@2:00 T5s, what do you think about leading in that spot ? vs check/raising
@11:06 75dd i get what you are saying, that we have enough nonpairs to bluff with, but i also just dont see 7x having much sdv in that spot, or am i missing something ?
@12:40 QJo btn-sb why diddnt you call this hand to keep the fish BB in like 75s ?
T5s I think leading is fine, I prefer c/r because it puts more pressure on him and I win a bet from his bluffs. I also don't lead often so I'm not really sure how I would work that into my game. Certainly worth considering but I haven't thought it through enough to give a thorough answer.
11:06: I should consider bluffing this hand for sure, but I thought that there was a pretty good chance villain checks back Ax otf which is why I opted not to bluff, even though my hand is weak enough to bluff.
12:40: I think that's reasonable, But I need to 3bet some bluffs and QJo is weak enough, in that it plays well postflop but is clearly a fold vs a 4bet or jam. The hands I'd rather flat to keep the fish in would be things like small pairs, and suited connectors because they can make strong hands that get the fish to put in money with rly poor equity, while a hand like QJo typically plays better in small and medium pots.
The hand vs GODofHU, you say he has a lot of 1 pair hands that r gonna have a tough time calling the river, but then you bet huge which kinda contradicts that statement.If you are targeting a weaker range, shouldn`t you bet smaller so you give yourself a better price on your bluffs also?
In the AQ hand, the line Malina took with 66 just screamed strength i think turn should be an easy fold.With a weak player in hand he has almost close to zero bluffs on that turn imo and is just going for value vs him in case you are giving up on the turn.
27:09--I`m not sure getting it in with TT against that guy is gonna show much profit.I think your assessment of his range may be a bit wide and even though a small sample just looking at his stats he doesn`t really seem like a type to get out of line and put half of his stack in very light.Therefore i`m kinda confused by your statement that you`d call his shove with TT again few hands later, given that you don`t really have a reason to think he`d be doing it wider this time.
in re: 27:09 and the hand after - seeing the very top of his range shouldn't change our opinion of the bottom of his range, or his range as a whole, should it? I mean, if you give him a shove range there, AA is in it, no matter what that range is. Seeing something you already expected to be in his range isn't going to change your opinion of the range. When you say you don't think there's a reason to think he's wider the second time, do you mean you think since he did it with AA that he's only going to be doing it w/ AA?
A few things about the triple barrel vs GodofHU, firstly I want to bet big with my bluffs because I want to bet big with my value hands as well, I think in general in spots like this sizing my bets is overall going to be the best, I also allow him to call me lighter OTR if I bet smaller, given that my hand is pretty much the bottom of my range I'd rather bet bigger to increase my fold equity vs all his hands, and again to get paid when I have strong two pair/sets/straights. I also think that betting large OTR is consistent with my line up till the river and I think betting larger on the flop and turn def increases my FE.
As for the AQ Hand, I agree turn is a fold I commented on that, sometimes I make mistakes, def an error by me, river call is quite bad, from a GT standpoint as well as an exploitative standpoint.
TT hand is close. I'm supposed to get in vs 99+ AQ which is what I think most ppl should be shoving in the BB, I think I can fold it exploitatively, I opted not to in game, it may be a mistake, lets also not forget that just because AA is one hand he plays like that doesn't mean he always as AA, getting dealt big pairs is hard.
pretty surprised about the XF of JJ at min 33...shouldnt villain hav any AX float in his range and some weaker PP´s? seems supernitty to XF just because a spade hits the turn
A lot of interesting hands in this one. The AA (hand at 29 min) fold on the river is a good one. He bet half pot and your perceived range has a lot of Qs, such as AQ, KQ. I think his weakest hand there is the backdoored spade flush with like KsJs. Most likely is sets of 3s or 6s. Good fold.
The AQ hand at 24 min is a tough one and I think your turn call is ok given he bet on smaller size ($87 into $220 pot), however, the river is a fold after giving it a thought. I would myself possibly call as well while playing since the river just cut down his value hands by a decent amount. You said he would have 46, 35 there but I think its less likely he plays those in 3 bet pot, but the 4 combos of sets of 4s and quad 6s is his biggest range. He has no bluffs and at best we are chopping against overplayed AQ from his part. Also, your range there is very much protected with third player being in the hand and seemingly having a decent calling hand as well. Overall, I think turn is a call, river is a fold even with 6s pairing the board.
