I don't think your second question is useful... if the player is 5betting really loose you don't want to 4b AQo as a bluff, and if the opponent is jamming so wide 4b/call is highest EV then they're very weak indeed.
Hi Ben,
On the 9s8c4s PIO analysis I'm a bit confused by OOP's flop 4betting strategy. It's heavily favouring 4bet shoving TT-KK when it holds a spade over not holding one, but seeing as a lot of the none value 3betting range from IP is T8s-K8s I find it a little strange that it favours blocking these combos. Or do you think blocking IP's highest equity bluffing hands means your happier to shove money in and not be flipping most of the time?
Seems a little counter intuitive to me so I would be interested in hearing what mechanic I'm missing here.
I think it’s more that IP’s bluffing region has a lot of equity against overpairs: 4x, 9x, gutters and FDs being the highest freq combos. These hands can both improve and bluff on spades, forcing overpairs into tough spots. Blocking 8xss isn’t a huge concern because that hand has a lot of equity. So the overpairs are indifferent between shoveling it in now to reduce the EV of position, or calling and playing mixed strategies on turn/river. If we were deeper, overpairs would call more often because the ev of slamming it in and running up against 2pr+ would exceed the ev from playing oop
I got into this video through the Russian filter. And this video is in Russian, but it does not match the name. it just repeated the past, a great idea)) we will just throw replays) how many errors there are on this site, and no one fixes anything, do not care (
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omg a new video from Sauce is always like Xmas morning.
Like in the dark obv...
You guys !
Great one !
Very clear, I lappreciate the double format live playe, and pio review.
What's the thing with the black star? Your talisman against the Lord of Darkness? He is not playing online anymore though is he...
I am unaware of any black star talisman, time stamp plz
2min(2nd table) AQo 4bet/fold I assume? With which sizing it become a 4bet/call? Or which ''presumable' shoveling range
I don't think your second question is useful... if the player is 5betting really loose you don't want to 4b AQo as a bluff, and if the opponent is jamming so wide 4b/call is highest EV then they're very weak indeed.
Hi Ben,
On the 9s8c4s PIO analysis I'm a bit confused by OOP's flop 4betting strategy. It's heavily favouring 4bet shoving TT-KK when it holds a spade over not holding one, but seeing as a lot of the none value 3betting range from IP is T8s-K8s I find it a little strange that it favours blocking these combos. Or do you think blocking IP's highest equity bluffing hands means your happier to shove money in and not be flipping most of the time?
Seems a little counter intuitive to me so I would be interested in hearing what mechanic I'm missing here.
I think it’s more that IP’s bluffing region has a lot of equity against overpairs: 4x, 9x, gutters and FDs being the highest freq combos. These hands can both improve and bluff on spades, forcing overpairs into tough spots. Blocking 8xss isn’t a huge concern because that hand has a lot of equity. So the overpairs are indifferent between shoveling it in now to reduce the EV of position, or calling and playing mixed strategies on turn/river. If we were deeper, overpairs would call more often because the ev of slamming it in and running up against 2pr+ would exceed the ev from playing oop
“Exceed” here being more -ev
From the greatest of all the sauces I ask for a guesstimation on the year in which you'll be retired enough to make a plo vid.
Once everyone who I have a piece of also retires I will make plo vidz.
That's nice actually, Sauce makes good content if less people watching/discussing it is good for games :)
I got into this video through the Russian filter. And this video is in Russian, but it does not match the name. it just repeated the past, a great idea)) we will just throw replays) how many errors there are on this site, and no one fixes anything, do not care (
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