18:30 table 1 88 hand, doesn't bb have alot of suited 9x combos that we don't block such as T9/J9/q9/k9s as well as alot of suited As2-T that will be in hes checking back range, and once call + donk leads the river on such brick flop/runout for more then a half pot in my databse marking similar calls with hands 3rd pair /worse was never good when i call the donk river bet , i lost 82% of the time, and second pair being a bit better with 68% lost often to a better kicker Q9 vs K9 /A9 etc ).
Was wondering if you would consider this as population reaction/check back range as people seem to be more nitty and faceup with donk river bets on such flops/rivers.
21;20 Q6s from cutoff isn't that way to wide/not profitable esp if we play lower stakes like 10/25nl , most opening ranges do not have that hand even q7s(mostly Q9s+ from CO( example grinders manual opening ranges or if u try nash equilb range etc)
Do you open this wide from Cuttoff or was this s missclick /hud miss read? as i would open this if blinds are very passive and button as well, so if i get called i have position over the blinds.
27:40 pocket 44 if blinds is active player /fish would you call with almost all pairs if deep 100bb+ everyone so you can send mine if bb is playing like 30-35% of hands?or you will still only flat 6/7 + pairs?
88 hand - i bet 20% pot on the flop which is v important, i would be surprised if i am supposed to fold here and there are a bazillion bluffs villain can show up with.
Q6s - hand is borderline and people at 50nl do not 3-bet enough so we see more flops than we should.
44- if very weak player in BB i would certainly call, unless they were 3-betting a tonne then i would still have to fold.
Min 9 AKs: should we have a raising range in this spot? I dont know if u are flatting 33,55,A3s,A5s here. Plus with your player description i found it hard for him to continue with a wide range.
Min 19 K9: turn i agree with how u describe his continuing range, but i think raise size is too small considering how we wont fold most of this holdings and building a larger pot plays a big role here. Fun players tend to go mental on this boards, they just dont buy it.
Min 28 T9s: folded pretty fast to 3b 175bb deep vs a small/normal size. Thoughts?
AK hand - theoretically no however sometimes I like to try and induce something in a spot where they might attack me because i should not have a raising range.
K9 - We could go back and forth here, i don't mind my sizing
T9s - He is 3-betting 3.5% overall. Definite fold.
Nice video! I have one question about pio solver and i think u will be able to make good answer, so when im looking at some spots (lets say SBvsBTN 3bets) i often see that GTO solution is far from being close compared to what players are actually doing at the tables (they are usually over value heavy or bluff-heavy btw i would play some spots like them as slightly winning reg on NL25) so when im on SB and put ranges in lock node that i think are accurate for BTN, then PIO very often showing me counter-strategy that is bit crazy (ie checking most of the time and raising his float bets, or even over shows those bets, or cbetting close to 100% coz of lack of good raise cbet ranges) , so should i try implement those plays in my game (being aware that im playing explo style and watch out for adjustments by my opponents) or should i play more standard/GTO
Hey, a few points
1) I would focus on learning a solid "GTO approach" in all common situations you are going to face in order to have a solid default strategy
2) Node locking is an important way to understand how to adjust to player and population tendencies, but it should be noted that i would not recommend over adjusting i.e making drastic changes with ought a clear read or strong sample size for stats in order to know how much a player is deviating.
I play NL100 but often drop down to NL25 when I experience little run bads and want to ride it out.
I would definitely say trying to adopt a balanced GTO approach is far from optimal at NL25 and when I play these stakes I exploit much more.
Most common population mistakes at NL25:
1) Probing and barreling off vs missed cbets mindlessly - I have very high cr (value heavy as PFR) and also take xc xc xshove lines more often for value but slightly weighted towards bluffs - especially Sb v BB
2) Cannot fold absolute strength - I overbet turns, shove rivers much wider
3) players float without a clear plan and bad combos - I Cbet a little less than normal but fire more barrels when I do cbet
4) Players take thing personally - Play mostly a standard ABC game and let everyone else overthink and fancy play themselves
5) I overfold rivers a little at these stakes too vs triple barrels from PFR.
I am confused about this whole line to be honest, I can see some merit in increasing the strength of our X/R range with KK, but wouldn't we be betting all our flush draws and straight draws here, meaning we don't really have an x/r range here.