Also, Lucas, it seems that the player pool is mostly regs, but on some of them you only have less than 1k hands in your database. Are those recreational players, I think most of them have reggy type 25/19 stats? Only very few were with wild stats.
As for the Hud comment, there are certainly good regs who I just haven't happened to play much with which means my HUD won't really be accurate for them, typically I play looser pf vs those players at the start, basically because I don't want to miss the opportunity of playing a big pot vs a bad player, that said its important to pay attention and be willing to change your reads, and recognize which players are actually good and adjust accordingly.
Noob question: why are we folding so many low pocket pairs (virtually all from what I see against an open) in position? I thought that implied odds of hitting a set IP is good enough to play them at least once a while (I am not sure what the frequency of playing them should be)
My opinion may differ from most, but I don't think they are good hands, they are hard to continue with on most boards, when they flop sets, they are good but not great hands, given that most ppl don't autostack off top pair and overpairs. I very often fold the best hand when opponent bets any draw and they also don't rate very highly in PPT hand rankings. Certainly the weaker the player and the wider the range the more inclined you should be to play them but vs tough players, opening EP or MP you are going to have a tough time making money with them IMO.
About the Q8o hand BTN vs "GodofHU" BB. Was it necessary to bet this big 3 streets to achieve fold equity? I don't see why he would fold more Kx to pot/pot/pot than 2/3,1/2,1/2 ?
1. Please use time stamps believe it or not I don't remember all the details from a session I recorded over a week ago.
2. Watch the language/tone, I have no personal issue with swearing but I think it lowers the overall level of discourse, and would appreciate a more civil tone, I certainly don't claim to have all the answers but I always give the best explanation I can for my play, realizing that I won't always be right, I like learning and improving as much as you guys and prefer a constructive tone as it generates better conversations and less side bars.
3. Are you talking about defending BB with K6s to a btn minraise? I mean it would be crazy to fold that hand, K6s is in the PPT top 25% playing a strategy vs btn minraises that involves folding 75% of hands in the BB is insanely bad. I don't know the 69o hand you are talking about but assuming I peeled BB vs a minraise, it may be bad, but I'm getting great odds, keep in mind that just because I expect to call BB and lose the pot the majority of the time doesn't mean I'm losing money on the play, especially if I trust myself to make good decisions postflop (which I do). FWIW I do think I defend too wide in certain spots and am looking to cut it out.
I will get bluffed by AK and AQ with spades in them, but those hands will likely bet any river meaning unless I'm prepared to call down on all run outs I'd rather fold turn than call turn fold river, I think he can certainly have QQ, as well as 88, and I'm not sure what he does with 99 and TT but I'd imagine he checks them some % of the time, I also have a number of stronger hands in my range, any nut flush, QQ+, including hands with spades in them, as well as all the suited broadway spades, and 88, and potentially A3, 22, 44,55, although I won't always open them utg. Its also worth noting I have AsJ, AsQ, and AsK, as well as AxJs AxQs and AxKs which are relatively stronger hands than JJ no spade so ultimately I'm fine with the fold, JJ no spade isn't that high in my range and I'm going to have a tough time showing it down, I certainly expect to be folding the best hand fairly often but I'm still comfortable, although not thrilled with my line.
28:50 55 hand, what about c/c the turn? He could be betting some bluffs while there are no worse hands he calls with if we bet. So a bet here is almost 100 percent for protection.
malina has 3 fkn silverstars. he has u beat here on river far too often if he starts spazzbetting huge 3way. since he sucks with his stars he can bet aq kq type hands or spazz around on turn.especially with the small betsize i dont see a turnfold. to riverbet its just fold.
u seem to think this guy has a clue what hes doing cause his openingranges seem reggish. thats also wrong to assume i think.
great video lucas and i think you played very very well throughout. Ive seen 75 videos on the site and you are by far my favorite instructor. You explain your thought process in an elite way. My game has improved considerably because of your videos.
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Nice vid!
