$0.25/$0.50 Live Zoom Session- Identifying Player Types

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$0.25/$0.50 Live Zoom Session- Identifying Player Types

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$0.25/$0.50 Live Zoom Session- Identifying Player Types

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POSTED Jan 11, 2017

In his debut video for Run It Once, Iain focuses on exploitative adjustments based on his assumptions of different player types.


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sesh_bot 8 years, 2 months ago

Hi, I enjoyed the video and there were definitely some spots I found interesting!

Something I've been thinking about a bit and came up over the course of the video, (I'm someone who mostly plays regular tables as opposed to zoom so may be slightly different): how much do you attribute to hands that you're not involved in - specifically when it involves a fun and not so fun player. For instance if the reg shows up with a slightly unusually played or face-up hand will you be taking notes? Or think its better to continue on the premise that he/she is also adapting?

In essence - will it affect your reads one way or another when involved in a similar pot with them? Or do you think tagging and making notes on a player based predominantly on how they've play against you is a safer way to proceed?


Salternator 8 years, 2 months ago

Hey sesh_bot.

Given the size of the player pool at micro stakes I don't make many very specific notes on players on how they played one or two hands vs a fun player or regular. Instead I try to observe general tendencies of players both from HUD stats and my hands vs them then give them a label. I will also make more general notes on the player focussing on whether they are aggresive or not postflop as this is what helps the most with decision making.

oriszefezs 8 years, 2 months ago

19:10 AdAc isolation bu vs utg limp on a board of Kd9d9h 7d. You advocate a check to induce a bluff from gutshots on the river. The problem is that he won't always bluff, but he will always call with a diamond and he has one diamond 33% of the time when he has QJ QT JT.
I think you can have 3 streets of value here against a weaker opponent from KQ KJ KT so I would

definitely bet this turn. He can also call with a pair+diamond which could fold on the river otherwise.
Betting would be bad if opponent would turn hands into bluff or would semibluff with a diamond but I don't think it's too likely given that he limped preflop.

Salternator 8 years, 2 months ago

Hi. I see the logic in both lines and i think its close. I think that given my assumption that rec's won't check raise bluff this spot OTT I actually like the second barrel too. Against a villain that is capable of check raising a range of flushes and GS+D here OTT I think I prefer the checkback.

Finnisher 8 years, 2 months ago

16:00 on table 2 with KQs. Do you have much interest in what villain's hand is here? He looks kinda tight so wouldn't expect him to be 3betting many Tx or sets but that doesn't mean that he's bluffing on turn or will fold overpairs to a jam, or xf river. Would you bluff river? Missed fd's are your only natural bluffs on the river afaict?

e: Obv you care about what he has but I mean more like trying to "put him on a hand/range" type thing?

Salternator 8 years, 2 months ago

Hi, vs a tight player like this I expect to see a mostly linear 3betting range of the top X% of hands and limited bluffs. Because of this we want to continue against aggression with hands that have the ability to make the relative nuts - such as flush and straight draws, and fold more hands like 66, 77 which have limited ability to improve vs our opponents QQ+ heavy value range.

SHEDPOKER 8 years, 1 month ago

You mention at some point that a villain has a 4% call in MP vs UTG open, is this stat available in PT4, or do i need to get an add on?

Also at 40:10 , what is the logic behind xc flop/ ? Instinctively c betting here myself and barreling no heart runout, this maybe too much though

Salternator 8 years, 1 month ago

Hey, the CC stats are available on HM2 ... not sure about PT4 sorry! When we open 28% ish from the CO and the BTN flats us with a condensed 10%ish range we are going to be at a range disadvantage on boards like 89Xhh so we need to start off by doing alot of checking to reflect that it is a good board for the IP range

Rafael Fernandez 8 years, 1 month ago

Great video. Just a couple of questions, the first one is how often should we defend hands as AQo - AJo in SB against an UTG raise because i mostly 3bet/fold the AQo and just fold AJo.
The second question is about the hand you cbet 30% in board T83 (all spades) after 3beting KK preflop and you don't have the Ks. Is not better to cbet bigger as 65% or 70% to protect our hand or just check back to pot control, in my opinion 30% cbet in flush boards has not too much sense.
Hope to get some answer and again really enjoy the video and how you explain about hero ranges against different kinds of villain ranges (accordin their profile).

