$10k SCOOP Main Event (part 1)

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$10k SCOOP Main Event (part 1)

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Stephen Chidwick

Elite Pro

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$10k SCOOP Main Event (part 1)

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Stephen Chidwick

POSTED Jun 03, 2014

Stephen recaps his play in the Scoop Main Event, one of the biggest online tourneys of the year from a prize pool perspective.


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ibo 10 years, 9 months ago

hand1 44:

If we assume villain is a solid player I dont think he has as many worse hands as u think
He probally has zero 2x/3x flatting vs a very good player who he is deep against from the SB

He also doesn´t have as many flushdraws compared to all the midpairs (he might even flat up to KK because he is oop preflop) that he will just autocall on the turn

I kinda disagree with ur turnbet or at least find the spot a lot closer than you,

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Hey ibo, thanks for the question.

66-KK is 48 combos and TT+ at least has to be discounted. AT-AQ is 48 combos by itself, A2s/A3s is 6 more, I think he will have some K3s type hands but even if not A6s-A9s is another 16 combos plus probably 25-30 combos of flush draws, some 67 type floats. I think we have the best hand probably 75% of the time.

Rapha Nogueira 10 years, 9 months ago

Amazing to see you back here.

Do you consider making a video on adjustments to satellites tournaments ? I already saw the PCA sat and the discussion on the KQo hand on some sat for EPT but I would like to see something more general on how to construct a satellite strategy. 

11:34 Jd9x would not be a better candidate to x/r on this board ? A hand this weak on most turns certainly does not play good as a x/c but this deep I don't think he has a lot of FE on this board.

14:51 QsJh I usually c-bet this boards that are not good for anyone to range protection, so I can keep all my premiums on my range when they does not have almost any of them. Even if the guy next us is pair heavy, like 99-TT, 55-77 with this hand we can find some good barrel opportunities with our bdfd/bdsd OTT. But it plays poorly as x/c or x/f giving up initiative and post flop range advantage. This makes sense ? lol

20:57 JJ on T9885sss his range looks quite inelastic there, but against such a weak range we are not better betting small like 980-1150 OTR to increase his mininum defense frequency and find a call with AsKx, AsQx, AxKs type of hands ? 

42:20 how often do we need to lead this river with our flushes ? Since he has some sd value most of the time to check back turn and a part of his weaker Ax and Kx he will check back river also, is this a play that we may be unbalanced on our value/bluff ratio on lead/x/r this river ? In my view the majority of our bluffs plays better as x/r and our value as a lead. Of course we need to adjust that to be playing a overall balanced strategy but when you don't bet this river against a range that is capped for me usually tends to be bluffy. 

Thank you and sorry for so many questions.

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Hey Raphael, thanks for the compliment. I don't have plans to do a satellite concept video any time soon, sorry. 

11:34 Jd9x would not be a better candidate to x/r on this board ? A hand this weak on most turns certainly does not play good as a x/c but this deep I don't think he has a lot of FE on this board.

Yes, having more equity would make a x/r better and I likely would have done so with that hand.

14:51 QsJh I usually c-bet this boards that are not good for anyone to range protection, so I can keep all my premiums on my range when they does not have almost any of them. Even if the guy next us is pair heavy, like 99-TT, 55-77 with this hand we can find some good barrel opportunities with our bdfd/bdsd OTT. But it plays poorly as x/c or x/f giving up initiative and post flop range advantage. This makes sense ? lol

Yeah it makes sense. I'm pretty sure I remember saying that in the video.

20:57 JJ on T9885sss his range looks quite inelastic there, but against such a weak range we are not better betting small like 980-1150 OTR to increase his mininum defense frequency and find a call with AsKx, AsQx, AxKs type of hands ? 

I don't mind going a little smaller than I did. I wouldn't go all the way down to a third pot but half pot may be better. I prefer giving my opponents worse odds and putting them in tougher spots in general.

42:20 how often do we need to lead this river with our flushes ? Since he has some sd value most of the time to check back turn and a part of his weaker Ax and Kx he will check back river also, is this a play that we may be unbalanced on our value/bluff ratio on lead/x/r this river ? In my view the majority of our bluffs plays better as x/r and our value as a lead. Of course we need to adjust that to be playing a overall balanced strategy but when you don't bet this river against a range that is capped for me usually tends to be bluffy. 

I don't think he is calling river with Kx ever and a lot of Ax will bet again so we don't need to be leading flushes a ton. I definitely would be some of the time but more often with 2pr and leading the QJ type bluffs with the worst showdown value to balance that. x/r'ing strong hands is also a good way to protect the part of my range that wants to see a showdown like Kx and flushes are the best value hands in my range to x/r.