@2:00 T5s, what do you think about leading in that spot ? vs check/raising
@11:06 75dd i get what you are saying, that we have enough nonpairs to bluff with, but i also just dont see 7x having much sdv in that spot, or am i missing something ?
@12:40 QJo btn-sb why diddnt you call this hand to keep the fish BB in like 75s ?
T5s I think leading is fine, I prefer c/r because it puts more pressure on him and I win a bet from his bluffs. I also don't lead often so I'm not really sure how I would work that into my game. Certainly worth considering but I haven't thought it through enough to give a thorough answer.
11:06: I should consider bluffing this hand for sure, but I thought that there was a pretty good chance villain checks back Ax otf which is why I opted not to bluff, even though my hand is weak enough to bluff.
12:40: I think that's reasonable, But I need to 3bet some bluffs and QJo is weak enough, in that it plays well postflop but is clearly a fold vs a 4bet or jam. The hands I'd rather flat to keep the fish in would be things like small pairs, and suited connectors because they can make strong hands that get the fish to put in money with rly poor equity, while a hand like QJo typically plays better in small and medium pots.
The hand vs GODofHU, you say he has a lot of 1 pair hands that r gonna have a tough time calling the river, but then you bet huge which kinda contradicts that statement.If you are targeting a weaker range, shouldn`t you bet smaller so you give yourself a better price on your bluffs also?
In the AQ hand, the line Malina took with 66 just screamed strength i think turn should be an easy fold.With a weak player in hand he has almost close to zero bluffs on that turn imo and is just going for value vs him in case you are giving up on the turn.
27:09--I`m not sure getting it in with TT against that guy is gonna show much profit.I think your assessment of his range may be a bit wide and even though a small sample just looking at his stats he doesn`t really seem like a type to get out of line and put half of his stack in very light.Therefore i`m kinda confused by your statement that you`d call his shove with TT again few hands later, given that you don`t really have a reason to think he`d be doing it wider this time.
in re: 27:09 and the hand after - seeing the very top of his range shouldn't change our opinion of the bottom of his range, or his range as a whole, should it? I mean, if you give him a shove range there, AA is in it, no matter what that range is. Seeing something you already expected to be in his range isn't going to change your opinion of the range. When you say you don't think there's a reason to think he's wider the second time, do you mean you think since he did it with AA that he's only going to be doing it w/ AA?
That question was to Hustla, not Lucas.
A few things about the triple barrel vs GodofHU, firstly I want to bet big with my bluffs because I want to bet big with my value hands as well, I think in general in spots like this sizing my bets is overall going to be the best, I also allow him to call me lighter OTR if I bet smaller, given that my hand is pretty much the bottom of my range I'd rather bet bigger to increase my fold equity vs all his hands, and again to get paid when I have strong two pair/sets/straights. I also think that betting large OTR is consistent with my line up till the river and I think betting larger on the flop and turn def increases my FE.
As for the AQ Hand, I agree turn is a fold I commented on that, sometimes I make mistakes, def an error by me, river call is quite bad, from a GT standpoint as well as an exploitative standpoint.
TT hand is close. I'm supposed to get in vs 99+ AQ which is what I think most ppl should be shoving in the BB, I think I can fold it exploitatively, I opted not to in game, it may be a mistake, lets also not forget that just because AA is one hand he plays like that doesn't mean he always as AA, getting dealt big pairs is hard.
nice vid, as usual
pretty surprised about the XF of JJ at min 33...shouldnt villain hav any AX float in his range and some weaker PP´s? seems supernitty to XF just because a spade hits the turn
A lot of interesting hands in this one. The AA (hand at 29 min) fold on the river is a good one. He bet half pot and your perceived range has a lot of Qs, such as AQ, KQ. I think his weakest hand there is the backdoored spade flush with like KsJs. Most likely is sets of 3s or 6s. Good fold.
The AQ hand at 24 min is a tough one and I think your turn call is ok given he bet on smaller size ($87 into $220 pot), however, the river is a fold after giving it a thought. I would myself possibly call as well while playing since the river just cut down his value hands by a decent amount. You said he would have 46, 35 there but I think its less likely he plays those in 3 bet pot, but the 4 combos of sets of 4s and quad 6s is his biggest range. He has no bluffs and at best we are chopping against overplayed AQ from his part. Also, your range there is very much protected with third player being in the hand and seemingly having a decent calling hand as well. Overall, I think turn is a call, river is a fold even with 6s pairing the board.