Salternator 8 years, 1 month ago

Hey I also fold AJo and with AQo it depend if there is a weaker player in the BB I generally call. I always want to play pots with weaker players if possible. With the KK hand it is a situation where I can make alot of hands with no spade fold on the flop. Smaller sizing allows me to bet wider and cap my range as little as possible OOP. The issue with a larger bet is you are going to mainly isolate against stronger hands but with the smaller size we can still get calls from alot of smaller pairs.

G G 8 years, 1 month ago

16:00 KQs. When the top card T pairs on turn, would u continue betting if u are in villain's shoes with over pairs or bluffs? Seems T is better for a 3bet caller's range. If villain does not acknowledge that by checking, does it say that villain is more skewed towards over pairs that do not plan on folding? Then KQs is likely drawing only to flush outs, still a call on turn? Thx.

Salternator 8 years, 1 month ago

Hi, I would continue betting with hands like KK/QQ no spade that are very strong but require protection as well as some bluffs that block our opponents Tx combos. I think I can get away with this because i 3B a decent amount of Tx preflop in this spot. I don't think villain should be betting this card very often at all having such a tight 3B range preflop leads me to believe villain is unlikely to have many , if any, Tx here OTT. With such a nut advantage favouring IP this should lead to a high checking frequency. If I could assume that villain only had overpairs then yes this is a fold on the turn but the reality is weaker regulars at these limits will continue with their flop bluffs due to mostly being unaware of the significance of a T turn card. I think those bluffs can often include the lower SCs which we are well ahead of.

dhruvsehgal 8 years, 1 month ago

Hey Iain! The content was amazing, and I learned a lot throughout the session. I am really looking forward to your next set of videos! I had a few questions for you when you have the time:

  1. Just wondering if you could explain the idea of the linear range mentioned at 6:55?

  2. At 9:18 when you say that having diamonds blocks our opponents check fold range can you explain what exactly that means? I'm still confused on this point.

  3. Lastly, I had a more general question about what you think the best video or resource is available that helps students of poker to more effectively utilize their HUD stats? I know the basics of it, and use it frequently, but not sure on some of the more nuanced ways pros utilize those stats when making decisions. Any recommendations here would be super helpful (or even a video series covering it!)

One of my favorite part of the video was the point you made 12 minutes in on changing the way you play based on your opponents at the microstakes. It would be great to have video or series in the future which focuses on the biggest beginner/intermediate leaks of microstakes player (with specific examples of those mistakes), I think it would be really helpful given your knowledge on the subject. Thanks once again!

Salternator 8 years, 1 month ago

1) A linear range of 5% would be the top 5% of hands. It just means we do not 3bet strong hands for value and weaker semi bluff hands, instead we just 3B the top of our range for value.

2) By having a Qd and Td here it means our opponent cannot have these cards. Our opponent will often check-fold a missed flush draw on the river so by having our hand we make it more likely out opponent has a hand like Ax. So this hand is bad for bluffing and we should choose a hand withought diamonds in it.

3) In terms of using HUD stats I learnt from years of experience rather than any learning tools however I try to discuss and provide insight in the vids!

Re the player mistakes at micros, thats what i am trying to highlight with this video series so watch out for my future videos!


smallkindb 8 years, 1 month ago

Hey, great vid thx!
Was quite suprised about 30:15-31:00 AQ hand that you mentioned he should raise with Th9h. I think vs such a big sizing he doesnt really have any other options, just call.

