$1/$2 6-Max Zoom NLHE Live Session

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$1/$2 6-Max Zoom NLHE Live Session

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Felipe Boianovsky

Essential Pro

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$1/$2 6-Max Zoom NLHE Live Session

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Felipe Boianovsky

POSTED Nov 26, 2013

Felipe shares his thoughts as he grinds 4 tables of Zoom NL, offering a comprehensive look at his style of play.


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Getready2rokk 11 years, 3 months ago

Nice vid once again! even though it was live and covered allot more hands i could still follow the action well.

@6:50 65s cool c/shove river there, like it!

@18.50 88 on AQ8s you say you go for a c/r there, i was wondering if you c/r all your 88,AQ hands there and then some TJs,KJs,9Ts ? as bluffs. Our c/c range on that board gets pretty weak, when is this a problem ? and do we ocassionaly go for a c/c with our strong hands because of this ?

@22.10 KJs you checkback 422, what is the plan here ? just go for showdown ? Cant we bet flop and try to get him off Ace high ? or will our range be too wide when we bet KJ no bdfd there ?

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago


18:50, our x/c range isn't totally weak because we're still sometimes flatting AK on SB vs a tight MP. So we can have that in our x/c range. About x/r or not with 88 and AQ, I think it depends on our pre-flop range. If we're flatting enough suited broadways and high suited connectors that we can x/r bluff with, then we should be x/r with those. If we're not flatting enough of those hands pre, we should probably just x/c our entire continuing range vs good opponents. Thinking about it now, vs sphinmx I should probably just x/c, because I'm not calling as many suited broadways as I would vs someone who isn't as tight.

22:10, yes, it's probably best to bet there, and continue on later streets. I probably just gave up because I was distracted by other actions. But that is enough at the bottom of our range to go in our bluffing range. And I'm calling a tight enough range from CO vs MP that he can't keep calling me down with good A highs.

Skirken 11 years, 3 months ago

Nice video Felipe. I really like the live play videos so please make more of them! Would you mind explaining the stats in your HUD?

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago

Hey guys,

On 28:20 with J6s I'm talking as if I had J5 instead of J6 pos-flop.

About my hud, I'll tell you guys the most important things. The stats I'm looking at for making a decision during the video I'm telling you on the video it self.

1st line - vpip / pfr / AF / WTSD / Call Open
2nd line - cbet/fold to cbet by street
last line - Raise first in by position

If you wanna know any specific stuff for a specific spot you can ask me.

sanneke35 11 years, 2 months ago

Hi Felipe I am very impressed by the quality of your vids and sure like youre hud layout. Would be nice to give a complete rundown of every position if you are willing to. I think al the stats you have in there are sure worth looking at. Thnx in advance for youre feedback.

crazysqueezy 11 years, 3 months ago

Great analysis. I think it would be optimal with 2 tables though and you can always sit out to explain complex spots in more detail.

 There was a hand where you considered 3b bluffing vs an 8% UTG open when you were MP, but chose to fold. What hands would you be flatting and 3b for value there?

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 3 months ago

Awesome video, Felipe.
Glad you switched to three tables, because keeping track of four is a little too much. You could even play two.
Would like to see more of these live videos, because they really focus on gameflow, which is probably something we all need to work on, when not doing in dept breakdowns.

You didn't get attacked very much by these annoying short stacking pros. How do you generally approach these players? Their stacks are too short to 4-bet against, and they always jam anyway.
And how do you deal with them close to always 3-barreling. It's hard to combat because even though they have few skills, they do a good job of leveraging their stack size. Same goes for these super aggro regs.

6 30 Loved the check-raise bluff with 65s. Hadn't even thought about it.
9 14 Liked the check back with the NFD as well. Very unorthodox.

Enough ass kissing
Do you 3-bet fish with 99 BB vs HJ? Given the stack sizes it's really annoying to fold, but when he does 4-bet, it would be marginal to jam. And the hand has poor playability post-flop.

17 08 Footage was cut short. 150BB deep I assume you were going to flat Villians BTN 4-bet, but how do you feel about jamming here? Once you get 4-bet, it's probably jam or fold, but it's very marginal. On the other hand, flatting vs a >50% open isn't great either.

26 45 J5o What do you think about a value bet? You have Ahighs, FDs, gutshots and floats on this board, and since you have the K kicker now, is it good enough to bet? I don't think you almost ever have the worst hand, but I'm not sure how often you get paid off. Given that you don't have too many value hands, probably enough to warrant a bet.