Then OTT, given his range can have AJ QJ and spade draws can we actually fold?
Hey, my default strategy on this situation is just to bet full range given the range advantage we have SB vs BTN in this 3Bet pot. As i said during the video I check raised this hand based on a population read that people will stab here often when checked to. On the turn I do not think that people are jamming those weak showdown value hands such as AJ and QJ given that our range can still have QQ+. So on the turn I expect villain to be fairly polarised and as i said we block KQ and spade draws so villain is weigthed to call the value combos here.
Great commentary. Could you briefly describe how you have your HUD set up? I understand that it will mostly come down to personal preference, but you refer to specific stats during the video when making exploitative adjustments and without knowing what the numbers mean it's difficult to follow your reasoning. Thanks!
K9 hand at 17.13. A vast amount of recreational players will check min raise a paired bad as a bluff as their standard play regardless of size so sizing down to induce isn't required.
This is one of my favorite spots vs recreational players and now I size up my cbets to that their check min raise is larger which means I win more when I 3b (2.5x the Minraise) the flop (and they fold) with most of my range (calling with my trips and overpairs,+ plus some A highs)
9:00 AK hand, you said he was way too tight against 3 bets, but what does his UTG opening range consist of? If it is relatively tight, I don't think he is betting with underpairs like KK and QQ, so I think this polarizes his range more towards sets and mainly flush draws.
Are you raising to deny equity to his draws? I am just confused about this hand, because of villain's tight image and seemingly polar cbetting range.
I greatly enjoyed watching this video and learned a lot from it. The more I watch videos here on RIO, the more I get interested in the balance behind GTO, solvers, and PIO itself, even though I'm working with GTOPlus currently. The Essential content here is getting really good and I'm looking forward to continuing to grow as a player while RIO grows as a site.
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18:30 table 1 88 hand, doesn't bb have alot of suited 9x combos that we don't block such as T9/J9/q9/k9s as well as alot of suited As2-T that will be in hes checking back range, and once call + donk leads the river on such brick flop/runout for more then a half pot in my databse marking similar calls with hands 3rd pair /worse was never good when i call the donk river bet , i lost 82% of the time, and second pair being a bit better with 68% lost often to a better kicker Q9 vs K9 /A9 etc ).
Was wondering if you would consider this as population reaction/check back range as people seem to be more nitty and faceup with donk river bets on such flops/rivers.
21;20 Q6s from cutoff isn't that way to wide/not profitable esp if we play lower stakes like 10/25nl , most opening ranges do not have that hand even q7s(mostly Q9s+ from CO( example grinders manual opening ranges or if u try nash equilb range etc)
Do you open this wide from Cuttoff or was this s missclick /hud miss read? as i would open this if blinds are very passive and button as well, so if i get called i have position over the blinds.
27:40 pocket 44 if blinds is active player /fish would you call with almost all pairs if deep 100bb+ everyone so you can send mine if bb is playing like 30-35% of hands?or you will still only flat 6/7 + pairs?
Thanks for the great video and pio at the end .
88 hand - i bet 20% pot on the flop which is v important, i would be surprised if i am supposed to fold here and there are a bazillion bluffs villain can show up with.
Q6s - hand is borderline and people at 50nl do not 3-bet enough so we see more flops than we should.
44- if very weak player in BB i would certainly call, unless they were 3-betting a tonne then i would still have to fold.
Great video and tips Iain!!!
Min 9 AKs: should we have a raising range in this spot? I dont know if u are flatting 33,55,A3s,A5s here. Plus with your player description i found it hard for him to continue with a wide range.
Min 19 K9: turn i agree with how u describe his continuing range, but i think raise size is too small considering how we wont fold most of this holdings and building a larger pot plays a big role here. Fun players tend to go mental on this boards, they just dont buy it.
Min 28 T9s: folded pretty fast to 3b 175bb deep vs a small/normal size. Thoughts?
AK hand - theoretically no however sometimes I like to try and induce something in a spot where they might attack me because i should not have a raising range.
K9 - We could go back and forth here, i don't mind my sizing
T9s - He is 3-betting 3.5% overall. Definite fold.
I can't get this video to work, keep loading forever? Any solution?
Try 720p. I had same problem.
Is it working now?
