I would say anything below say 28 is firmly in the team-no-bluff camp. ~35 seems to be the average for strong small-stakes+ villains. 40+ is very high and villain is almost certainly over-bluffing and/or value-betting too thin.
- U bet small, about 33% potsize, but by doing that, you give villain the correct odds to call with hands like 77.
Is that a good idea? Why not ½ potsize? Is it because you didnt know if he was a fish at that time, or?
This is a function of board texture (super dry, lockdown board), SPR (can easily play for stacks by going 33% / 50% / 60% in a squeezed pot) as well as increasing the EV of my bluffs such as KQo.
I don't mind if he calls flop with 77 because it does very poorly vs my value-range and it also suffers from terrible visibility (I'm not going to allow him to SD 77 UI and win), ideally making his flop peel -EV.
Great video as always. In this vid you wanted to focus more on explo plays vs fish and general weaker population. I had sort of mixed feelings with two hands where i thought you made have levelled yourself maybe a little bit and where you got 'pseudo' exploited by the not deep thinking recreational players.
33.50: (T1) TT sb vs bb - You opted to bet small on T (protection and thin value) and very small on R (th value). After he raises you it's a clear fold vs any decent reg on this level. But also vs a fish? A fish would bet his Ax on the F so what can he have on the R? Fishes are not familiar with the concept thin value so he very likely might think you are weak because of F x and small bets on T and R and raise with ATC? (They prob call with all broadways on sm T bet to see R)
36.25: (T3) call 77 bu vs mp. I understand your reasons to raise the F. But after this 'goofy move' and the T x/x i think his bluffing range is largely expanded wtith hands like KQ-KJs-KTs-QJs-TJs (already 32 combo's) etc (hands he could call the smallish raise with due to the akwardness of your play). Value AA-88 -44 - A8s (40 combo's). given the odds i think you should at minimum consider a call.
Looking forward to your next video's altough i would enjoy it even more if you would review a live session from someone at 100NL z or something. As i understood that you re not planning to make a vid of yoursel playing normal stakes :).
TT: I think I'm OK with my line here, although perhaps sizing down OTT/OTR would be better to further widen his calling range. Generally speaking I expect the average recreational player to be loose/passive and oftentimes trappy, so I tend to respect their aggression in the absence of reads. I also don't see what he XB/C/R with as a bluff.
77: You're right, I should've at least considered a call. At the time I think I was thinking that I block quite a few of his floats (and potential river bluffs) with 77xd, potentially weighting his range more towards value. I wouldn't hate a call here.
TJcc hand where you lead K turn overbet riv @23:30mins: you say you would bet set combo's smaller and overbet your bluffs and flush combo's. why not just overbet only your bluffs for more FE and bet smaller with flushes + sets ? its seems illogical to me to try and balance your overbet range with flushes and at the same time use exploitative sizing with some other part of your value range (assuming villain has no flushes here)?
Exploitatively this seems totally reasonable and might be the highest EV strategy assuming villains/population never adjust. Definitely a nice OB spot with bluffs when villain's range is pretty much capped at AK.
16:30 table 2. Folding 54s on btn vs a fish co minraise looks pretty tight? It is pretty bad at making good pairs and a decent chunk of the playability relies on bluffing/semibluffing which probably isn't a great plan vs a looser fish but I would've thought it's still playable
21:00 table1 AA. Would you cbet AcAx on this flop? ie is this flop wet enough for you to be worried about having some strong overpairs in your flop checking range?
21:00 table3 AKo. Do you think it would ~ever be reasonable to 4b AKo here and fold to a 5bet? It's a pretty good bluff candidate with the blockers but is it too strong to bluff because if villain is so strong that you can't flat it then villain probably isn't folding much to the 4bet either so it would be call>fold>4bet usually? I'm aware that my desire to 4bet rather than flat is probably a symptom of not wanting to play oop postflop :P
27:50 table3 Q8. You xr turn vs a delayed cbet and said that his range is very one pair heavy. Would you in his spot as pfr be worried about ppl taking the line you took or would you bet/fold turn with pretty much any Ax as default standard reg?
54s: Calling almost certainly > folding but it's still going to be marginal as we're well behind his opening range.
AA: I think I would cb most OP combos here, perhaps checking some TTxc as well as a bunch of 9x. Villain probably enjoys a slight equity advantage range v range here but this board is fairly neutral as we'll have all set combos as well as JJ+. As such, I don't think we need to start checking a lot of OP's or be worried about having perfectly unexploitable checking ranges, especially not at these stakes.
