Another fantastic video! Love your analytical, thorough approach of every spot, very helpful and surely one of the best tournament instructors on here. Should definately get some more love.
Have a question about the video; @ 33 mins, when you calculate the ICM math here. How did you end up with those exact numbers (gkap calls and wins/gkap folds), using an ICM-calc? Thanks
I plugged value of stack size if he doubles and stack size if he folds into an ICM calculator. I made this video a long time ago and don't remember which software/calculator/ICM model I used so it's possible if you try and recreate it you will get different results for me.
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Another fantastic video! Love your analytical, thorough approach of every spot, very helpful and surely one of the best tournament instructors on here. Should definately get some more love.
Have a question about the video; @ 33 mins, when you calculate the ICM math here. How did you end up with those exact numbers (gkap calls and wins/gkap folds), using an ICM-calc?
I plugged value of stack size if he doubles and stack size if he folds into an ICM calculator. I made this video a long time ago and don't remember which software/calculator/ICM model I used so it's possible if you try and recreate it you will get different results for me.
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