Wow that JJ fold at 28:00. Villain's tight but pretty aggressive style could mean he has sets of 9s and 3s in his range too that you beat that would bet for value on the river. He also has a bunch of missed straight draws with a heart like 9Th or something like that. Aren't you worried about being too exploitable by folding top set there?
No, I'm not worried about being exploited because villain is a rec. They tend not to semi bluff aggressively and also tend to become rather passive with their semi-nutty hands (i.e. sets) when a draw comes in. I don't expect him to use this sizing with a set.
How about check with set and see villain's action on the river at 11:35? flush and straight are in his range, so he may fold with worse than set and call/raise with better hand. ofc villain can call with king but low percentage, which means still not worth to bet otr
I think he almost always bets 5x OTT without a pair. I also think most of his 5x + pair doesn't raise flop. He might occasionally have flushes, but I don't think he'll have the frequently enough for betting to not be better. I do think I should have bet smaller though.
Hi, I saw in the previous part that you use much bigger sizings than me. Do you think that SQ for 5x is more profitable than somewhere around 4.25x-4.5x with AA, KK? I know that we try to make as big pot preflop as we can with those hands, but we also scare off opponents with weaker hands that we want to play against, such as AQof, 99-JJ. What do you think?
Much love :)
It's fine to 3bet bigger, like you mentioned (and from what I understand, this is the current meta at higher stakes), but you have to be consistent. You can't 3bet bigger with just premiums and smaller with marginal holdings. This will make you extremely exploitable.
Calling because we're getting a good enough price as well as a likely multiway spot with a rec. We would be calling something like 44 or 55+ and a bunch of suited hands. We'd be folding most of our off-suit broadways.
Hmm.. just checked briefly and you're right, it's not the best. I'm not sure why that is. I might've just been talking a little quieter, but I used the same mic as always. Sorry about that though! Feel free to leave timestamps if you need translations haha.
at 8:20 Paul Atwal you are folding KQo in first talbe top left ( blade #3) to UTG open +CO call, is the logic behaind it that CO flat range and utg opening range overall have better AQ AK/ and suited hands similar to yours but obviously having suited .
If it was only Co u would flat/sometimes 3bet ( if suited 3bet )?
Next hand 34min:09sec bottom left AKo on delaer vs HJ( he open 6x but i think sometimes thats a miss click or the nuts obviously) , u decide to flat with 3bet pfr only this session, do you aways have such a low 3bet pfr?
So my question is , given the fact that u have very tight image, and they perhaps have similar stats + being in position and dead money in pot isn't it better to 3bet quite often here like 8/10 and flat twice, or i'm far off?
Also HJ appears to have high pfr/vp stats ,s o perhaps u wanted to flat and get 2-3 streets value from weaker A & K offsuit ?
I would flat if there is fish active fish in the blinds i can get value from as well.
Also i think 3bet fold isn't that bad if this was indeed a miss click /on hes part, also we may call and lose way more chips post flop with rainbow K high board?if he does indeed have the nuts AA/KK even tho we block that.
For what is worth i think he miss click /whale and the way you play it result oriented was the best, just wanted to ask few quesiton as how i would have think about it and played it.
Obviously if i 3bet pre and get x2 folds i would be making far less money then u did in this hand (tho he got 2 pair on turn so that maybe kept him in the hand)
Great video, if you happen to answer my questions thanks in advance, and keep up the good work
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Wow that JJ fold at 28:00. Villain's tight but pretty aggressive style could mean he has sets of 9s and 3s in his range too that you beat that would bet for value on the river. He also has a bunch of missed straight draws with a heart like 9Th or something like that. Aren't you worried about being too exploitable by folding top set there?
No, I'm not worried about being exploited because villain is a rec. They tend not to semi bluff aggressively and also tend to become rather passive with their semi-nutty hands (i.e. sets) when a draw comes in. I don't expect him to use this sizing with a set.
How about check with set and see villain's action on the river at 11:35? flush and straight are in his range, so he may fold with worse than set and call/raise with better hand. ofc villain can call with king but low percentage, which means still not worth to bet otr
I think he almost always bets 5x OTT without a pair. I also think most of his 5x + pair doesn't raise flop. He might occasionally have flushes, but I don't think he'll have the frequently enough for betting to not be better. I do think I should have bet smaller though.
Hi, I saw in the previous part that you use much bigger sizings than me. Do you think that SQ for 5x is more profitable than somewhere around 4.25x-4.5x with AA, KK? I know that we try to make as big pot preflop as we can with those hands, but we also scare off opponents with weaker hands that we want to play against, such as AQof, 99-JJ. What do you think?
Much love :)
It's fine to 3bet bigger, like you mentioned (and from what I understand, this is the current meta at higher stakes), but you have to be consistent. You can't 3bet bigger with just premiums and smaller with marginal holdings. This will make you extremely exploitable.
Hi can you please me explain what range we can call in this spot and the reason why we're calling...
At 11.10
Which table?
Calling because we're getting a good enough price as well as a likely multiway spot with a rec. We would be calling something like 44 or 55+ and a bunch of suited hands. We'd be folding most of our off-suit broadways.
Table 1
Audio is a little tilting--tough to understand a lot of what you said
Hmm.. just checked briefly and you're right, it's not the best. I'm not sure why that is. I might've just been talking a little quieter, but I used the same mic as always. Sorry about that though! Feel free to leave timestamps if you need translations haha.
6:07, A4cc, why do you choose to go for a C/C line vs a C/R line?
I don't have any huge preference with this combo. If you think a rec is stabbing too wide here, I'd be happy to just always x/r.
at 8:20 Paul Atwal you are folding KQo in first talbe top left ( blade #3) to UTG open +CO call, is the logic behaind it that CO flat range and utg opening range overall have better AQ AK/ and suited hands similar to yours but obviously having suited .
If it was only Co u would flat/sometimes 3bet ( if suited 3bet )?
Next hand 34min:09sec bottom left AKo on delaer vs HJ( he open 6x but i think sometimes thats a miss click or the nuts obviously) , u decide to flat with 3bet pfr only this session, do you aways have such a low 3bet pfr?
So my question is , given the fact that u have very tight image, and they perhaps have similar stats + being in position and dead money in pot isn't it better to 3bet quite often here like 8/10 and flat twice, or i'm far off?
Also HJ appears to have high pfr/vp stats ,s o perhaps u wanted to flat and get 2-3 streets value from weaker A & K offsuit ?
I would flat if there is fish active fish in the blinds i can get value from as well.
Also i think 3bet fold isn't that bad if this was indeed a miss click /on hes part, also we may call and lose way more chips post flop with rainbow K high board?if he does indeed have the nuts AA/KK even tho we block that.
For what is worth i think he miss click /whale and the way you play it result oriented was the best, just wanted to ask few quesiton as how i would have think about it and played it.
Obviously if i 3bet pre and get x2 folds i would be making far less money then u did in this hand (tho he got 2 pair on turn so that maybe kept him in the hand)
Great video, if you happen to answer my questions thanks in advance, and keep up the good work
At 28:51, fold AJo DBvsCO 2.5x open? Thanks.
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