Great video. One question, I thought PokerStars made new rules regarding HUDs and Note Caddy making a lot of the advanced features you use against TOC? Im looking for more clarification on this but info is hard to find. I would hate to have my account banned for using a certain HUD, but like I said can't really find info. Thanks!
28:00 Q8. What about bluffing spades OTR too? I get we prefer having a spade blocker but I think most 50nl regs blindly bet all spades on flop. Also why are the 7 and 9 good bluffing cards?
How did you learn when and when not to cbet bluff? I'm definately cbetting a lot more than you and to be honest I don't know why you choose to check in almost every spot that I would elect to cbet . I feel like definitely my cbetting strategy is my weakest link and it's fundamental that it's on point because you have to making a cbet decision every hand. My current strategy doesn't take ranges or dynamics into consideration and basically just cbetting dry boards for 55% of pot and checking boards with any two face cards, which brings my cbet flop % up to 55-60%. My excuse for this poor strategy is that I believe at the stakes I'm playing 5nlz/10nlz people are over folding to cbets and with my hand equity I can cbet a lot of textures in almost any spot and show a profit. And I find it's not as important to be thinking in terms of ranges and dynamics at these stakes.
For example @ 12.18, you elect to check fold rather than cbetting and I would like to know why. Let's say someone is defending around this much http://i.imgur.com/LTPwonX.png (I have no idea what an average range here would look like though) and villain is basically continuing with any made hand and floating with 35% of his combos of no made hands which is 65 combos of floats/bluffs (again another estimation I have no idea about, but seems reasonable since it's BvB). If this was correct to assume he's folding 35% of the time a 1/2 pot bet on the flop you should be instant profiting. You're king should be a live out a lot of the time as well.
Another spot at 9 minutes you cbet for 35% of the pot but I don't know why.
It'd would be cool if you made a video that discussed cbetting spots and you talked about ranges, dynamics and sizing. This might not interest nor be useful for more experienced players though. I also haven't come across any videos on this topic on the web.
Hello Cameron, Love your videos. I find it challenging after years of playing only tournaments and sngs to grasp some of the cash game strategies. I had two questions hoping you can help me with.
40:15 You open AcTh on the BU, BB calls. on Tc3s6s you decide to try to go for 3 streets. Why is it that you say he doesn't connect well with the Qh turn. Are you planning to bet fold this card? And, on the Js river are you planning to check/call or check fold?
Another separate from previous question.
66 in the CO(180bbs) facing a raise from MP(100bbs) no fish behind why fold or check raise? Also at what frequency would you check raise this hand here?
Also how would you play 55 and tt and jj in this spot?
Sorry one more question:
49:05 Why flat KT to utg open in the BB? Pretty sure I seen you fold in this same spot in previous vids
thanks a lot looking forward to hearing your response.
Cameron Couch i understand that you use a radom number generator to be hard to read your game but.. i dont really get that why you dont see the hud stats!? like fold to 3b and fold to cbet 3b pots etc... for exemple in the 9Ts hand 11:00 if the vilian as 4b allot i dont go to 3b T9s even the random generator says too because i prefer flat vs that players than play a 4b pot out positon if i call.. why regs are over using that instedd of exploit ppl with hud? i fell this videos its like ABC solid play and you guys dont really give value information.. for exemple people almost all stakes over fold to delay turns cbets "just saying" but you can bet almost 80% delay turn cb and still have profit another thing that i dont understand is why allot regs include you maybe have like 40% delay turn cbet when the sucess of that its 60% in almost all stakes.. that information you guys dont give of course :)
The thought process throughout each hand is fascinating. Now it makes more sense while watching. But can never think like that during my sessions. Thanks for the VOD!
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Love the exploitable adjustment theme as compared to the GTO style of ex. Sauce. I feel like it is more useful to lower stakes players as myself!
Lots of interesting insights and you explain yourself very well. Thanks for a very good video!
Good as always , can you explain thing about river bet ? like 20-30 no bluffs and 35-40 higher thin value and bluffs ?
Also question(standard and maybe a bit stupid) how you work on your game?
I would say anything below say 28 is firmly in the team-no-bluff camp. ~35 seems to be the average for strong small-stakes+ villains. 40+ is very high and villain is almost certainly over-bluffing and/or value-betting too thin.
Good video, Cameron.
- U bet small, about 33% potsize, but by doing that, you give villain the correct odds to call with hands like 77.
Is that a good idea? Why not ½ potsize? Is it because you didnt know if he was a fish at that time, or?
