only got to watch half ot it so far but nice work Ben.
Q7o @ 12.06
I do like fillismies line. Especially blocking the A i think a check here with the 9h is gonna generate a higher EV against a tough regular certainly betting close to the right frequency on
the river.
My default here is to play the hand the same against anyone who I consider great at HU NLHE. But I can see reasons for value betting against your average reg.
Do you think people call too much vs a riverbet? do people check Kh/Th on the turn less than a solver would suggest?
You say people are too nitty on 4 flush boards when it comes to value betting. Does that mean that you think the population massively overbluffs as OOP and we can start hero calling wider?
Or people are just too nitty in general and we can make some absurd folds vs river bets
How do we exploit these tendencies correctly?
Long shot but I'm gonna ask for it anyway. Can you make a specific video on how to correctly exploit players? That would just be fantastic. (note: I'm not going to ask you to explain specific reads on opponents obviously) Just something like "population tends to underbluff spot X so we widen our calling range to include these hands"
if the answer to that is no (I understand) is that something you'd be willing to teach in private?
We can negotiate a coaching rate over PM
(I mostly play highstakes live MTTs and only a little bit of cash at stakes far lower to you. You wouldn't be teaching one of your opponents)
I think his line is good against me. Blocking pairs should make his flushes more likely to X, especially to an aggro player like me.
What I was referring to was the tendency of the population to undersize their valuebets and value bet less frequently than what I tend to see in solver. I think it's correct to mostly valuebet with any flush as long as we don't block a pair, and value bet any decent sized flush even if we do block a pair.
I'll try and cover explo topics at some point in future videos.
thanks for clearing that up Ben. And also thanks for the exploitative read.
Looking forward to the next video.
Can I DM you about private coaching or are you strictly not interested?
Hey Sauce, great vid as usual. My question is At the 22 minute mark against a villain that probes turn at a high frequency are you checking the set of 10's back more than you are cbetting it? and with the J turn specifically if you did check the flop and he probes turn would you be raising the set of 10's there at a high frequency? or is just cbetting and barrelling a much better play in general?
I think this question is a little bit imprecisely phrased. Against any opponent who puts significantly too much money in on the turn after XX (all other things being equal) it becomes correct to X behind all our good hands to exploit, so TTT would be no exception. On the other hand, I think TTT is one of the hands that gains the most from cbetting relative to checking behind; it's the nuts and it doesn't block top pair.
I could be wrong but it felt like the A7o that you 3bet pre was a bluff on the river Q given most of your floats were A highs and probably broadways, maybe J9s too sometimes I suppose, you said you weren't low enough in your range but I don't see many hands that are check calling flop often enough that are weaker than A7o by the river.
great video.
why do you choose small bet sizes on boards like KT3 in single raised pots but QJ3 is polar in 3b pots? Why is protection more important on KT3 hand? Just curious on overall strat bc ive tended to use 2/3rd sizings and more polar ranges more often but do see merit in more protection based flop strat where you overbet turns and such
35:00 - with QJo on river you make a blocker bet, explaining how you can get a lot of value. Do you balance this bet on river? If so, with what? Only reason i ask is because the bet looks a lot like exactly what you have and i can see myself exploit folding an eight or nine here vs some people.
You also mention that if you get raised, you can bluff shove all in with your blockers. Correct me if im wrong, but this is to foldout top pair correct?
A 1/3 pot bet here is generally JT-AT for value, with a variety of stronger hands mixed in with less frequency. Bluffs are generally anything worse than KT high with 100% frequency, and then most of K hi and some smaller PPs with a lower frequency.
at 27 min why didnt kaarem val bet K 8 on the K Q 9 ss x 9s board on the river. shouldnt he have bet small? he checekd back riv.
then at 28:30 min vs the same player. ben says he beats some of his river val bet range in which he thinks hes betting some 4s. I get he should call to beat his bluffs when kaarem takes this line. But why does he think the guy will be betting A 4 K 4 on the riv contrary to the K 8 at 27 min hand.
My guess is w the 6 8 hand at 28 min. ben doesnt donk bet the turn for protection and value so he has more A high type hands he x c on the turn. Whereas the hand at 27 min kaarem was really scared of his big sizing donk bet on the turn and just wanted to see his hand? I dont get why he kaarem didnt bet small. He was that scared to get bluffed? If he was scared to get bluffed why wouldnt it be the same way value betting a 4 in the 28 min hand.
this is a month late..... but i hope someone can explain this to me.
1:52, what hands should we value bet on river? we should have quite a bit of str draws with no sdv given the action, so shouldnt we value bet our jx in order to bluff river?
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only got to watch half ot it so far but nice work Ben.
Q7o @ 12.06
I do like fillismies line. Especially blocking the A i think a check here with the 9h is gonna generate a higher EV against a tough regular certainly betting close to the right frequency on
the river.
My default here is to play the hand the same against anyone who I consider great at HU NLHE. But I can see reasons for value betting against your average reg.