Thanks for the questions.

Rapha Nogueira 10 years, 9 months ago

Thank you very much for the answers. 

Just on the last question (42:20 Qd5d), you said that he is not calling ever with Kx (he is more likely to check back some of them OTF also) but KsQx or KsJx are not a good bluff catchers there against your missed draws/weak sd value hands ? Having the KxQs is worse I think, since it is a hand that you have more combos that you are willing to turn into a bluff OTR.

WiCane 10 years, 9 months ago

Great Video. At the 17:00 mark you say you have a limp only strategy vs good players in blind v blind hands. Is this a strategy you use only deep or even when you get shallow (20-30BBs)? 

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Hey WiCane, good question. I have a few different strats as stack sizes get shallower. With 30bbs specifically limping is tough because stacks are awkward to limp/raise. I tend to implement a mixed strategy with these sizes as the benefits of the limp only strategy are somewhat diminished. 

pierrehusson 10 years, 9 months ago

I don't understand the KK play @ 11. I mean, as you said, 200ish bb deep, the value combos you want to get in pre are KK and AA. And because most get in ranges are as tight as that, you should not be willing to get in anything else than AA pre. 

Between flatting and 4 betting the 3b, if we think there is a chance vilain could be spazz 5betting, why not 4betting, but I would def prefer flatting here, keeping is dominated range in the hand.

But once we are facing a 5b, I don't understand the theoretical benefit of 6 betting here. Do we really think vilain could play AK/QQ/JJ like that? Is not he way more often polarized between AA and bluffs? So have not we more value in calling the 5b and x/calling on most non A high boards?

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Hi pierre, yeah people sometimes show up with AK or QQ and I don't know the guy at all. Moreover there are just so many chips in the pot that taking it down now is pretty great. Especially since a lot of his 5b bluffing range will include an ace.

annouza 10 years, 9 months ago

I agree with pierrehusson here, its a 10K villain is a reg theres no way he is ever getting in AK or QQ pre here, ive made a similar mistake this deep live instead of flatting a 5bet (although there is more attachment to a live 5K tournament, this is still a 10K buy in) . In another tournament I would think this is fine but do you think this is optimal in a big 10K like this or a big live tournament  and is your standard in spots like this with KK super deep just to be getting in? Or is this more because this is a super tough field and you want to push any small edge?

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

I wasn't aware villain is a reg and I think the fact that he 5b folded for a third of his stack kinda validates the play. I wouldn't classify it as a small edge. I play a lot of big tournaments and see people spazz it in early with AK a lot more than you might think.

pierrehusson 10 years, 9 months ago

J7o @ 18:30

You say you have a limping range sb vs bb vs good players. What is it? Do you include the top of your range there (AK/QQ+?)? If not, what is the bottom and the top of your range here?

I think that missbetting flop is quite bad as you are turning your hand pretty face up with reasonable shodown value: in this precise spot, I tend to prefer playing the board texture and my opponent (often capped) range by betting 1bb every flop and adjusting turn. What do you think?

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Yes, the top of my range is included in a limp only range. The bottom will depend on the tendencies of my specific opponent and could be anywhere from 100% to 50ish. I disagree that my hand is face up by checking flop. I have hands in my checking range that will raise or fold to a bet as well and I don't think betting 1bb with every hand is optimal though it works well with a lot of them.

pierrehusson 10 years, 9 months ago

89s @ 23:00

Do you have a bluff range river? not that we should be always playing tournaments trying to balance our ranges, but against the toughest fields, it might be an ok idea no?

River if he raises, we will be out a lot of times?

So don't you think that the part of vilain's range that might be calling us would be betting itself? (2 pairs +)

If you are in vilain's shoes, with what range would you call flop and turn? and river?

And because we could have a lot of ace high combo here that would just check fold river, don't you think that there is a pretty good chance that vilain is double floating us on this run out (third flush cards turn allowing us to double barrel semi bluff a lot of our AJ+ combos)? 

I think I would have played it like you, but the more I think about it, the more I would prefer check calling river.

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Yes I have a river bluff range. I would find it tough to fold to a river shove but it would probably be correct. Disagree about villains range…I think he has almost no double floats and zero 2pr hands. Most of his range is 1pr and we do way better betting.

danielmerrilees 10 years, 9 months ago

you raised aa to 1k you had been doing 846 or somthing- that is a sick tell

DialingUP420 10 years, 9 months ago

Being that you adjust your sizing based on pos and stack depth, what are your thoughts on non standard sizing to say 6x+? Not every time, but manipulating it based on how you want the table to respond.