27 45 Against me, why do you bet turn and river small? On a very wet board like that you need more protection, have more (semi)bluffs, so why not bet like 75-85% pot with your whole range here? I remember rivering top two with KQ so I was probably calling anyway, but you especially on the river you'd probably want me to fold a ton of pair + draw hands that had a lot of equity, but didn't improve.

28 47 I think you'll get raised/floated a ton with gutshots, better pairs etc., so I think a check-raise with would be better, right? That guy is a top 5 200NL Zoom reg for sure, so messing around against him is probably not smart. And hands like K2o like you said probably won't c-bet that board anyway, so you could just try to get to showdown.

32 26 You bet AJ for your standard sizing? We couldn't see the whole hand, but what do you think about an overbet or a potsized bet, so he might think you're trying to get him off a chop?

44 25 His overbet makes no sense at all. Once you check the turn, JJ has to be the the top of your range (you'd probably check a boat on the flop rather than the turn?). You obviously can't love it, but how does he have better here? trips probably raise the flop, instead of overbet the turn.

45 40 Because BB is short too, why not just put in like 30, so CO can't spew around like he did? BB is never going to jam light, and you'll prevent being in these spots with middle pairs and AK, and have to fold.

47 57 Once you check back on the turn, you never have better than Qx. Combine that with him possible value betting worse, and having a bunch of bluffs, I dont think you can ever fold here. Glad you didn't.

50 12 When you check back a board this dry, it's probably too suspicious. You have so many bluffs here, that I think you're probably a little unbalanced if you check back a hand this strong. Would rather bet, bet a connecting turn to rep more draws, and check the river, right? Or do you give up a lot on these dry boards, given that his range is fairly strong?

54 30 I thought you were for sure going to c/r the flop, since most players stab here way too often, because this is such a good board to c-bet. Why didn't you fight a little harder on this one. He has few 3x, and you pick up easy money, and have an overcard.

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago

Hey Chael, thanks!

@99 vs fish - yes, I would fold vs a 4bet, and it does play poor on general in 3bet pots, but not vs fish. They are going to call a wide range and make too many mistakes pos-flop to make it good. And he is never 4bet bluffing (most fish never do), so it's different then vs a reg that 4bets a small frequency (which we still can't 5bet jam), because that reg will still 4bet bluff sometimes, so we end up being bluffed sometimes.
But you're thinking is correct, and won't 3bet it vs regulars that don't 4bet enough for me to 5bet jam, for the reasons you mentioned.

17:08, yeah, I cut it because some entered my room at the time and spoke, so I didn't want their voice in the video. But it wasn't very interesting situation, I think a flatted and x/f the flop. unless he is 4betting a ridiculous huge amount, shoving is really bad this deep.
On general, flatting is better this deep. I probably 3bet because I was distracted for talking and playing at the same time. But 100 bb it's ok to 3bet, specially because it's often good enough to 5bet jam vs players 4betting too much.

26:43 - Yes, you could value bet, because so many draws missed, so he could hero call with a small pair or A high. The only problem is that our range is capped, I won't slow play a 9 very often because it's a limped pot and I want to put money in the pot. So he could x/r a ton very effectively with all his 9x/boats and bluffs.
So I think that the decision to vbet the river or not should be based on his tendencies, if he is someone smart and aggressive that can take advantage of your capped range, we should check-back, if he is more on the station passive type, we should bet.

27:45 - Yes, I think I should bet a little bigger on the turn because of how draw heavy it is. But on the river I think my sizing is pretty good. On a more blank river I think I should be bigger, just because I have so many more bluffs in my range. But on this river, I think my sizing is pretty good for the value to bluff ratio in my range. TJ/KJ/KT got there, so my only bluffs might be missed hearts and 7x, which aren't enough combos to compensate going for a bigger sizing, given that we have so many value combos in our range (TJo, all the 2pair and sets, T7, 75s, AA, some KX…). And the fact that you had KQ that time is not relevant, as we're playing vs your whole range :)

33:26 - The "take off a chop" thing doesn't work so much in this situation because it's MP vs UTG, so none of us has too many low AX in our range. And I think even the sizing I used was too big, I have very few bluffs in my range, given my UTG range, so I should probably bet somewhere between 1/3 and half pot.

