Zoom 50, extracting value #4 (superwrap edition)

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Zoom 50, extracting value #4 (superwrap edition)

BN: $65.92 (Hero)
SB: $42.98
BB: $41.31
UTG: $43.63
HJ: $369.99
CO: $372.30
Preflop ($0.75) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt T Q 9 K
UTG raises to $1.75, HJ folds, CO folds, Hero calls $1.75, SB calls $1.50, BB folds
Flop ($5.75) J A 7 (3 Players)
SB bets $2.50, UTG raises to $12.99

Both UTG and SB are weaker players, which was my reason not to 3bet preflop. UTG was on the loose aggro side, but no further reads by this time.

We flop the superwrap with all outs to the nuts and 2 bdfd, and get action. I guess it's clear that I'm not folding my hand, the question how to get the most money in best, considering that SB is still in the hand and showed interest on the pot. I believe shoving might scare him away and we gii against UTG who is likely to have a set given the action against which we have 40% Equity, which would be a profitable stackoff given the deadmoney in the pot.

I believe calling is advantageous in that we can trap the SB in with some 2pair hands or weaker draws as well as us folding to boardpairing cards on the turn saving us a bunch of money here. We still can call off pretty much every turn (especially with having 2 bdfd) that doesn't pair the board, and it's unlikely that UTG is going to fold a set, even if a straightening card hits.

Input and opinions as always appreciated!


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holdnuts 10 years, 11 months ago

I like 3bet pf,too strong to call.

I like flop raise according villin's no big bet size,cos it seems he is weak,and we want to build a bigger pot  ip.But I like raising size smaller,like 3x.


Tom Coldwell 10 years, 11 months ago
I'm confused. Which part of UTG (basically) potting SBs lead looks weak to you guys? I'm not saying we don't have FE, but given the max raise he could have made is $13.25, I wouldn't say his sizing is indicative of weakness. Are you assuming Hero made the raise UTG made or do you think the $12.99 looks weak?

JimmyGlass 10 years, 11 months ago

I don't mind calling pre if utg is tight, its not super good hand vs 4bet. otf could go any way except folding. if there is any chance utg could raise top2 -fold here - shoving is best

Tom Coldwell 10 years, 11 months ago

If UTG is loose, I would 3-bet. Actually, unless UTG is pretty tight I would usually 3-bet. However, a bad player in the blind who you want to encourage to stick around is a decent enough reason to flat.

On the flop, jam if you have fold equity. Call if you don't. The value of the fold equity is substantial enough that I'd put my money in to gain it, but otherwise we might as well call to fold the board pairs/encourage multi-way action.

EdgeKing 10 years, 11 months ago

I 3bet around 9-10% overall and this hand is certainly in my 3bettingrange, however since UTG was a weaker player who wasn't opening that wide over my sample and SB was a really bad player I decided to rather go into the hand with a bigger SPR to make either player make more mistakes postflop, which they are likely going to make given their tendencies shown so far. 

With decent blinds or different assumptions I definitely am 3betting this hand most of the time, from my experience it doesn't play too badly in a SRP either.

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