Writing Preflop Macros' in Odds Oracle
Posted by IbexTiller
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Low Stakes
Writing Preflop Macros' in Odds Oracle
I am starting to construct a database and the first part of it involves writing pre-flop macro's.
I was wondering at what %age opening range does writing a macro become important i.e. 60% pretty much gobbles up most hand types V will be opening but just writing 2% weights V range to mainly AA and a few KK combo's which will obviously affect post flop ranges drastically.
Hope someone can help :)
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For opening ranges I used x%:6h and just added some rundowns. How many, i.e. suitedness and number of gaps, depends on how tight the opening range is. You could manually add some double pairs, too.
When creating 3betting ranges I would add all hands manually and not use the "x%:6h" expression.
what does the 6h denote?
Hand rankings are different for different number of players, 6h means to use the six max rankings.
I would say it becomes very important for 3betting ranges as well, and maybe also for tight openingranges like UTG, and SB/BB, but truth be told, I'm not so sure how much PPT/Oracles ranges varies from those I deem "10%". Thus maybe its less important for opening-ranges, but as I said, I don't really have a good grasp on how much they vary.
For 3betting ranges it would matter for sure though.
KdKh8d3c is ranged in the 9-percentile, but not a hand I would 3bet alot myself, and not a hand I would expect other regulars to 3bet that much either.
Why do you guys say it matters more for 3-betting ranges?
The exact ranges will matter more as ranges get tighter, I think that's pretty obvious. And players certainly pick their x% ranges differently from the top PPT x% ranges. And a UTG 10% range may certainly be different than a 10% BN 3-bet range.
For practical purposes in terms of flop equity, I haven't found that it makes a huge difference. The difference it makes is on the order of 2-3% and most low/mid stakes players aren't able to nail the range vs range equities that precisely anyway. And anyone who consistently gets equity decisions right within 2-3% can probably find other parts of their game where improvement has a bigger impact.
My guess would be that it actually makes more of a difference once you get to the turn and river decisions. That's where small differences in preflop ranges can start having a big impact. But that either requires a single raised pot, or a 3-bet pot with deep starting stacks. Otherwise there isn't that much interesting turn and river play. Does that make sense?
The reason I began to ask was because I used 2% range for 3b as an example and found that on AK2r V range is ~99% sets. I wrote my own tight 3b range which accounted for ~1.84% of hands and the results were vastly different. Sets only accounted for a third of V range on AK2r meaning, for example, having tp 2 pair on a board like this will drastically affect what equity we have and how we should proceed.
I'm not too concerned about writing macro's for different actions. I think a 10% opening range will look similiar enough to a 10% 3b range for it not to affect post flop equities too much.
Yes, with ranges as tight as that it's going to matter quite a lot what hands V. chooses. AA+KK is 5% of all hands, so if he 3-bets tighter than that and doesn't have a set on that board -- well, then you want to pay attention to his showdowns.
Every time I see something unusual in a showdown I make a player note about it. Not only in 3-bet pots, but also if I see them flatting AA and KK hands for example. After a while you get an idea of their range, and don't really need to be guessing.
OK so to counteract the bias towards paired hands I have started using $np and then adding them myself afterwards. This has saved me a whole lot of time. Thanks :)
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