This is a function of board texture (super dry, lockdown board), SPR (can easily play for stacks by going 33% / 50% / 60% in a squeezed pot) as well as increasing the EV of my bluffs such as KQo.
I don't mind if he calls flop with 77 because it does very poorly vs my value-range and it also suffers from terrible visibility (I'm not going to allow him to SD 77 UI and win), ideally making his flop peel -EV.
Really high quality video. I'm happy you've started using a HUD now.
@48:28 when you bet turn here, what is your plan versus a c/r?
Most likely folding. Populations range will be too nutted to call here.
Great video as always. In this vid you wanted to focus more on explo plays vs fish and general weaker population. I had sort of mixed feelings with two hands where i thought you made have levelled yourself maybe a little bit and where you got 'pseudo' exploited by the not deep thinking recreational players.
33.50: (T1) TT sb vs bb - You opted to bet small on T (protection and thin value) and very small on R (th value). After he raises you it's a clear fold vs any decent reg on this level. But also vs a fish? A fish would bet his Ax on the F so what can he have on the R? Fishes are not familiar with the concept thin value so he very likely might think you are weak because of F x and small bets on T and R and raise with ATC? (They prob call with all broadways on sm T bet to see R)
36.25: (T3) call 77 bu vs mp. I understand your reasons to raise the F. But after this 'goofy move' and the T x/x i think his bluffing range is largely expanded wtith hands like KQ-KJs-KTs-QJs-TJs (already 32 combo's) etc (hands he could call the smallish raise with due to the akwardness of your play). Value AA-88 -44 - A8s (40 combo's). given the odds i think you should at minimum consider a call.
Looking forward to your next video's altough i would enjoy it even more if you would review a live session from someone at 100NL z or something. As i understood that you re not planning to make a vid of yoursel playing normal stakes :).
I appreciate the feedback.
TT: I think I'm OK with my line here, although perhaps sizing down OTT/OTR would be better to further widen his calling range. Generally speaking I expect the average recreational player to be loose/passive and oftentimes trappy, so I tend to respect their aggression in the absence of reads. I also don't see what he XB/C/R with as a bluff.
77: You're right, I should've at least considered a call. At the time I think I was thinking that I block quite a few of his floats (and potential river bluffs) with 77xd, potentially weighting his range more towards value. I wouldn't hate a call here.
Have you explained the breakdown of your HUD setup somewhere? Thanks.
Main HUD:
RFI by position
cb/tcb/rcb/riverbet/overall XR
fcbF/fcbT/fcbR/foldCBvsraise/overall XF
Orange island: Positional cold-calls
Blue island: (top to bottom) WTSD, WWSF, W@SD
TJcc hand where you lead K turn overbet riv @23:30mins: you say you would bet set combo's smaller and overbet your bluffs and flush combo's. why not just overbet only your bluffs for more FE and bet smaller with flushes + sets ? its seems illogical to me to try and balance your overbet range with flushes and at the same time use exploitative sizing with some other part of your value range (assuming villain has no flushes here)?
Exploitatively this seems totally reasonable and might be the highest EV strategy assuming villains/population never adjust. Definitely a nice OB spot with bluffs when villain's range is pretty much capped at AK.
16:30 table 2. Folding 54s on btn vs a fish co minraise looks pretty tight? It is pretty bad at making good pairs and a decent chunk of the playability relies on bluffing/semibluffing which probably isn't a great plan vs a looser fish but I would've thought it's still playable
21:00 table1 AA. Would you cbet AcAx on this flop? ie is this flop wet enough for you to be worried about having some strong overpairs in your flop checking range?
21:00 table3 AKo. Do you think it would ~ever be reasonable to 4b AKo here and fold to a 5bet? It's a pretty good bluff candidate with the blockers but is it too strong to bluff because if villain is so strong that you can't flat it then villain probably isn't folding much to the 4bet either so it would be call>fold>4bet usually? I'm aware that my desire to 4bet rather than flat is probably a symptom of not wanting to play oop postflop :P
27:50 table3 Q8. You xr turn vs a delayed cbet and said that his range is very one pair heavy. Would you in his spot as pfr be worried about ppl taking the line you took or would you bet/fold turn with pretty much any Ax as default standard reg?
54s: Calling almost certainly > folding but it's still going to be marginal as we're well behind his opening range.
