Around 34-35 minute mark when you talk about our river betting range and using multiple sizings, it seems like weak Kx could go into a small block bet sizing of maybe 25-35% pot. If we were to use this sizing, what sort of bluffs would you consider putting into this size, and how would you balance it with stronger hands? Might include the nuts sometimes to block then 3bet over a raise and maybe put in some JdXx or TdXx type hands to counter it. Thanks
I think it probably makes sense for me to approach this spot somewhat backwards - any unpaired bluffs I'm capable of having here (mostly missed diamonds and JcXc/TcXc at a pretty high freq) are valid choices for a small size bluff. Once I know how many combos of that I have, I can think about how I want to assign Ax-Qx combos to a value range that balances my frequency. I wouldn't normally work in this order but I think it's appropriate when trying to build a strategy that challenges my opponent to combat a range with very few natural bluffs.
at 1750 left table w/r to what our bluffs should be vs this size, is it wrong to assume we can turn hands like Ax of spades into a high equity bluff or is this hand too strong? what about other pair + flush draws that block top end of villains 2x overbet range? on top of this, can we also raise some combo draws?
I wouldn't like using Axss personally, as I think value ranges that overbet tend to be targeting our Ax as a bluffcatcher (66,88,86,J8,J6). This means when we hold an A and block draws we're more likely to get it in against a value hand.
I think 8xdd and 6xdd are premier bluff hands for the same reason - we want to remove his strong draws and his strong 2pr/sets to make it less likely we get called/raised.
Hi kevin, at 10:49, how will you decide your bluffing range on the river? Are you really bluffing K10, KJ to make KQ a bad calls, because even though you have many worse hands, their blocker effect seems pretty good ?
Also, at 33:24, what is your bluffing range for larger sizings? Will it include stuff like 7x and 9x into that range??
Hey Kevin, thanks for the content; just had a question at 38:16 where you two barrel then jx5c on the A2Kccc47 board, what single club blockers are you looking for in SRP to turn into your threebarrel bluffs as well as the non club kickers to these clubs that pose some blocker effects?
I feel like these are types of spots where I do a poor job of managing my frequencies and either intuitively go with random club hands or randomize without having much clue of which clubs are better to bluff (although it does seem intuitive that middling clubs are better on ak2ccc in SRP specifically
Yea these spots are complicated to pick the "best" hands to follow through because it interacts with villain's perception of the "best" hands to bluff catch. If we bluff too much with low cards then villain can select calling hands easily and even call river with stuff like QxJc profitably...I have my own personal preference for how to organize bluffs vs different player types, but I generally just tell people to use whatever sorting method makes sense to them as long as it keeps their frequency close in real time. If that requires a randomizer or always bluffing the lowest cards or maybe a combination of biggest club + lowest non-club hands...those are all reasonable approaches imo
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Around 34-35 minute mark when you talk about our river betting range and using multiple sizings, it seems like weak Kx could go into a small block bet sizing of maybe 25-35% pot. If we were to use this sizing, what sort of bluffs would you consider putting into this size, and how would you balance it with stronger hands? Might include the nuts sometimes to block then 3bet over a raise and maybe put in some JdXx or TdXx type hands to counter it. Thanks
I think it probably makes sense for me to approach this spot somewhat backwards - any unpaired bluffs I'm capable of having here (mostly missed diamonds and JcXc/TcXc at a pretty high freq) are valid choices for a small size bluff. Once I know how many combos of that I have, I can think about how I want to assign Ax-Qx combos to a value range that balances my frequency. I wouldn't normally work in this order but I think it's appropriate when trying to build a strategy that challenges my opponent to combat a range with very few natural bluffs.
Love your videos usually but really bad/annoying sound quality here..
at 1750 left table w/r to what our bluffs should be vs this size, is it wrong to assume we can turn hands like Ax of spades into a high equity bluff or is this hand too strong? what about other pair + flush draws that block top end of villains 2x overbet range? on top of this, can we also raise some combo draws?
I wouldn't like using Axss personally, as I think value ranges that overbet tend to be targeting our Ax as a bluffcatcher (66,88,86,J8,J6). This means when we hold an A and block draws we're more likely to get it in against a value hand.
I think 8xdd and 6xdd are premier bluff hands for the same reason - we want to remove his strong draws and his strong 2pr/sets to make it less likely we get called/raised.
Great content! Love your topquallity handanalysis!
Hi kevin, at 10:49, how will you decide your bluffing range on the river? Are you really bluffing K10, KJ to make KQ a bad calls, because even though you have many worse hands, their blocker effect seems pretty good ?
Also, at 33:24, what is your bluffing range for larger sizings? Will it include stuff like 7x and 9x into that range??
10:49 - Definitely a preference for big cards here, ideally no clubs. We want to block Qx and suited 9x.
33:24 - Yeah I don't mind those hands, I think they're better than Jxdd/Txdd at overbetting and they're the next weakest hand class.
Hey Kevin, thanks for the content; just had a question at 38:16 where you two barrel then jx5c on the A2Kccc47 board, what single club blockers are you looking for in SRP to turn into your threebarrel bluffs as well as the non club kickers to these clubs that pose some blocker effects?
I feel like these are types of spots where I do a poor job of managing my frequencies and either intuitively go with random club hands or randomize without having much clue of which clubs are better to bluff (although it does seem intuitive that middling clubs are better on ak2ccc in SRP specifically
Yea these spots are complicated to pick the "best" hands to follow through because it interacts with villain's perception of the "best" hands to bluff catch. If we bluff too much with low cards then villain can select calling hands easily and even call river with stuff like QxJc profitably...I have my own personal preference for how to organize bluffs vs different player types, but I generally just tell people to use whatever sorting method makes sense to them as long as it keeps their frequency close in real time. If that requires a randomizer or always bluffing the lowest cards or maybe a combination of biggest club + lowest non-club hands...those are all reasonable approaches imo
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