WP or...?
Posted by CustomSuited
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Low Stakes
WP or...?
Villian is playing 54/39 3-4 handed and is lag reg who is stealing the button about 77% of the time. He cbets about 67% of the time and is barrelling turns about 78% of the time. No particular sizing reads on this board texture. Given that we block the nuts and that his range includes probably all made hands and combo draws, we have to jam this turn for value/protection right? FWIW I don't think the flop can be played differently because villian wouldn't spazz out against a flop c/r on this texture vs me.
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You have a good value hand, but not the nut one tho you re blocking the nuts, but yet i dont like to turn value hands into bluffs, no need, you will get enough value by just playing it, yet your hand can run into better here and there making checkraise turn can turn against you here and there when yu re doing it with nonnut hands, and is ok to do it here and there as a bluff, but im not fond of idea to do it with hand that has showdown value and additional redraw
Is just me, not sure how other ppl play such hands
Interesting to discuss tho :) nice post
Wp.. you have blockers to the nuts and he could have A2xx with a nut flush draw so I think it's WP!
I think c/r flop (planning to barrel turn and river) > c/c. who else? I think we get into some tough spots with the more passive line against a lag here!
I think the c/r is fine. I'm a bit worried that he actually might have a hand though. Even the worst lags don't usually pot-pot with just air in this spot. That said, it's totally possible that he does this with a set or that he picked up clubs on the turn. Or he could have the nut straight, but whatever he has you have either value or decent outs, so I think getting it in is the play.
It's a situation where you have a reasonably strong hand on the turn, villain might have whatever, and your oop with uncertain hand value on the river. That's often a good time to c/r turn.
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