Zoom PLO200 deep
Posted by nwb123
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Mid Stakes
Zoom PLO200 deep
Blinds: $1.00/$2.00 (6 Players)
BN: $200.00
SB: $485.84 (Hero)
BB: $200.00
UTG: $439.15
MP: $722.69
CO: $251.18
SB: $485.84 (Hero)
BB: $200.00
UTG: $439.15
MP: $722.69
CO: $251.18
Hero is SB with
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I don't call this from SB, I guess I was autopiloting here.
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I usually lead flop here. Trying to have a bit more c/r overall lately. Should probably pick better spots, but let's not go into too much details here.
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I have a small sample on villain - stats are 30/19/5.4 with 3.9 AF. His range is fd heavy and I am afraid giving a free card and letting him catch up. However, if we bet, we let him turn his hand into a (semi)bluff and we have hard time as we are deep. Question would be- do you check/call here and if you decide to bet, like I did, how do you continue with the hand?
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Multiway with dry str8 no redraws deep in PLO you do not want to build big pots OOP, rather, do not want to build big pots IP and OOP with hands that have no redraws.
You will often be faced with next street play where OOP you will have many difficult decisions.
If you want to put in reraise, turn is a much better spot for such, and that is also problematic if you are OOP deep, unless you are skilled player.
It is good for your range that you have some check call hands as well that can call down on brick run outs . Dry straights are good for that, because you need to pot control with them and you protect other parts of your range that would check call .
To add to Aleks' comments, when we have a vulnerable hand deep OOP, we need to be cautious when protecting our hand. It may happen that we need to be more concerned about protecting our stack. Because it can get costly protecting vulnerable hands (as a dry straight is in PLO) by committing a lot of chips in a pot that started small.
I would check-call this flop and take it from there. I don't mind leading either, but it will be hard to play three streets OOP with the lead. It will be pretty obvious what we have, and we don't have any redraw.
About half the deck leaves us without the nuts on the turn, and I don't see this as a great money-making opportunity. But our hand works well for winning showdowns in small and moderate pots. Against aggressive/spewy players we can also win some big pots, but we need to be cautious so we don't build big pots with bad equity or poor visibility on future streets.
If we give a free card and get sucked out on, oh well, those are the breaks when playing raggedy hands deep and OOP. :-)
id always call this from the sb?
too loose?
i dont see how we can make the call after our bet against a 30-19 player on the turn.
We were supposed to check/call flop, then turn bet would not be big :-)
When flop is check raiseded, half the deck is possibly bad on future streets, and that is what happened on turn when bet was reraised. That is consequence of previous street mistake, and what is happening on turn is snowballing small flop mistake into a potentially big one.
Check calling hand in single raised pot is not expensive, and by the river you can simply fold at some point or call down rather cheaply with fairly strong bluff catcher, compared to spot you got yourself with play of the hand way you did it.
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