Nice video! I have one question about pio solver and i think u will be able to make good answer, so when im looking at some spots (lets say SBvsBTN 3bets) i often see that GTO solution is far from being close compared to what players are actually doing at the tables (they are usually over value heavy or bluff-heavy btw i would play some spots like them as slightly winning reg on NL25) so when im on SB and put ranges in lock node that i think are accurate for BTN, then PIO very often showing me counter-strategy that is bit crazy (ie checking most of the time and raising his float bets, or even over shows those bets, or cbetting close to 100% coz of lack of good raise cbet ranges) , so should i try implement those plays in my game (being aware that im playing explo style and watch out for adjustments by my opponents) or should i play more standard/GTO
Hey, a few points
1) I would focus on learning a solid "GTO approach" in all common situations you are going to face in order to have a solid default strategy
2) Node locking is an important way to understand how to adjust to player and population tendencies, but it should be noted that i would not recommend over adjusting i.e making drastic changes with ought a clear read or strong sample size for stats in order to know how much a player is deviating.
Make a lot of sense Thx ;d
I play NL100 but often drop down to NL25 when I experience little run bads and want to ride it out.
I would definitely say trying to adopt a balanced GTO approach is far from optimal at NL25 and when I play these stakes I exploit much more.
Most common population mistakes at NL25:
1) Probing and barreling off vs missed cbets mindlessly - I have very high cr (value heavy as PFR) and also take xc xc xshove lines more often for value but slightly weighted towards bluffs - especially Sb v BB
2) Cannot fold absolute strength - I overbet turns, shove rivers much wider
3) players float without a clear plan and bad combos - I Cbet a little less than normal but fire more barrels when I do cbet
4) Players take thing personally - Play mostly a standard ABC game and let everyone else overthink and fancy play themselves
5) I overfold rivers a little at these stakes too vs triple barrels from PFR.
Why are you not 3betting KQo from bb v minopen sb?
Timestamp? Thats a standard 3Bet for me
It's the piosolver hand. Only a sliver of KQo combos is missing.
Great video Iain, keep doing this kind of content!
Hi Iain,
Nice video.
KK hand at 11:00
I am confused about this whole line to be honest, I can see some merit in increasing the strength of our X/R range with KK, but wouldn't we be betting all our flush draws and straight draws here, meaning we don't really have an x/r range here.
Then OTT, given his range can have AJ QJ and spade draws can we actually fold?
Hey, my default strategy on this situation is just to bet full range given the range advantage we have SB vs BTN in this 3Bet pot. As i said during the video I check raised this hand based on a population read that people will stab here often when checked to. On the turn I do not think that people are jamming those weak showdown value hands such as AJ and QJ given that our range can still have QQ+. So on the turn I expect villain to be fairly polarised and as i said we block KQ and spade draws so villain is weigthed to call the value combos here.
Great video, thanks! What software are you using that shows your SPR / Pot Odds / Eff. Stacks / Equity in the bottom left quadrant white text?
hey this is starshelper!
Great commentary. Could you briefly describe how you have your HUD set up? I understand that it will mostly come down to personal preference, but you refer to specific stats during the video when making exploitative adjustments and without knowing what the numbers mean it's difficult to follow your reasoning. Thanks!
K9 hand at 17.13. A vast amount of recreational players will check min raise a paired bad as a bluff as their standard play regardless of size so sizing down to induce isn't required.
This is one of my favorite spots vs recreational players and now I size up my cbets to that their check min raise is larger which means I win more when I 3b (2.5x the Minraise) the flop (and they fold) with most of my range (calling with my trips and overpairs,+ plus some A highs)
9:00 AK hand, you said he was way too tight against 3 bets, but what does his UTG opening range consist of? If it is relatively tight, I don't think he is betting with underpairs like KK and QQ, so I think this polarizes his range more towards sets and mainly flush draws.
Are you raising to deny equity to his draws? I am just confused about this hand, because of villain's tight image and seemingly polar cbetting range.
I greatly enjoyed watching this video and learned a lot from it. The more I watch videos here on RIO, the more I get interested in the balance behind GTO, solvers, and PIO itself, even though I'm working with GTOPlus currently. The Essential content here is getting really good and I'm looking forward to continuing to grow as a player while RIO grows as a site.
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