Also, Lucas, it seems that the player pool is mostly regs, but on some of them you only have less than 1k hands in your database. Are those recreational players, I think most of them have reggy type 25/19 stats? Only very few were with wild stats.
Yes agree you about the AA and the AQ hand.
As for the Hud comment, there are certainly good regs who I just haven't happened to play much with which means my HUD won't really be accurate for them, typically I play looser pf vs those players at the start, basically because I don't want to miss the opportunity of playing a big pot vs a bad player, that said its important to pay attention and be willing to change your reads, and recognize which players are actually good and adjust accordingly.
Noob question: why are we folding so many low pocket pairs (virtually all from what I see against an open) in position? I thought that implied odds of hitting a set IP is good enough to play them at least once a while (I am not sure what the frequency of playing them should be)
My opinion may differ from most, but I don't think they are good hands, they are hard to continue with on most boards, when they flop sets, they are good but not great hands, given that most ppl don't autostack off top pair and overpairs. I very often fold the best hand when opponent bets any draw and they also don't rate very highly in PPT hand rankings. Certainly the weaker the player and the wider the range the more inclined you should be to play them but vs tough players, opening EP or MP you are going to have a tough time making money with them IMO.
About the Q8o hand BTN vs "GodofHU" BB. Was it necessary to bet this big 3 streets to achieve fold equity? I don't see why he would fold more Kx to pot/pot/pot than 2/3,1/2,1/2 ?
A few things
1. Please use time stamps believe it or not I don't remember all the details from a session I recorded over a week ago.
2. Watch the language/tone, I have no personal issue with swearing but I think it lowers the overall level of discourse, and would appreciate a more civil tone, I certainly don't claim to have all the answers but I always give the best explanation I can for my play, realizing that I won't always be right, I like learning and improving as much as you guys and prefer a constructive tone as it generates better conversations and less side bars.
3. Are you talking about defending BB with K6s to a btn minraise? I mean it would be crazy to fold that hand, K6s is in the PPT top 25% playing a strategy vs btn minraises that involves folding 75% of hands in the BB is insanely bad. I don't know the 69o hand you are talking about but assuming I peeled BB vs a minraise, it may be bad, but I'm getting great odds, keep in mind that just because I expect to call BB and lose the pot the majority of the time doesn't mean I'm losing money on the play, especially if I trust myself to make good decisions postflop (which I do). FWIW I do think I defend too wide in certain spots and am looking to cut it out.
Last thing I didn't discuss JJ fold OTT,
I will get bluffed by AK and AQ with spades in them, but those hands will likely bet any river meaning unless I'm prepared to call down on all run outs I'd rather fold turn than call turn fold river, I think he can certainly have QQ, as well as 88, and I'm not sure what he does with 99 and TT but I'd imagine he checks them some % of the time, I also have a number of stronger hands in my range, any nut flush, QQ+, including hands with spades in them, as well as all the suited broadway spades, and 88, and potentially A3, 22, 44,55, although I won't always open them utg. Its also worth noting I have AsJ, AsQ, and AsK, as well as AxJs AxQs and AxKs which are relatively stronger hands than JJ no spade so ultimately I'm fine with the fold, JJ no spade isn't that high in my range and I'm going to have a tough time showing it down, I certainly expect to be folding the best hand fairly often but I'm still comfortable, although not thrilled with my line.
28:50 55 hand, what about c/c the turn? He could be betting some bluffs while there are no worse hands he calls with if we bet. So a bet here is almost 100 percent for protection.
hi good video.
malina has 3 fkn silverstars. he has u beat here on river far too often if he starts spazzbetting huge 3way. since he sucks with his stars he can bet aq kq type hands or spazz around on turn.especially with the small betsize i dont see a turnfold. to riverbet its just fold.
u seem to think this guy has a clue what hes doing cause his openingranges seem reggish. thats also wrong to assume i think.great video lucas and i think you played very very well throughout. Ive seen 75 videos on the site and you are by far my favorite instructor. You explain your thought process in an elite way. My game has improved considerably because of your videos.
Again, a nice video :)
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