44:25 - I think that theoretically I should definitely call, since I'm at the top of my range. But I just felt like this isn't a spot people over bluff very often, because their range is already strong enough and I'm too often check-folding the flop with my air that I cbet and give up. So I think that he doesn't need to use this sizing as a bluff, and just felt like he wouldn't and was probably doing it for value hoping I might level myself for some reason.
But I could be wrong, and if I am, it's a pretty exploitable and bad fold. But I just felt like he wasn't bluffing enough of the time.

45:50 - Yeah, it might be better. Although making it 20, the BB is more likely to shove a hand like 66 or something like that, because he feels he still has fold equity. Sure, we're never bluffing because we 3bet a 20 bb fish who opened to 3.5x, but we could be 3betting some "light value" stuff to get it in vs him, and the BB could expect to still have a lot of fold equity vs our range.
And it's also not the end of the world, on any other board structure that isn't AKx we can get it in. Even if it's KJx, or QJx, he'll still have enough AX in his range for us to be able to get it in with such a low SPR. So we're not that worried about having to x/f the flop, it's only on AKx basically, or Axx all hearts or something like that.

47:57 - He doesn't have a lot of bluffs. He check-called as the PFR on a monotone board, that's almost always a hand with showdown value. So it's very hard for him to be bluffing. I said he could play AhT and AhK that way, but I don't think he will, I think he'll cbet the vast majority of the time, and might just check the river for having showdown value.
And about him value betting worse, he is probably not check-calling under pairs, although he could maybe x/c a hand like 99 with a heart, but even then, I don't think he should or will value bet them on the river. So like I said in the analyses, the only worse value he might have is QT, but even that he is very likely to just check the river, and it's only 2 combos as he is not opening QTo UTG.
So looking at it now I think we it's definitely a fold. It's a super exploitable fold, because we're at the very top of our range, but I just think no one at this stakes are building their range balanced enough on this situation, just by not check-calling enough non-showdown value hands (hence the importance of sometimes check-calling some non-showdown value hands as the previous street aggressor, as I mentioned in my first video).

50:12 - yeah, like I mention, although it might seem like I cbet all my air on that spot, it's not true, because people's range for calling in the SB vs UTG is too strong. So I will give up with some of my air, and that is a good hand to balance that. His range is usually something like 88-QQ, AQ/AK or something like that, so if I think I'll extract the same amount of value from 88-JJ by cbetting flop or checking-back (two streets tops), it's good to do it and have some protection in my cbh range.

54:30 - It could be a viable option. I just decided to x/f the flop there, but x/r seems like a good options sometimes. If it's someone you play a lot with, you definitely shouldn't do it, because that would make you x/r bluff way too often, so you should do it with better hands, like having a backdoor flush draw at least, so your frequency isn't too high.

TheChosenOne 11 years, 3 months ago

20:40 K9o hand. You say that many people have unprotected checking back ranges. What hands are you checking here to make your range stronger? And would you fire the river on a heart?

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago


Probably some flush draws that have showdown value. And no, because his turn calling range contains too many 1 heart combos, which is exactly why we bluff the river (too many no-pair 1 heart hands)

Hova 11 years, 3 months ago

great video as always!

6.30 CRAI with the 56cc. You said it was good since we can have all boats but he cant but would we really check that flop and then bet that turn with a set? I think he is more likely to have a boat than us if he thinks we are x/f flop too much and decided to chk bk.

 It seems closer to me because when he bets river with Qx he should realise he is capped in your eyes and you are not check calling many hands here I wouldn't think so should he either bet/call Qx vs aggro villains then check it back vs nittier ones? what do you think?

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago

6:30, yes, you're right. We have a lot of sets/two pair in our flop checking range, but not on our turn betting range. That was definitely a mistake by me, not realizing that. But I don't think he'll ever cbh with 2p or sets on the flop, because he thinks he is good enough to get it in vs our x/r range (we can have AhK and stuff like that). So I think it still could be fine to do it on the river, because we can still have flushes and KQ. But realizing that now, I would say it was a bad play. Thanks :)

Yes, I think he should consider checking back a queen vs good aggressive players, or bet/calling vs too aggressive/spew ones (maybe me, in that particular case).

BrokeInGozo 11 years, 3 months ago

22.34 I don't like the turn barell on what is pretty much the worst card of the deck for our range since we'd probably never be c/ring 9x. Wouldn't a better strategy here be to check our whole range here to fold our weakest hands and find some c/c and c/shove balance with our value hands and draws ?

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago

Yes, you might be right. I was really lost on that turn. But I think you're right, I should probably be checking that card every time.
Probably never check-raising though. We could be drawing dead with flush draws (as we actually were in that case), and there is still too much money behind. So we should probably x/c with both our full houses and some of our draws. The problem is that we have no showdown value with our 86dd, but have a gutter to go with it, so it feels kinda gross check-folding. But it might be right play.

