Weak pair+wrap in 3bet pot OOP

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Weak pair+wrap in 3bet pot OOP

BN: k3rsakov: $44.24
SB: tzein8: $50
BB: FastidiA89: $95.53
UTG: s@nk83: $112.06
HJ: dondraper85: $53.32
CO: Ph33roX: $50
This is a zoom hand. No reads on BTN.
Preflop ($0.75) (6 Players)
Ph33roX was dealt 7 5 9 8
s@nk83 folds, dondraper85 folds, Ph33roX raises to $1.50, k3rsakov raises to $5.25, tzein8 folds, FastidiA89 calls $4.75, Ph33roX calls $3.75
Not fistpumping to go with this hand to a 3 way flop, but I think it's decent enough.
Flop ($16.00) 6 Q 8 (3 Players)
FastidiA89 checks, Ph33roX checks, k3rsakov bets $11.25, FastidiA89 folds
We are heads up with the preflop raiser now. This is not a flop i expect him to cbet light into 2 people. We do have a pair and a wrap, but we have the wrong suits. check/calling feels kind of ugly, given how often we improve just to a mediocre hand or don't improve at all. And when check/raising I believe we'll often find ourselves dominated by AAss or QT9/QJT type hands with spades. So there's a pretty decent category of hands that have us crushed.

How do you guys play here?


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DMSJ 11 years ago

Well you still have 12 not flush completing straight outs + Id consider an eight as an out often enough too. Sadly half of those straight outs are not to the nuts but if we hit we are likely to get it in OTT vs overpair+FD type of hands, so I would probably call OTF. Folding is your second option being close, and raising is out of the question imo.

Zergwentape 11 years ago

Call OTF and call OTT when u have at least 35% equity

ohgodwhy 11 years ago
Do you expect him to barrel sth like a 9 that often when two very obvious str8 draws hit? That's the problem with being OOP. It's already a very borderline call if we're trying to hit non flush outs. And even then he might take freecards a lot and reoutdraw us which decreases our equity even more.
What about just leading improving cards like that when he's unlikely to barrel and for balance also lead it with sth like a missed bare NFD? I think cards like these improve our range way more than his, that's why he should check it back a lot.

Haru 11 years ago

Do we have any other options but call? too strong to fold. too weak to gii imo.

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