b, is this still too shallow to call 33 for setvalue, would you call w 55 ?
@36:40 A5s what do you think about calling it vs the 3b ?
3:00 I think its worth pointing out that I need to adjust my range vs 3bets as a function of how often I am 3bet, If I open 60% and villain 3bets 10% I will be folding to 3bets correctly a large % of the time, I don't need to adjust until villain starts 3betting more.
4:24: I think his range is Ax, boats, medium pairs he didn't 3bet pf i.e. 99 and sometimes a hand like KQ that he floats.
5:30: I prefer bet folding here
7:00 A7s I've discussed earlier
10:11: Might not be std, but def +ev and fine, I don't really want to raise fold this spot.
26:43: Bet Bet Bet is def fine in this spot and probably best, I'm at the bottom of my range and I think I should mostly bet 0 times or 3 times with my hand in this spot.
32:52 Too weak IMO, villain won't autostack off overpairs and will bet bluffs some of the time, I'm behind his range and suspect my hand isn't good enough to call.
36:40 Call is fine, so his 4b/ fold, I tend not to 4b bluff this spot often enough so I'm glad I opted to 4bet.
"so he's one tabling, he's from Russia"
55 open shove from SB into 24bb BB... too loose for my taste.
AK hand @ 21:21 when you check back an AT5 Rainbow flop. Your capping your range her so how do you react vs an opponent who decided to CR you on the turn and then jam the river if you don't improve?
24:44 89h hand. I see people doing this all the time and I don't quite understand it. If we calculate a range that villain wants to get it in with vs us on the flop we have about 41% equity vs that range. (AA-JJ, 77, 44, QJ+ QJs+, KhTh, QhTh, KhQh and all Ax heart draws) I understand that we have fold equity and thats what makes this play +EV but when you compare the higher variance option of getting it all in as a dog vs check calling with very good equity and putting money in when we make our hand or taking it away on rivers when villain checks the turn behind, isn't the latter option better?
I also agree with the above poster that callign with 89s here in the sb vs a 50bb stack is kinda spewy/-EV play
Nice video. Very easy to digest, no rambling on. Good idea on keeping it simple.
@38:28 , when he bets the turn the pot is already 190 with only 130 behind, why not go all in there, specially I think any J, T or A or even a club can beat you if you are ahead, or if you are behind you will probably still lose at any river bet
at around 29:15 your 66 Hand i think you played really bad. why not bet the flop qjj for value? you dont think you have the best Hand in that Moment? why then fold when the 7 Comes up? youre afraid of what? A7?? 78?? would like to hear what your thoughts about that one were... or were you in a robo-mode... caus you didnt even really think about that decision/hesitate...
same with your fold at 34:20... but thats better than the 66 Hand caus more likely that one other Player holds the 9 or higher pair
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