At the 20 mins mark, when we get 4bet and get to the flop with a SPR of 2, shouldn't we just go with any pair? You said it's an easy fold and it got me a little confused because I usually would stack off without thinking much there.
Hi. With that hand, we don't have the necessary equity to get it in against a tight 4betor range with mostly AA. Against AA we have like 35% equity but we need something like 40% to be break even with an SPR of 2. If we had a backdoor flush draw, the decision would be much closer having something like 39%.
Lets wait what Stefan Says. By the way, very nice video! Thanks
hey killsaids,
this hand is just a question of ev against his range.
as goothicrow said against AAxx we have 35% which is not enough. for spots like this propokertools is really good.
for example i tried also instead of AAxx against:
a 4% range we have 33,8%
a 7% range we have 37%
since i don´t think villain is 4betting here more than 7% it becomes pretty clear fold.
when the board is Qh7d3c our equity becomes better. now we have
against AA 37%
against 4% 36,5%
against 7% 40,6%
so against a wide 4betting range we could stack off but it also just shows that the flush draw on the board hurts our equity a little.
Nice video series.
Just on the final hand on the top right, what do you think of the buttons' pre and flop play?
Preflop 3bet against an EP range seems fair but what about his options on the flop?
What would you do in his shoes?
Seems the button is actually close to the bottom of his range and should find a fold here quite often. This board hits your range super hard and also the BB's range, and obviously u want to play for stacks...
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At the 20 mins mark, when we get 4bet and get to the flop with a SPR of 2, shouldn't we just go with any pair? You said it's an easy fold and it got me a little confused because I usually would stack off without thinking much there.
Hi. With that hand, we don't have the necessary equity to get it in against a tight 4betor range with mostly AA. Against AA we have like 35% equity but we need something like 40% to be break even with an SPR of 2. If we had a backdoor flush draw, the decision would be much closer having something like 39%.
Lets wait what Stefan Says. By the way, very nice video! Thanks
hey killsaids,
this hand is just a question of ev against his range.
as goothicrow said against AAxx we have 35% which is not enough. for spots like this propokertools is really good.
for example i tried also instead of AAxx against:
a 4% range we have 33,8%
a 7% range we have 37%
since i don´t think villain is 4betting here more than 7% it becomes pretty clear fold.
when the board is Qh7d3c our equity becomes better. now we have
against AA 37%
against 4% 36,5%
against 7% 40,6%
so against a wide 4betting range we could stack off but it also just shows that the flush draw on the board hurts our equity a little.
Hi Stefan,
Nice video series.
Just on the final hand on the top right, what do you think of the buttons' pre and flop play?
Preflop 3bet against an EP range seems fair but what about his options on the flop?
What would you do in his shoes?
Seems the button is actually close to the bottom of his range and should find a fold here quite often. This board hits your range super hard and also the BB's range, and obviously u want to play for stacks...
Thx, glad you liked it.
Last hand: Given the spr I think its an easy fold vs my range that should include a lot of dominating draws.
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