the JJ hand first hand; did you consider to turn your hand into a bluff at the river?
cause you still have flushes; 55;88 and really there are only two combo's of relevant flushes (KQ;KT) which he can have; i guess he is bet folding there AK;AQ;AJ to a river shove.
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god that bet at the river with k8 is so horrible im thinking of cancelling my subscription
That comment has had me in giggles for hours
Considering all of your comments on people's videos are whining/trolling, I'd say go for it.
Brian do you use HUD stats when you play?
I do. Unfortunately my HEM2 bugged out a few months ago and I basically have no stats saved anymore.
what about raising JJ otr at 4 min?
hi brian.
the JJ hand first hand; did you consider to turn your hand into a bluff at the river?
cause you still have flushes; 55;88 and really there are only two combo's of relevant flushes (KQ;KT) which he can have; i guess he is bet folding there AK;AQ;AJ to a river shove.
what do you think?
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