AA: I think I would cb most OP combos here, perhaps checking some TTxc as well as a bunch of 9x. Villain probably enjoys a slight equity advantage range v range here but this board is fairly neutral as we'll have all set combos as well as JJ+. As such, I don't think we need to start checking a lot of OP's or be worried about having perfectly unexploitable checking ranges, especially not at these stakes.
Hi Cameron, nice play ;) Where did you get RNG with numbers?
Hey man, thanks. It's built into SH. Go HUDs -> formula -> (0#100)
99 you raise at flop on 8TQss board
if he call flop, what is your plan at turn and river?
Great video. One question, I thought PokerStars made new rules regarding HUDs and Note Caddy making a lot of the advanced features you use against TOC? Im looking for more clarification on this but info is hard to find. I would hate to have my account banned for using a certain HUD, but like I said can't really find info. Thanks!
38:52 Is folding 44 BTNvCO ur std play? What about 55-66?
Awesome video, enjoyed watching how easy poker looks to you. I would like moar vids like this.
We want MORE.
28:00 Q8. What about bluffing spades OTR too? I get we prefer having a spade blocker but I think most 50nl regs blindly bet all spades on flop. Also why are the 7 and 9 good bluffing cards?
How did you learn when and when not to cbet bluff? I'm definately cbetting a lot more than you and to be honest I don't know why you choose to check in almost every spot that I would elect to cbet . I feel like definitely my cbetting strategy is my weakest link and it's fundamental that it's on point because you have to making a cbet decision every hand. My current strategy doesn't take ranges or dynamics into consideration and basically just cbetting dry boards for 55% of pot and checking boards with any two face cards, which brings my cbet flop % up to 55-60%. My excuse for this poor strategy is that I believe at the stakes I'm playing 5nlz/10nlz people are over folding to cbets and with my hand equity I can cbet a lot of textures in almost any spot and show a profit. And I find it's not as important to be thinking in terms of ranges and dynamics at these stakes.
For example @ 12.18, you elect to check fold rather than cbetting and I would like to know why. Let's say someone is defending around this much http://i.imgur.com/LTPwonX.png (I have no idea what an average range here would look like though) and villain is basically continuing with any made hand and floating with 35% of his combos of no made hands which is 65 combos of floats/bluffs (again another estimation I have no idea about, but seems reasonable since it's BvB). If this was correct to assume he's folding 35% of the time a 1/2 pot bet on the flop you should be instant profiting. You're king should be a live out a lot of the time as well.
Another spot at 9 minutes you cbet for 35% of the pot but I don't know why.
It'd would be cool if you made a video that discussed cbetting spots and you talked about ranges, dynamics and sizing. This might not interest nor be useful for more experienced players though. I also haven't come across any videos on this topic on the web.
Hello Cameron, Love your videos. I find it challenging after years of playing only tournaments and sngs to grasp some of the cash game strategies. I had two questions hoping you can help me with.
40:15 You open AcTh on the BU, BB calls. on Tc3s6s you decide to try to go for 3 streets. Why is it that you say he doesn't connect well with the Qh turn. Are you planning to bet fold this card? And, on the Js river are you planning to check/call or check fold?
Another separate from previous question.
66 in the CO(180bbs) facing a raise from MP(100bbs) no fish behind why fold or check raise? Also at what frequency would you check raise this hand here?
Also how would you play 55 and tt and jj in this spot?
Sorry one more question:
49:05 Why flat KT to utg open in the BB? Pretty sure I seen you fold in this same spot in previous vids
thanks a lot looking forward to hearing your response.
Cameron Couch i understand that you use a radom number generator to be hard to read your game but.. i dont really get that why you dont see the hud stats!? like fold to 3b and fold to cbet 3b pots etc... for exemple in the 9Ts hand 11:00 if the vilian as 4b allot i dont go to 3b T9s even the random generator says too because i prefer flat vs that players than play a 4b pot out positon if i call.. why regs are over using that instedd of exploit ppl with hud? i fell this videos its like ABC solid play and you guys dont really give value information.. for exemple people almost all stakes over fold to delay turns cbets "just saying" but you can bet almost 80% delay turn cb and still have profit another thing that i dont understand is why allot regs include you maybe have like 40% delay turn cbet when the sucess of that its 60% in almost all stakes.. that information you guys dont give of course :)
46:00, if u think he has 9x so often, why don't you jam?
Hey Cameron,
enjoyed your video!
Could you please explain why you decided to 3bet A5s (30:36, bot left) instead of just calling?
The thought process throughout each hand is fascinating. Now it makes more sense while watching. But can never think like that during my sessions. Thanks for the VOD!
God I love your videos.
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