weird 3way flopspot in 3bet pot
Posted by EdgeKing
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weird 3way flopspot in 3bet pot
BU 65/28 but hasnt squeezed so far, also didnt 3bet much
CO 24/10/6,5
SPR vs BU is <1,5 on flop
we flop 2nd nut gutter + 2bdfd + low backdoorstraights, not quite sure if we wanna openjam this or check hope that CO checks and go with it against BU and c/f if CO shoves and BU comes over the top... wasn't so lost like I am in this spot for a while
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a) a rather borderline open UTG, although not too important
b) x/f OTF to a pot, consider peeling once for a smallish betsize. Not sure why would you consider openjamming here as CO/BT ranges smash this flop hard enough for us always to be an underdog, have virtually no FE and often drawing very slim. Check and hope for the best
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