Hey Ben thanks for the great video as always.!
at 4:00 left table you fold KcQh to the river bet, what kind of hands would you choose to bluffraise on this river vs his bet?
at 18:00 I was wondering wether the BB player should rather call turn with A6 with the Ace of spades or without it? the As blocks turn bluffs but adds EV for river bluff raises so this spot always confuses me.
@4:00, a lot of hands with an A and a heart in them. The A unblocks bluffs and the heart blocks value. E.g., AhKc
@18:00 , A6 is too strong of a made hand to fold regardless of suits. In this spot, having the As will increase the EV for turn OOP call because IP will bluff less frequently on spade rivers and when he does bluff spade rivers OOP will have a +EV continue. IP bluffs on non spade rivers will typically be randomized and occur slightly more frequently than if OOP did not have the As. Overall, the As vs not As effect might be +- 1bb in EV on turn once we cancel out these two effects, so it's often not essential to understand it unless we have a very close decision.
@4:00 KcQh, the first commenter asked what hands you would choose to bluff-raise river with, to which you replied "hands with an A and a heart in them". The only 2 combos I can think of that fall into that category and might be weak enough to turn into a bluff would be AdTh and AcTh.
a) do you think those 2 combos work better as bluff-raises than bluff-catches?
b) do you think you need a few more bluffs than that and might this KQ combo work?
hey oblioo, I also was still interested in the hand and decided to run a sim after your comment (which is of course not very precise since the hand started 3way und BB should never lead HU vs EP on this board) However I think it still might be informative to look at the river raises vs the bet bet bet line from bb: AhKx and AhQx are mixing call and raise about 50/50 whereas AxKh and AxQh almost never raise. AhTx is a pure call, but the combos that you named - AcTh and AdTh - raise 65% of the time and call the rest of the time. Ben's hand (KxQh) only raises 13% of the time in the sim so I think Ben was pretty spot on in game and with his response above but your hunch seems correct aswell since the AxTh combos mix raise and call and KxQh raises at a small frequency
4:00 spot seems very interesting for me too. AK can be good bluff raise but is not it too strong for bluffing? what you would be calling at the river then?
Hey Ben, there is a "stat" on pokertracker that is a RNG so you can display it on all of your tables during the videos. I guess it would be good for your videos :D
Hit me up if you want me to send you
42 minute 92s 1st table. About pure raising river, if villain is playing somewhat optimally and using 1 sizes on the river(well this is bit of EV loss for him, but not crazy) this raise gonna perform significantly worse than calling. Even if he is using 2 sizes, raising is low frequency play and around same EV. Bit surprised you find such thin plays.
Hey Ben, great video again as always.. I really really enjoyed it
We block and you say it's a good sizing for how his range is constructed. I am a bit confused because I see this as a board where he has very very few folds and our sizing doesn't really pressure a large portion of his range which are generally PP's in this spot. If you can please elaborate on why you like block here, that'd be great!
I understand that bluffing every AQ combo here would be a severe overbluff, but is AQ the best 4b bluff candidate for this spot because of blockers or are there others that do a better job for other reasons?
@30:30, on Q53r vs the 2.2x hj rfi range, OOP is going to have down to KJo/ATo, which is plenty of combos that the block generates FE against. Of course there are also the suited combos w/o BFD.
@39:35, Are you talking about the left table HJ 3x, CO 10.5x, I'm in bb with AQo? If so, ranges are just too strong to put in money with AQo. It's probably simpler to think of the cold 4b range as not having bluffs because the range is linear. The bottom of this range would be hands like AKo and TT-JJ, ATs-AQs, perhaps even A5s though idk exactly. In any case, I think a reasonable ish approximation would be TT+, AK, AQs, with TT-JJ mixing some folds vs jam, AQs pure folding, and AK pure continuing. I think that gets us to something like 25% ish fold to jam which is appropriate-ish at these SPRs and where AKo in particular functions in a weird way which is part bluff/part value. There's a funny effect in these spots too where pure calling TT-JJ is exploitable and pure folding TT-JJ is exploitable.
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Hey Ben thanks for the great video as always.!
at 4:00 left table you fold KcQh to the river bet, what kind of hands would you choose to bluffraise on this river vs his bet?
at 18:00 I was wondering wether the BB player should rather call turn with A6 with the Ace of spades or without it? the As blocks turn bluffs but adds EV for river bluff raises so this spot always confuses me.
