Nice video and good analysis on the hands. It gets easier when players are so unbalanced on their strategies and woyakko had already check back nut fd in a 3bet pot on the last video.
I just disagree with two hands, the AK (by him) on JJc6c I rather continue betting OTT (even having the Ac, that narrows our floating range a lot) because x/c is less EV than normally in terms of ICM and bet/fold is surely +EV than x/c twice. I'm not sure about you but people aren't double floating a lot on this board, which ICM wise I think it is great but people are bet/bet/f a lot on this boards and double floating hands with great blockers like KQ, QT is profitable in my view. Having the Ac there makes his decision a little closer to double barrel and I rather do it without it.
I rather x/r Qh9c on KcTh9h because he is pretty unbalanced on his flop range that I'm better exploiting him on x/r since we can't x/c twice on a good part of the deck OTT.
Thanks for the comments Rapheal. The reason I like a check call in his situation on the JJ6cc8s turn is that his perception of me is probably as someone who is going to float a lot. This is just based on the recent history we have had. So I am going to have: Some Jx combos, some pair combos like 77, 55 etc, some fd combos as he knows I'm not folding stuff like 78s to his 3bs already. As well as that I will have quite a lot of floats (in his mind anyway). So if we look at how the hand plays out if he double barrels. He bets and I still call any pair I have, all fds, all Jx combos and fold all my floats. This means we fold out all hands we beat (and most of my floats we probably dominate) and get called only by stuff that beats us and fds. Now if I'm floating with stuff like KQo, ATo, KTo etc then I have a lot more floats that I do fds as with the Ac, Jc and 6c already out it lessens my fds a ton. So the outcome of betting is we fold out everything we beat except some stuff that has ok equity v us and get called by everything we are losing to (some of which we have no outs against). When we ch here a few things happen. One, if we are facing a large turn bet we can get away from our hand which isn't a big deal since we still only have A hi. Two, when we ch we are keeping in all the stuff we dominate plus we are potentially getting an extra street of value against it as most of the time the floats will be betting the turn. Sure we sometimes lose when he hits a Q or his fd gets there on the river but if he bets turn and river we are probably just folding anyway. It's also a board where the 'floater' is unlikely to go bet turn/shove river as a bluff just because of the situation (it being a ft and us being the two biggest stacks). So its not too often we get bluffed off on the river by a worse hand. I dunno if I explained my thoughts here well enough lol.....all seems a bit jumbled in this long paragraph but I just think the positives outweigh the negatives in this spot for a ch/c on the turn.
I think you are right about the Q9 hand against this specific player. A ch/rr on the flop does keep in kind of neater since he will be bluff heavy given what we have seen and we know he can 2 barrel A hi type stuff so we will face a turn bet often. He is also unlikely to shove in as a bluff against us and if he calls we can kinda just shut down and hope to get to show down unless we pick up more equity.
Hi, great video. how about foldining K9o 18:24 just because to leave him alive and put more pressure on these two passive guys since you had an edge over all of them.
I understand where you are coming from but I think he shoves too much stuff we dominate for this to be a fold. Hes the shortest stack so will have a wide shoving range I imagine. So we dominate a lot of his Kx and 9x and do pretty well against a lot of the rest of his shoving range too. Ultimatly I think we gain more from the call than being able to put pressure on the other two.
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Nice video and good analysis on the hands. It gets easier when players are so unbalanced on their strategies and woyakko had already check back nut fd in a 3bet pot on the last video.
I just disagree with two hands, the AK (by him) on JJc6c I rather continue betting OTT (even having the Ac, that narrows our floating range a lot) because x/c is less EV than normally in terms of ICM and bet/fold is surely +EV than x/c twice. I'm not sure about you but people aren't double floating a lot on this board, which ICM wise I think it is great but people are bet/bet/f a lot on this boards and double floating hands with great blockers like KQ, QT is profitable in my view. Having the Ac there makes his decision a little closer to double barrel and I rather do it without it.
I rather x/r Qh9c on KcTh9h because he is pretty unbalanced on his flop range that I'm better exploiting him on x/r since we can't x/c twice on a good part of the deck OTT.
Ty and waiting for the next video! GL
Thanks for the comments Rapheal. The reason I like a check call in his situation on the JJ6cc8s turn is that his perception of me is probably as someone who is going to float a lot. This is just based on the recent history we have had. So I am going to have: Some Jx combos, some pair combos like 77, 55 etc, some fd combos as he knows I'm not folding stuff like 78s to his 3bs already. As well as that I will have quite a lot of floats (in his mind anyway). So if we look at how the hand plays out if he double barrels. He bets and I still call any pair I have, all fds, all Jx combos and fold all my floats. This means we fold out all hands we beat (and most of my floats we probably dominate) and get called only by stuff that beats us and fds. Now if I'm floating with stuff like KQo, ATo, KTo etc then I have a lot more floats that I do fds as with the Ac, Jc and 6c already out it lessens my fds a ton. So the outcome of betting is we fold out everything we beat except some stuff that has ok equity v us and get called by everything we are losing to (some of which we have no outs against). When we ch here a few things happen. One, if we are facing a large turn bet we can get away from our hand which isn't a big deal since we still only have A hi. Two, when we ch we are keeping in all the stuff we dominate plus we are potentially getting an extra street of value against it as most of the time the floats will be betting the turn. Sure we sometimes lose when he hits a Q or his fd gets there on the river but if he bets turn and river we are probably just folding anyway. It's also a board where the 'floater' is unlikely to go bet turn/shove river as a bluff just because of the situation (it being a ft and us being the two biggest stacks). So its not too often we get bluffed off on the river by a worse hand. I dunno if I explained my thoughts here well enough lol.....all seems a bit jumbled in this long paragraph but I just think the positives outweigh the negatives in this spot for a ch/c on the turn.
I think you are right about the Q9 hand against this specific player. A ch/rr on the flop does keep in kind of neater since he will be bluff heavy given what we have seen and we know he can 2 barrel A hi type stuff so we will face a turn bet often. He is also unlikely to shove in as a bluff against us and if he calls we can kinda just shut down and hope to get to show down unless we pick up more equity.
Really enjoyed this series Owen - thanks
Glad you enjoyed it :)
great video and great series, owen. Thank you!
Hi, great video. how about foldining K9o 18:24 just because to leave him alive and put more pressure on these two passive guys since you had an edge over all of them.
I understand where you are coming from but I think he shoves too much stuff we dominate for this to be a fold. Hes the shortest stack so will have a wide shoving range I imagine. So we dominate a lot of his Kx and 9x and do pretty well against a lot of the rest of his shoving range too. Ultimatly I think we gain more from the call than being able to put pressure on the other two.
Hi, enjoyed your video. Why did you chop HU? Did you get a great deal? Just seems like you are better then him...
Was still 10 tabling as it was one of the first trnys I entered on the day.
Very good video. Thank you!
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