BrokeInGozo 11 years, 3 months ago
I get your point but I think I'd still want to c/r this turn sometimes with some boats and combo draws. Yes we're drawing dead when he has a boat himself but he can bet turn with overpairs and draws on the turn, hands he should fold to a raise + we still have equity vs 9x. It's gonna depend on vilain's bet size obv but in my experience people tend to bet small on that spot so there is probably some room to get some c/r/fold strategy going on.
BogsBinny 11 years, 3 months ago

lol @ possibly making a mistake or getting in to a tricky situation and just skipping the video forward where you I assume 3b folded 8's vs the button judging by stack size when the video resumed???  What was that? I had to rewind like 3x to see what was going on.

You're looking way too much in to tiny samples on that huge hud for sure.

I'm glad you reduced the table count mid way through though as I think there's too much going on for a live video to explain anything in any sort of detail, 2-3 zoom tables seems ideal.

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago

I talked about that already in my answer to chael sonen, I cut the video because another person talked and I didn't want that in the video. I didn't remember what I did, so I looked in holdem manager now and yes, I folded to his 4bet.

About looking way too much with not enough sample, that's a mistake I think I do make sometimes. Could you please tell me one specific spot ?

megatr0n 11 years, 3 months ago

Hey man thanks for taking the time to answer the questions quickly mine was already answered in Chael series of questions lol.. 

Anyways, you mention @24mins roughly that you need to sit out the 3 tables to get back your time bank.. What does that mean? Sorry for the noob question, I dont really play on stars

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago


On pokerstars you have a time bank, which every time you use it get's smaller. So there can be a point where you have 0 time bank, and you can only think through the standard time to make your decision. If that happens, you can just close the tables and reopen them, and your time bank will be renewed.

Chael Sonnen 11 years, 3 months ago

Do you think my call is bad then?
I assume you'd value bet QK/Q9 and maybe even 98 here. Given my passive line, I almost never have better here.

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago

No, you should never fold, I'm definitely value-betting way worse then Q9 too. I said it wasn't relevant to my decision with sizing, because you said something like "you should go bigger because I had KQ and would call anyway"

SPrince 11 years, 3 months ago

You are a beast Felipe, awesome video.

10:07-A8 vs AQ hand.You say that he should defo shove that preflop with 56bb or so and i agree 100%.I usually play 4b/fold strat myself when oop.But what about when we`re 100bb deep with a villain who 3bets a lot ip, barrels a ton, but also is a habitual 4b caller.What should my adjustments be vs villains who never fold to small or medium cold 4bets and are nightmare spewboxes to play against postflop ?

-Tighten my opening range when they`re on my left, fold more to 3bets?

-4B only top of my range?

-Start flatting more top hands?

-Make my sizing bigger almost exclusively?

Anything else you might add would be very helpful.

Felipe Boianovsky 11 years, 3 months ago

Thanks man!

If the button is super aggro, my first adjustment is to tighten my opening range a little bit. If he flats too many 4bets, we can definitely 4bet for value with AQ, since he'll call with too many dominated hands. A good thing to look for would be how is his 3betting range, if it's polarized or more linear. If it's linear, meaning he is 3betting hands like KQ and AJ on BTN vs CO instead of flatting, then 4betting is more attractive, since he'll flat with dominated hands. You should also make your sizing a bit bigger like you said with your entire 4betting range if he flats too much.

LaMenteMaestra 11 years, 2 months ago

hey Felipe in min 35 on the turn the villain check/jams and you say your call is fine because he can have all kinds of draws in his range but looking at his stats 17/5 {yes it's a small sample} do you really think he will check/checkraise with a draw as it seems to be a nittier player?
Furthermore he opened from MP and although we don't know alot about this player he can have all the pocket pairs in his range and drawy broadway hands but im not so sure he will checkraise with those draws/combo draws. what do you think about my analysis?  

Snapshot 10 years, 8 months ago

min 36: Why do you bet KQs on the Turn? Geuss hes betting most of his Draws by himself. He doenst have many worse Qx adn Tx when hes opening from MP. And your blocking QJs, Q9s which are the only ones worse Qs hes probably opening from MP. So most of the time he doesnt have a c/c range at all...

and with 5% OR hes probably not even having Q9s

imo theres more value in checking back to call/bet any river...

what do you think?

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