Where to begin in constructing a range in PLO (?)

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Where to begin in constructing a range in PLO (?)

As a beginner I'm finding this to be quite the grey area in PLO.

I'm not confident in my opening ranges and feel that I need to nail this so I can eventually start to add more tables. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to solve PLO (just yet) I just want to construct a mental range for opening from each position and 3 betting ip and oop vs x player type. The later of which I do very little of which is a big leak as far as I see it. I don't want to be writing out charts like im some SnG robot but, more clarification and some kind of reference would not go a miss.

I've not been able to find much material specific to this and feel going forward I need to overcome this lack of knowledge should I want to be confident grindding more volume per session. Currently I think I'll spew in more spots than I'm comfortable with, with-in a faster playing enviroment.

What say you ROI minions?


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Haru 11 years, 2 months ago

It is very hard to write down preflop range when studying PLO and your question is quite broad if you want to talk about 3bet/4bet. Too many things to cover. IMO it is very helpful to watch PLO videos to learn preflop.

TopPair2Pair 11 years, 2 months ago

A lot of people will say starting hands in PLO are not THAT important and this is probably because no one actually knows the correct order of hand rankings in PLO. A player might think they are playing the top 14% of hands but they could in fact be playing a range of 14% distributed over a real ranking range of 0-42%, depending on their method of hand selection. This is a topic that i utterly love and hope to carry forward into 5 & 6 card PLO one day when i have the free time.  I can sit away for days tinkering with "starting" baseline boundary ranges.

I  like to think of these PLO Ranges (or PLORANGES as I like to refer to them) as the Bones and Skin of your hole cards. Bones = Hand form, Skin = Suited texture. The Bones of your hand are the core value of your hole cards, whereas the skin (or suitedness) is the protection that can be offered to the hand form, for instance, the worse the hand form the more Skin it needs!! 

When I think of PLO ranges; I like to think of Tetris and the way everything should slot together like a Rubiks Cube but it never quite does!!! But then those four little blocks do move around like PLO holecards quite well if you think about it hard enough!!  Which is exactly what imo makes this such a great topic!!!! 

You could for instance break the bones of a PLO range down like this:- 

Parallels or Verticles = Double Pairs, Singe Pairs, Trips, Quads

Runs or Horizontals = 4Rundown, 3Rundown, Connectors

Runs(Gappers) = TopGapper, 2TopGapper, MidGapper, 2MidGapper, 3MidGapper, BotGapper, 2BotGapper, 3BotGapper

Runs(ComboGappers) = DualTopGapper, DualBotGapper, TriGapper



I'll stop there with that, but a good start for you would be to work out which hand subsections form part of the top X% ranked by PPT.  

So say if you wanted to know how many suited Ace runs from "T98 and down" were within the top 10% you would go something like 10%:(Ax*x*y*:[T98-]). Then you could break the original range down further with other hand forms until you can build 100% with your subsections of the original range. This will give you a good understanding of the composition of the original range as well as easily being able to grasp what % pairs or Axx or Runs are within the original range.  

But beware there will be alot of overlap with your subsections so doing somthing like this makes you think hard about everything and is very time consuming unless you program for fun.  

unbuwoha 11 years, 2 months ago

There is a way to make a preflop chart that worked for me. You need the Pro version of Propokertools Odds Oracle. I show you a snapshot first.

In the Range Explorer's "Rankings" tab of PPTOO you can enter a specific hand. Let's say KQ65. Looking at the 6-handed iterative ranking you see a best rank (B) of 11 and a worst rank (W) of 61. The average ranking is useless in this case. To further split up the hand you need to save some macros (Tools->Saved Ranges/Macros). For example "ssk" means single suited to the king which is ":(Kxxyz,Kxxxy)!(Axx)" and is entered "KQ65$ssk". You will see that Kxxyz has a rank of 25 (B) and Kxxxy a rank of 35 (W).

ds - double suited, ssq - ss to the Queen, sssi - ss to the six, mo - monotone, rb - rainbow

I split all the hands into three categories: Rundowns (A high, K high (where KQ65 falls into), ..., 6 high, 5432); Pair+ (AAxx, KKxx, ..., 22AK - 2243); DoublePairs

I managed to put all hands on 4 pages printed on both sides. It is a couple of days to work through every hand, but it helped me to recognize what benefits or weakens a starting hand. Having all hands written down in PPT syntax, one can use the Spreadsheet Processor tool of PPT to run the equity of all hands vs variuos opening/3betting ranges at once.

About opening ranges. You can choose a % of hands you want to open a position with and add some hands with good playability in the vicinity of that %. Adding some medium/low ds rundowns might not hurt. But be careful with the single suited ones in early positions when multiway pots are likely. Their flushdraws are usually dominated and your 2P+ hands will be often dominated ones like bottom 2P, undertrips/trips no kicker, underfull and of course bottom quads :-)

Geo 11 years, 2 months ago

Wow thank you so much for taking the time to write this up people, awesome info! It's going to take me a while to study but it's a move in the right direction. Again, I really appriciate it!

TopPair2Pair 11 years, 2 months ago

Gl fella, just shout if you ever need any help with anything.  

Interesting post Unbuwoha, I am behind where your at in terms of building PPT macros for my hand forms, I kinda did something similar to you but i took those hand rankings and built a data table in Excel which auto calcs the hands and groups/sorts them by my categories with a true/false return.  And then used that info to build a chart based on my bones/skin approach. it can be seen on 2+2 if anyone is interested... at one point i wanted to automate it to give me dynamic PPT ranges but i cant see the value in that now. Maybe if i ever go full time i will do it. 

+1 to the PPT range explorer. its an amazing tool for breaking down ranges. 

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