Do you think people call too much vs a riverbet? do people check Kh/Th on the turn less than a solver would suggest?
You say people are too nitty on 4 flush boards when it comes to value betting. Does that mean that you think the population massively overbluffs as OOP and we can start hero calling wider?
Or people are just too nitty in general and we can make some absurd folds vs river bets
How do we exploit these tendencies correctly?
Long shot but I'm gonna ask for it anyway. Can you make a specific video on how to correctly exploit players? That would just be fantastic. (note: I'm not going to ask you to explain specific reads on opponents obviously) Just something like "population tends to underbluff spot X so we widen our calling range to include these hands"
if the answer to that is no (I understand) is that something you'd be willing to teach in private?
We can negotiate a coaching rate over PM
(I mostly play highstakes live MTTs and only a little bit of cash at stakes far lower to you. You wouldn't be teaching one of your opponents)
Yes, I also would like to see a video on specifically exploiting unbalanced players
I think his line is good against me. Blocking pairs should make his flushes more likely to X, especially to an aggro player like me.
What I was referring to was the tendency of the population to undersize their valuebets and value bet less frequently than what I tend to see in solver. I think it's correct to mostly valuebet with any flush as long as we don't block a pair, and value bet any decent sized flush even if we do block a pair.
I'll try and cover explo topics at some point in future videos.
thanks for clearing that up Ben. And also thanks for the exploitative read.
Looking forward to the next video.
Can I DM you about private coaching or are you strictly not interested?
I don't coach privately
1 hour long videos please
Orlovs pot hammer part 2
how much bb/100 is reasonable in this type of game?
I'm not sure what the state of winrates are in 2016 poker at these limits.
Hey Sauce, great vid as usual. My question is At the 22 minute mark against a villain that probes turn at a high frequency are you checking the set of 10's back more than you are cbetting it? and with the J turn specifically if you did check the flop and he probes turn would you be raising the set of 10's there at a high frequency? or is just cbetting and barrelling a much better play in general?
I think this question is a little bit imprecisely phrased. Against any opponent who puts significantly too much money in on the turn after XX (all other things being equal) it becomes correct to X behind all our good hands to exploit, so TTT would be no exception. On the other hand, I think TTT is one of the hands that gains the most from cbetting relative to checking behind; it's the nuts and it doesn't block top pair.
lots of fun to watch, ty.
I could be wrong but it felt like the A7o that you 3bet pre was a bluff on the river Q given most of your floats were A highs and probably broadways, maybe J9s too sometimes I suppose, you said you weren't low enough in your range but I don't see many hands that are check calling flop often enough that are weaker than A7o by the river.
Fun vid, keep up the good work
agreed, whats worse then this? a5s/a3s and thats it it seems
~12:30 Q7o you are value betting riv correct? In video u say "certainly have to bluff here" could just be a minor mispeak
confirmed typo :)
Great Video.
Seems like winrates would be pretty small in these games
great video.
why do you choose small bet sizes on boards like KT3 in single raised pots but QJ3 is polar in 3b pots? Why is protection more important on KT3 hand? Just curious on overall strat bc ive tended to use 2/3rd sizings and more polar ranges more often but do see merit in more protection based flop strat where you overbet turns and such
On QJ3 in 3bp people flop a lot of MP> because of preflop ranges. On KT3 in SRP people flop a lot of high cards because ranges are so wide.
thank god u make training videos, ur too good.
35:00 - with QJo on river you make a blocker bet, explaining how you can get a lot of value. Do you balance this bet on river? If so, with what? Only reason i ask is because the bet looks a lot like exactly what you have and i can see myself exploit folding an eight or nine here vs some people.
You also mention that if you get raised, you can bluff shove all in with your blockers. Correct me if im wrong, but this is to foldout top pair correct?
A 1/3 pot bet here is generally JT-AT for value, with a variety of stronger hands mixed in with less frequency. Bluffs are generally anything worse than KT high with 100% frequency, and then most of K hi and some smaller PPs with a lower frequency.
at 27 min why didnt kaarem val bet K 8 on the K Q 9 ss x 9s board on the river. shouldnt he have bet small? he checekd back riv.
then at 28:30 min vs the same player. ben says he beats some of his river val bet range in which he thinks hes betting some 4s. I get he should call to beat his bluffs when kaarem takes this line. But why does he think the guy will be betting A 4 K 4 on the riv contrary to the K 8 at 27 min hand.
My guess is w the 6 8 hand at 28 min. ben doesnt donk bet the turn for protection and value so he has more A high type hands he x c on the turn. Whereas the hand at 27 min kaarem was really scared of his big sizing donk bet on the turn and just wanted to see his hand? I dont get why he kaarem didnt bet small. He was that scared to get bluffed? If he was scared to get bluffed why wouldnt it be the same way value betting a 4 in the 28 min hand.
this is a month late..... but i hope someone can explain this to me.
1:52, what hands should we value bet on river? we should have quite a bit of str draws with no sdv given the action, so shouldnt we value bet our jx in order to bluff river?
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