@4:00, a lot of hands with an A and a heart in them. The A unblocks bluffs and the heart blocks value. E.g., AhKc
@18:00 , A6 is too strong of a made hand to fold regardless of suits. In this spot, having the As will increase the EV for turn OOP call because IP will bluff less frequently on spade rivers and when he does bluff spade rivers OOP will have a +EV continue. IP bluffs on non spade rivers will typically be randomized and occur slightly more frequently than if OOP did not have the As. Overall, the As vs not As effect might be +- 1bb in EV on turn once we cancel out these two effects, so it's often not essential to understand it unless we have a very close decision.
38:00 A3c hand, I don’t think that river sizing is forcing many/enough hands to fold. Feel like give up or OB might be better.
Tune in to next week's video to find out!
Spoiler, I really botched this hand :(
Seems like your RNG needs a talking to
it kept rolling 96 plus! More like HighNG
You should play hudless, as you dont have enough data it just poluttes the video
HUD is kinda useful for keeping tabs on the preflop stats of various players
@4:00 KcQh, the first commenter asked what hands you would choose to bluff-raise river with, to which you replied "hands with an A and a heart in them". The only 2 combos I can think of that fall into that category and might be weak enough to turn into a bluff would be AdTh and AcTh.
a) do you think those 2 combos work better as bluff-raises than bluff-catches?
b) do you think you need a few more bluffs than that and might this KQ combo work?
hey oblioo, I also was still interested in the hand and decided to run a sim after your comment (which is of course not very precise since the hand started 3way und BB should never lead HU vs EP on this board) However I think it still might be informative to look at the river raises vs the bet bet bet line from bb: AhKx and AhQx are mixing call and raise about 50/50 whereas AxKh and AxQh almost never raise. AhTx is a pure call, but the combos that you named - AcTh and AdTh - raise 65% of the time and call the rest of the time. Ben's hand (KxQh) only raises 13% of the time in the sim so I think Ben was pretty spot on in game and with his response above but your hunch seems correct aswell since the AxTh combos mix raise and call and KxQh raises at a small frequency
I think hands as strong as AK can mix a lot of raises
4:00 spot seems very interesting for me too. AK can be good bluff raise but is not it too strong for bluffing? what you would be calling at the river then?
Hey Ben, there is a "stat" on pokertracker that is a RNG so you can display it on all of your tables during the videos. I guess it would be good for your videos :D
Hit me up if you want me to send you
Thanks Veg! Yea if you can send quick instructions via dm that'd be helpful for me and my viewers.
Or in the thread doesn't matter
42 minute 92s 1st table. About pure raising river, if villain is playing somewhat optimally and using 1 sizes on the river(well this is bit of EV loss for him, but not crazy) this raise gonna perform significantly worse than calling. Even if he is using 2 sizes, raising is low frequency play and around same EV. Bit surprised you find such thin plays.
Sure, meh. Maybe it's good to play pure XC with it vs typical 500z opponents and XR like Q' or better, idk
Hey Ben, great video again as always.. I really really enjoyed it
We block and you say it's a good sizing for how his range is constructed. I am a bit confused because I see this as a board where he has very very few folds and our sizing doesn't really pressure a large portion of his range which are generally PP's in this spot. If you can please elaborate on why you like block here, that'd be great!
I understand that bluffing every AQ combo here would be a severe overbluff, but is AQ the best 4b bluff candidate for this spot because of blockers or are there others that do a better job for other reasons?
Thanks a lot for all the help!
Hi ajg, I'm glad you enjoyed the video,
@30:30, on Q53r vs the 2.2x hj rfi range, OOP is going to have down to KJo/ATo, which is plenty of combos that the block generates FE against. Of course there are also the suited combos w/o BFD.
@39:35, Are you talking about the left table HJ 3x, CO 10.5x, I'm in bb with AQo? If so, ranges are just too strong to put in money with AQo. It's probably simpler to think of the cold 4b range as not having bluffs because the range is linear. The bottom of this range would be hands like AKo and TT-JJ, ATs-AQs, perhaps even A5s though idk exactly. In any case, I think a reasonable ish approximation would be TT+, AK, AQs, with TT-JJ mixing some folds vs jam, AQs pure folding, and AK pure continuing. I think that gets us to something like 25% ish fold to jam which is appropriate-ish at these SPRs and where AKo in particular functions in a weird way which is part bluff/part value. There's a funny effect in these spots too where pure calling TT-JJ is exploitable and pure folding TT-JJ is exploitable.
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