Salternator 8 years, 1 month ago

Hey, given that the weaker player was in the hand it is obviously a clear flop call. I didn't really explain it in the video but essentially we should do alot of checking there against the BTN range on the flop and when we do bet into such a strong range we would normally expect to get raised fairly often however with the recreational player in the pot the regular should expect our range to be very strong for betting this size.

smallkindb 8 years, 1 month ago

31:08 bluff with 8high...why so big sizing? esp. when you mentioned all the hands that would fold vs much smaller sizing.

Salternator 8 years, 1 month ago

Hi, we made it 0.89$ and the minimum we can bet is $0.50. I honestly think some fish will call a 0.50$ with some J high and T high just to "see what you have" so I'm trying to ensure folds from those as well as 8/9high.

deddycool 8 years, 1 month ago

14:25 QQ I think bit a weak play against a fishy player. You said they have a wide call range, specially wider on BB, this donk there may be much random hands, for me its easy r/broke on flop against 40bb weak player

obviously this is only an estimate of his range, but i think +ev and better than call twice and fold on many rivers.

board: 6s9dTc

CO 54.02% 53.30% 0.72% { QdQs }
BB 45.98% 45.25% 0.72% { 99, 66, ATs, KTs, QTs+, JTs, T7s+, 96s+, 87s, ATo, KTo, QTo, JTo, T9o, 87o }

Salternator 8 years, 1 month ago

Hey, I can get on board with a raise and get it in on the flop if I had more stats on the player to know they are donking alot or being generally v aggressive postflop. Withought reads I think calling down here is fine given that potsized donkbets from recs are overly weighted towards value. I dont think you can assume all of those Tx offsuit combos are in their range as most recs tend to be passive except when they have the nuts.

kommaherdu 8 years ago

Hi, What do the numbers above the flop mean ie. D93,xx ? I understand the X/C but not these numbers ;) TY

Salternator 8 years ago

Hi, I think its some kind of Starshelper feature reminding you of the actions in the hand but i'm not entirely sure what it represents and I don't use it for decision making.

Radi038 7 years, 11 months ago

In the top bar of the tables you have that H button which you turn on. Is that a addon or standard PS feature? I dont have it at my tables (PS EU)

Muten 7 years, 11 months ago

It's the button to allow shortcuts. I think it doesn't show if you don't have shortcuts assigned. Settings > Gameplay > Hotkeys

Salternator 7 years, 10 months ago

Muten is correct this is to turn pokerstars hotkeys on and off. I toggle it off if i need to right click to "find player". Hope this helps!

botessi 7 years, 10 months ago

Hey, one of the best videos of RIO! How do you know if a reg is a good or a bad reg, since we don't have a profit graph of cash game players (like sharkscope for mtt players)?

Salternator 7 years, 10 months ago

Hey - I mark players based on what kind of plays I see them do postflop. If I see something that shows a clear misunderstanding of a situation I can mark them

3betfloat 7 years, 10 months ago

Hi Iain,

Regarding initial labelling, are you solely giving the potential fun and potential reg on the basis of how many tables they are playing, stack sizes and stars VIP level?

Also could you give me details of your hud settings/what I should be including for zoom


BBvsSB 7 years, 6 months ago

Hello! I found your video very interesting and I think I'm going to watch it again. At the beginning of the video you talk about a randomizer. Can you say something about it? Is there some kind of studies/exercises to be ready in game and decide the proper frequencies?

imfar 7 years ago

1. 11:23 left table, AJo - you talk about range adventage because reg BU flats with 10% and we open with 28%, but the thing is that BU won't have premiums in his calling range. They might even 3Bet AQ pre-flop. So on this board there isn't that much of a range adventage on reg BUs site, right?

From my ranges:
Board: Ah4hQs
Equity Win Tie
CO 47.65% 46.67% 0.97% { 22+, A2s+, K9s+, Q9s+, J8s+, T8s+, 97s+, 86s+, 75s+, 65s, A9o+, KTo+, QTo+, J9o+, T9o }
BU 52.35% 51.38% 0.97% { TT-22, AQs-AJs, KJs+, QJs, JTs, T9s, AQo-AJo, KQo }

  1. 13:31 left table A8s, is it a standard fold vs cBet here?

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