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Good question, I think there are situations where a very large sizing as standard could be optimal. For example with very deep stacks at a particularly loose and soft table. Not something I've experimented much with though and I think probably not good very often.

DialingUP420 10 years, 9 months ago

I play on softer American sites, but I've had pretty good success with it. No one really knows how to respond. One reason I will do it is if I have a light 3bettor acting after me. I like to do this when stack sizes are around 20-30bbs for my remaining opponents so if I 6x it makes it very awkward to 3bet me. I'm only investing 3-4 additional bbs (which is usually cheaper than calling a 3bet) and I get to play flops more often. I've been pretty surprised at how bad even the better players respond to it.

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

People are really floating 6x raises that often? I feel like you are giving everyone such a great price on a reshove unless you are playing very tight. Having a light 3bettor doesn't seem like a problem when we have 30bbs. Just tighten a little and 4b shove most of your range to the 3b. I can't see opening to 20-30% of your stack being a good solution to the problem.

mario89 10 years, 9 months ago

Hi Stephen, this is my first comment on RIO. Really great work, I stay tuned for the next one. I collected two questions:

1) @16.50 KQo    You open from utg and MP 3bet. If you guess KQo isn't a good call in this dynamic, why don't add this type hand in your 4bluff range? I guess you've got a 4b bluff range EP vs MP 50x eff, isn't? There's a similar spot later, with AJo and you fold again.

2) @19.30

mario89 10 years, 9 months ago

I missclicked :) 

2) @19.30 JJ open utg facing 3bet mp, you call. Flop is T89s. do you never lead this type of texture in this dynamic? Could be a good option for us?

Ty so much, Mario

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

1) both of these hands are good candidates for 4b bluffs I agree, you can't go nuts with it though when there are so few hands you want to be getting in.

2) Interesting thought, my first instinct is that I have good enough reasons to split my range before my opponent with a lead here but I can see some benefits to it. Mp should have very few nut combos on this board and we can put him in a tough spot with a lot of his range. It is a much higher variance line though as we should probably be turning jacks into a bluff on most runouts and I was trying to avoid those for the most part with a structure this good.

DialingUP420 10 years, 9 months ago

At min 20 w/ JJ you check both flop and turn trying to get him to stab and lead out on the river, what do you think he is calling with at that point? If the plan was to get him to take a stab, why not check the river as well? If he doesn't stab with A high on the flop or turn I don't really see him calling w/ it on the river. I also feel like any pair he has would have bet turn for protection against a very draw heavy board. I get we're trying to get at least some value there, but I don't think there is much to be had and we'd get it more often from him bluffing the river.

Very good video, btw. Looking forward to the rest of the series.

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Glad you enjoyed the video. I agree that there isn't much value to be had by betting but I also think his bluff frequency is very low on river. I think he has more reasons to bluff catch than to bluff.

gremistaAK 10 years, 9 months ago

Hi Steve, in a hand with u had KK, i think is a interesting spot, in place for DEX888 u play AQ,AK,JJ,TT,QQ pré-flop what line u think is best vs a good reg (3bet/flat, 3bet/5bet/fold, only flat, etc...) I think is a tought spot pretty deep with u 3bet a hand for value and receives a 4bet for a good player, for this put a spot to discuss here. And congratz for nice video.

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Hey gremista, I'm not sure how to answer such a general question. I would lean towards flatting all those hands in this spot though i would 3b them sometimes and 5b/fold almost never.

Stephen Chidwick 10 years, 9 months ago

Hi gremista, I'm not really sure how to answer such a general question. I lean towards flatting pre with all of those hands in this spot though I would 3bet some of the time and 5bet/fold never.

gremistaAK 10 years, 9 months ago

Hey Steve,then the question of the question was exactly as pre flop deal to avoid these kinds of situations without losing value at this stage of the tournament, which is something I have some difficulties. And certainly not like this situation 5bet fold these hands value. The biggest question would only call or 3bet and flat a 4bet not to lose value, but I did think it would be good mix between the two lines,depending on villain would it? Thanks for the reply and good luck in Vegas.

OpenFoldBTN 10 years, 8 months ago

Hi, great video. Have a question about hand at 16:38, AQhh on 3hKhTc board. If called flop, I think you say you were planning on shoving most turns, any examples of possible turns that you wouldnt shove turn? Also, you said you picked that sizing cause he can shove worse draws, are u usually bet/calling on those types of situations?

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