This seems like a close-ish combo to peel the turn from a 1-A perspective. Vs 300 into 680 peel seem good but at what sizing do you think this hand becomes a fold?
What do you think about check raising turn AI? We prevent him to realize a ton of equity with his draws and also the equity his bluffs have, as I think he has ton of flushdraws (we do not block any spade) and some backdoor flushdraws that might have become str8 draws or gutshots and also some random bluffs. I think it is close enough as he has also tons of 9x on his preflop calling range but I think it being oop it is better to check shove turn
How do you go about determining how many sizings you want to play in a particular situation? Is it just determining what your betting range would like to be, and then deciding on an ideal bet size for each hand class and then balancing? You do that really well in real time.
I don't really know how to answer this. It's a lot of experience with playing the different spots and looking at Pio outputs and trying to find how to get the EV.
Ben, first off great vid. The analysis was on point. 1 Q though...
41:30 you 3b A5s to 180 over a 40 open @ 100bb eff. Is this a normal 3b sizing for you @ 100bb? I know preflop is kinda whatever, maybe doesn't matter that much which option call or 3b, but I was a little surprised to see the large sizing here vs a spazzy kind of player, it seems we'd want him to peel a little lighter and look to get into postflop spots when we have a nice playable hand. Do you have any comment on this?
disclaimer: I'm not a HUNL reg so its entirely possible that this sizing @100bb is standard and I'm entirely off base. If that's the case I apologize for the senseless Q.
The 3b sizing is pretty normal for 2017 computer poker.
It's close betwee 3b/call for me normally, so I think your arguments about taking cards off and seeing what he does are applicable and probably swing the hand more towards a call. On the other hand, it's a little confusing what to 3b for me if I'm going to swing all my medium strength hands (and presumably my bad hands?) to calls to try and pick up information, because then I'm only 3betting great hands which is an easy strategy to exploit.
XR bluff seems fine too. Usually I like XR bluff with hands like A2o, K2o, or A8-Q8, the reason being that the 2 is underrepresented in the PFR range so having one in our hand unblocks all of his potential delayed bluffs, and having the [A-K] to showdown tends to unblock his bluffs as he would checkdown most strong highcards. Similar considerations apply for the A8-K8 with the added advantage of blocking rivered FH.
great video,
at 9:20 on table 2 u mentioned that heaving 4x is not that great that you would rather have 86 for bluffing on the river on QT7J7. Why 86 is better than 84 since as i understand blockers here the most we want to block one pair type hands which call us down and J6, J4 or Q6, Q4 are all in his range some low % of time. same for 76, and 74...thats my thinking, please correct me if i am wrong.
45:18 You check once again ott with the k6s...curious as to reasoning here. Should we be turning this into a bluff ever? are we folding to R bet on brickish cards?
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22:40 AQ on 993ss, tu 8o vs 40%
This seems like a close-ish combo to peel the turn from a 1-A perspective. Vs 300 into 680 peel seem good but at what sizing do you think this hand becomes a fold?
I think this was a close one. My hand is probably mixed at the sizes I faced and near 0EV.
I think betting flop is standard here but my play is fine too.
What do you think about check raising turn AI? We prevent him to realize a ton of equity with his draws and also the equity his bluffs have, as I think he has ton of flushdraws (we do not block any spade) and some backdoor flushdraws that might have become str8 draws or gutshots and also some random bluffs. I think it is close enough as he has also tons of 9x on his preflop calling range but I think it being oop it is better to check shove turn
How do you go about determining how many sizings you want to play in a particular situation? Is it just determining what your betting range would like to be, and then deciding on an ideal bet size for each hand class and then balancing? You do that really well in real time.
I don't really know how to answer this. It's a lot of experience with playing the different spots and looking at Pio outputs and trying to find how to get the EV.
Ben, first off great vid. The analysis was on point. 1 Q though...
41:30 you 3b A5s to 180 over a 40 open @ 100bb eff. Is this a normal 3b sizing for you @ 100bb? I know preflop is kinda whatever, maybe doesn't matter that much which option call or 3b, but I was a little surprised to see the large sizing here vs a spazzy kind of player, it seems we'd want him to peel a little lighter and look to get into postflop spots when we have a nice playable hand. Do you have any comment on this?
disclaimer: I'm not a HUNL reg so its entirely possible that this sizing @100bb is standard and I'm entirely off base. If that's the case I apologize for the senseless Q.
The 3b sizing is pretty normal for 2017 computer poker.
It's close betwee 3b/call for me normally, so I think your arguments about taking cards off and seeing what he does are applicable and probably swing the hand more towards a call. On the other hand, it's a little confusing what to 3b for me if I'm going to swing all my medium strength hands (and presumably my bad hands?) to calls to try and pick up information, because then I'm only 3betting great hands which is an easy strategy to exploit.
2017 Sauce sounding like Elon Musk... "MERGE with machines or become Obsolete!!""
Love the sound effects
I hate them lol
sweet catch phrase check raise out of chair :D
I think that one is a lot older than I am!
At 26 minutes when you face the small overbet with 89 spades, does your hand make for a good check raise bluff? If not, which hand would you prefer?
XR bluff seems fine too. Usually I like XR bluff with hands like A2o, K2o, or A8-Q8, the reason being that the 2 is underrepresented in the PFR range so having one in our hand unblocks all of his potential delayed bluffs, and having the [A-K] to showdown tends to unblock his bluffs as he would checkdown most strong highcards. Similar considerations apply for the A8-K8 with the added advantage of blocking rivered FH.
Where did you find the sound effects? And great video!
holy nuts ur good at poker. thanks for the reminder!
last third especially seemed totally locked in.. pretty sick thing to witness really
great video,
at 9:20 on table 2 u mentioned that heaving 4x is not that great that you would rather have 86 for bluffing on the river on QT7J7. Why 86 is better than 84 since as i understand blockers here the most we want to block one pair type hands which call us down and J6, J4 or Q6, Q4 are all in his range some low % of time. same for 76, and 74...thats my thinking, please correct me if i am wrong.
45:18 You check once again ott with the k6s...curious as to reasoning here. Should we be turning this into a bluff ever? are we folding to R bet on brickish cards?
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