He didn't say that, he is always betting AA. The thing he was talking about is whether to play a 2 street game or a 3 street game (meaning to choose bet sizings accordingly to be able tobet 2 or 3 streets). Since it's a somehow wet board he chooses to go for 2 street game, but he said that if he had the Ace of diamonds he would go for 3 street game (since his hand blocks some FD and needs less protection)
I like the fold with QQ, as you said: We're not getting much value when the Jack comes, and also one of the jacks completes the flush draw so we might still be behind, if we had at least one spade we could float and bluff later on since we block the nuts. Regarding the range of bb I think he just has AK since you block the queens. And regarding the 3bettors value range it should be KQss KK AA, he might also 3bet jacks pre and turn into a bluff on the flop due to the JQ blocker, he can also bet for value Jacks on the turn since BB range shouldn't have Qx
Regarding T9s hand (min 22:50). Why bet that big on the river? He is probably hero calling you with his A6 hands since he needs to have some calling range on that river. He is never calling with his missed draws obviously, so I'd personally bet no more than 40% pot with all my range. We lose some value when we have AK and he has A6 but we win a ton by making our bluff cheaper.
Regarding the AA hand, since it's a very unique turn card and it practically doesn't change the value of any of your ranges, did you ever consider to go for 2 more streets of bets? This could be beneficial to our bluffs since we have more fold equity generally when going for 3 streets. Also you could get called by AK more often and get more value on the turn (though I think he probably calls any betsize with AK on that turn)
I think betting 1/4 on the turn and 1/3 on the river is a little more scary so I would chose that line when I am having AQ or AK :), but he is not calling me with anything that is not a pair on the turn imo
Hand 1 : What do you think of betting Flop 1/3ps for Protection with the plan of checking back the Turn? The way u played it Villain will get 1 Street anyways.
Hand 2: Wouldnt you bet AQ on the Turn as well? And what about the FDs(except Kcxc)? Do you think you are getting x/raised a lot on that turn and check some of them back?
Hand 3: Would you bet QQ in Villains shoes on that Turn?
Hand 4: Do you think K3s is good enough to x/raise on that Turn against your bet? I would not be sure about your donkinrange on the flop and you could have all combos of JT.
The ATo later: I dont really get your point on donking that turn?
btw: Seems like the Regs you play are doing a lot of random things :P
1: I like that idea but he will bluff the river a lot.
2: I think I am checking all those hands back.
3: Yes, it looks very std for me specially holding the Qh.
4: The hand was not that way, check it again.
I decided to play the ATo that way because I know the reg and he is a very aggresive 3bettor, with only regs behind he is probably 3betting BTNvsCO 99+ so on that turn the only hands I am worried about are the combo of 22 and the combo of T9dd(if he is not 3betting).
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Good vid. More of this format pls.
Could you explain last AA hand again when you're betting and when you're checking? I didn't get it that well
He didn't say that, he is always betting AA. The thing he was talking about is whether to play a 2 street game or a 3 street game (meaning to choose bet sizings accordingly to be able tobet 2 or 3 streets). Since it's a somehow wet board he chooses to go for 2 street game, but he said that if he had the Ace of diamonds he would go for 3 street game (since his hand blocks some FD and needs less protection)
Nice video. I really liked how you played AJ in the 3rd hand. Especially the check raise on the turn.
What a beautiful way of taking a friend's money with ATo :D
I like the fold with QQ, as you said: We're not getting much value when the Jack comes, and also one of the jacks completes the flush draw so we might still be behind, if we had at least one spade we could float and bluff later on since we block the nuts. Regarding the range of bb I think he just has AK since you block the queens. And regarding the 3bettors value range it should be KQss KK AA, he might also 3bet jacks pre and turn into a bluff on the flop due to the JQ blocker, he can also bet for value Jacks on the turn since BB range shouldn't have Qx
Regarding T9s hand (min 22:50). Why bet that big on the river? He is probably hero calling you with his A6 hands since he needs to have some calling range on that river. He is never calling with his missed draws obviously, so I'd personally bet no more than 40% pot with all my range. We lose some value when we have AK and he has A6 but we win a ton by making our bluff cheaper.
good point, I think you are right
Regarding the AA hand, since it's a very unique turn card and it practically doesn't change the value of any of your ranges, did you ever consider to go for 2 more streets of bets? This could be beneficial to our bluffs since we have more fold equity generally when going for 3 streets. Also you could get called by AK more often and get more value on the turn (though I think he probably calls any betsize with AK on that turn)
I think betting 1/4 on the turn and 1/3 on the river is a little more scary so I would chose that line when I am having AQ or AK :), but he is not calling me with anything that is not a pair on the turn imo
Nice video. Think your x/r with QJ (24.30) is fine. You're repping KJ which is still 6 combo's. (33 would prob be a smaller raise? (or nitty call))
I am repping all the full houses and blocking some of them.
Very nice vid ty.
some questions:
Hand 1 : What do you think of betting Flop 1/3ps for Protection with the plan of checking back the Turn? The way u played it Villain will get 1 Street anyways.
Hand 2: Wouldnt you bet AQ on the Turn as well? And what about the FDs(except Kcxc)? Do you think you are getting x/raised a lot on that turn and check some of them back?
Hand 3: Would you bet QQ in Villains shoes on that Turn?
Hand 4: Do you think K3s is good enough to x/raise on that Turn against your bet? I would not be sure about your donkinrange on the flop and you could have all combos of JT.
The ATo later: I dont really get your point on donking that turn?
btw: Seems like the Regs you play are doing a lot of random things :P
1: I like that idea but he will bluff the river a lot.
2: I think I am checking all those hands back.
3: Yes, it looks very std for me specially holding the Qh.
4: The hand was not that way, check it again.
I decided to play the ATo that way because I know the reg and he is a very aggresive 3bettor, with only regs behind he is probably 3betting BTNvsCO 99+ so on that turn the only hands I am worried about are the combo of 22 and the combo of T9dd(if he is not 3betting).
btw: some of them are top winners.
Excellent video. I learned a lot from this type of format. Hope to see more.
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